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45 Cards in this Set

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Heat transfer that occurs in a liquid or gas. It moves in a circular motion when warm air rises, then cools down, and sink.


Heat transfer that occurs in solid matter, through touch.


What is happening in the atmosphere right now.


A pattern of weather that occurs over many years.

Greenhouse Gas:

Help trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, which helps keep our temperatures mild day & night.

Global Warming:

Th increase in Earth's average temperatures.

Carbon Dioxide, Methane:

These gases have the greatest impact on Earth's temperatures.

High Pressure system:

-strong, dense air

-air drops down

-brings cool temperatures, clear skies

Low Pressure system:

-weak, light air

-air rises up

-brings warm temperatures, clouds/rain

How does water and land heat and cool differently?

-Water heats/cools slowly

-Land heats/cools quickly

How would living near water affect your temperatures in Spring & Fall?

Spring- it would take longer to warm up

Fall- it would take longer to cool down

Warm Air particles:

-Far apart

-Less dense air particles

-Faster moving air particles

-Can hold more moisture

Cold Air particles:

-Closer together

-More dense air particles

-Slower moving air particles

-Holds less moisture

How does sweating cool you down?

When sweat evaporates, it removes heat from your body, which cools you down.

How does humidity make you feel hotter?

High humidity means that there is less room in the air for you sweat to evaporate, which keeps you from cooling down, which traps more heat.

How do clouds form?

Warm air rises, cools, and condenses to form clouds.

What 3 things do you need for a cloud to form?


-Dust or dirt particles (for moisture to form around)

-Cool temperatures

What type of clouds can produce heavy thunderstorms?


What type of front is formed when cold air forces warm air up?

Cold Front

What type of weather does a Cold Front produce?

-Short, but heavy storms (ex. Thunderstorms)

-Colder temperatures afterwards

What type of front is formed when warm air settles over cold air?

Warm Front

What type of weather does a Warm Front produce?

-Longer, steady rain

-Warmer temperatures afterwards

What does a Cold Front look like on a weather map?

A line with triangles on it

What does a Warm Front look like on a weather map?

A line with circles on it

What type of Front is formed when warm air and cold air meet but neither moves?

Stationary Front (A line with a triangle, next space is a circle underneath, next space in a triangle over, so on)

What type of Front is formed when warm and cold air is mixed together?

Occluded Front (A line with the pattern of triangle, circle, triangle, circle etc on the same side)

Which direction do Fronts move in?

The direction they are pointing in

What causes wind?

Because water and land heat differently, this creates different temperatures. This creates different air pressures. Then warm air rises, and cold air spreads out to fill the space left by the rising warm air.

How does wind move?

Wind moves from High Pressure to Low Pressure.

What causes tornadoes?

When extremely different air temperatures come together and the differences in wind speed create rotating winds, which creates a funnel.

Where do tornadoes typically develop?

"Tornado Alley" (the American Mid-West)

How do Hurricanes form?

Warm water evaporates over warm oceans, which combine with wind, and as more evaporation occurs, more water vapor mixes in with more winds, which create larger storm clouds, and the Earth's rotation cause Hurricanes to spin.

Where do hurricanes form?

Over warm, tropical oceans


measures Wind Speed


measures Humidity, uses a dry and wet bulb


measures air pressure

Wind Vane:

measures the direction wind comes from

What do triangles mean on a weather map?

A cold front (A cold front moves in the direction the triangles are pointing)

What do circles mean on a weather map?

A warm front (A warm front moves in the direction the triangles are facing)

Sea Breeze:

During a warm day, the land warms the air above it. Air above the ocean does not warm up as quickly as the air above land.

Land Breeze:

During the evening, the land cools more quickly than the ocean. Air above the ocean is warmer than above the land.

How does a cold front form and what weather does it bring?

It forms when a cold air mass pushes under a warm air mass, forcing the warm air to rise. Thunderheads can form as the moisture in the warm air mass rises cools, and condenses. As the front moves through, cool, fair weather is likely to follow.

How does a warm front form and what weather does it bring?

Forms when a moist, warm air mass slides up and over a cold air mass.As the warm air mass rises, it condenses into a broad area of clouds. A warm front brings gentle rain or light snow, followed by warmer, milder weather.

How does a stationary front form and what weather does it bring?

Forms when warm and cold air meet and neither air mass has the force to move the other. They remain stationary, or standing still.Where the warm and cold air meet, clouds and fog form, and it may rain or snow. Can bring many days of clouds and precipitation.

How does a occluded front form and what weather does it bring?

Forms when a warm air mass gets caught between two cold air masses. The warm air mass rises as the cool air masses push and meet in the middle.The temperature drops as the warm air mass is occluded, or "cut off" from the ground and pushed upwards. Can bring strong winds and heavy precipitation.