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84 Cards in this Set

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Colle's Fracture
Fractured wrist; occures @ lower end of radius when a person tries to stop a fall by landing on his/her hands.
Spiral Fracture
Occurs when bone has twisted apart such as in a sports injury.
A drug interaction that occurs when the effect of one drug increasesd by another drug, or treatment.
The rumbling noise caused by movement of gas in the intestine.
Excess body/facial hair on women in a male pattern.
Alopecia Areata
Autoimmune disorder that attacks hair follicles, causing well defined bald areas; often begins in childhood.
Itch mite; infection which causes sm. itchy bumps/blisters due to mites that burrow into top layer of skin.
Lice; infestation occures in three types: Capitus (head), Corpris (body), pubis (pubic)
Progressive degenerative disease of the liver often caused by excessive alcohol consumption or Hep. B or C.
Inflammation of the liver; 5 types A,B,C,D, & E
Acne Vugaris
Acne; Chronic inflammitory disease characterized by pustular eruptions of the skin caused by over production of sebum.
Actinic Keratosis
Precancerous skin growth that occurs sun-damaged skin; red, scaly patch that feels like sand paper.
Disorder in wich eyes point in different directions or not aligned properly.
Condition which eye does not focus properly because of uneven curvature of the cornea.
Genital Warts
Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) Highly contageous.
Chlamydia Trachomatis; most common STD, highly contageous, requires antibiotics.
Diabetes Insipidus
Insufficient production of the antidiuretic hormone or by inability of kidneys to respond appropriately
Diabetes Mellitus
Group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both.
Necrotizing Faciitis
severe infection caused by Group A strep bacteria.
Localized weak spot; balloon-like enlargement of the wall of an artery.
Foreign object; such as a blood clot, qty of air or gas, or bit of tissue circulating in the blood.
Inflammation of the meninges of the brain & spinal cord; caused by bacterial infection or viral infection and can sometimes be fatal.
Malignant tumor involving the upper shaft of long bones, pelvis, or knee.
Inflammation of the gall bladder, usually associated w/ gall stones that block the flow of bile.
Surgical puncture of the joint space to removal of synovial fluid for analysis to determine cause of pain in joint.
Injury to joint, usually involving stretching or torn ligament.
Injury to the body of the muscle or to the attachment of a tendon associated in overuse.
Placenta Privia
Abnormal implantation of the placenta in the lower portion of the uterus.
Pregnancy induced hypertension; Toxemia; complication of pregnancy characterized by hypertension, edema, and proteinuria.
Collapse of part or all of a lung by blockage of the air passages or by shallow breathing.
Collection of pus within a cavity
Addison's Disease
When adrenal glands don't produce enough cortisol and aldosterone; characterized by chronic, worsening fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, and weight loss.
Cushing's Disease
Hypercortisolism; caused by prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol; "Moon-faced"
Grave's Disease
Auto immune disorder caused by hyperthyroidism; characterized by goiter and exophthalmus.
Port Wine Stain
Large reddish-purple discoloration of the face or neck that will not resolve without treatment.
Strawberry Hemangioma
Soft, raised, dark-reddish-purple birthmark; benign tumor made up of newly formed blood vessels; often resolve by the age of 5 without treatment.
Macular Degeneration
Gradually progressive condition which the macula at the center of the retina is damaged, resulting in the loss of central vision, but NOT total blindness.
Dimness of vision or partial loss of sight, especially in one eye, without detectable disease.
Reye's Syndrome
Potentially serious or fatal disorder in children that is characterized by vomiting & confusion; usually follows a viral illness in which child was treated with aspirin.
Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral neuritis; produces pain, loss of sensation, and inability to control muscles in arms and legs.
Condition of abnormal & excessive sensitivity to touch, pain, or other sensory stimuli.
Abnormal passage, usually between 2 organs, or leading from an organ to the surface of the body; due to surgery, injury, or the draining of an abscess.
Groove or crack-like sore of the skin; also describes normal folds in the contours of the brain.
Positron Emission Tomography
(PET) combines tomography with radionuclide tracers to produce enhanced images of selected body organs
Carpal Tunnel
Narrow, boney passage under carpal ligament 1/4" below inner surface of wrist;the condition is the result of over use of said area and becomes inflamed/swollen.
Infectious Myringitis
A contageous inflammation that causes painful blisters on the eardrum; associated with middle ear infection.
Salpinitis; inflammation of the eustachian tube.
A sensory perception experianced in the abscence of an external stimulation.
A false personal belief despite obvious proof or evidence to the contrary; the belief is not one ordinarily accepted by others.
Ischemic Stroke
Occurs when the flow of blood from the brain is blocked by maybe, the narrowing of carotid artery, or by cerebral thrombosis; Most common stroke in the elderly.
Spasmatic Torticullis
Wryneck; stiff neck due to spasmodic contraction of the neck muscles that pull the head toward the affected side.
Removal of dirt, foreign objects, damaged tissue, & cellular debris from a wound to prevent infection & promote healing.
Fallen bladder; a hernia of the bladder through the vaginal wall.
Vesicovaginal Fistula
An abnormal opening between the bladder & vagina that allows the constant flow of urine from the bladder to the vagina.
Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Preleukemia; a group of bone marrow disorders that are characterized by the insufficient production of 1 or more types of blood cells due to dysfunction of the bone marrow.
Pia Mater
3rd layer of meninges; located nearest to the brain & spinal cord; consists of delicate connective tissue that contains a rich supply of blood vessels
Dura Mater
Thick, tough outermost membrane of the meninges.
Precutaneous Nephrolithostomy
Surgical procedure to remove stones from the kidney by a small puncture through skin.
Basal Carcinoma
Malignant tumor of the basal layer of the skin;most common, least harmful, slow growing, & rarely spreads; occurs mainly on the face and neck and bleeds easily.
Squamous Carcinoma
Malignant tumor of the scaly squamous cells in skin; can quickly spread to other body systems; skin lesions will not heal & have crusted look.
Orthostatic Hypotension
Postural hypotension; low blood pressure occurring upon standing up.
Nearsightedness; A defect in which light rays focus in front of the retina; common around puberty.
Farsightedness; A defect in which light rays focus beyond the retina; occurring in childhood, but causes difficulty after the age of 40.
Abnormal sound heard during auscultaion of an artery; these sounds are usually due to partially blocked or narrowed, or diseased artery.
Wheezing; Abnormal sound heard while listening to the chest during inspiration, expiration, or both.
Ectopic Pregnancy
Extrauterine pregnancy; A potentially dangerous condition in which a fertilized egg is implanted & begins to develop outside of the uterus.
The normal termination of menstrual function.
The transition phase between regular periods and no periods at all.
Listening to sounds within the body and usually performed with a stethoscope
Any congenital deformity of the foot involving the talus.
Vasectomy reversal
Lupus Erthmatosus
Lupus; An autoimmune disorder characterized by a red, scaly rash on the face and upper trunk.
Hiccups; Myoclonus of the diaphragm causing the "hiccup" sound with each spasm.
Torn or jagged wound or accidental cut wound.
A pathological change of tissues due to disease or injury.
Producing or containing pus.
Heartburn; Discomfort due to regurgitation of stomach acid upward into esophagus.
Lyme's Disease
Caused by the spirochete "Borrelia Burgdorferi", it is transferred to humans by the bite of an infected deer tick.
Loss of transparency of the lens that causes a progressive loss of visual clarity.
Group of diseases characterized by increased intraocular pressure that causes damage to the retinal nerve and optic nerve
Permanent tightening of fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments or skin elastic-like tissues are replaced with non-elastic fibrous tissues.
A band of fibrous tissue that holds structures together abnormally; forms in muscles or internal organs as a result of injury or surgery.
A knot of varicose veins in one side of the scrotum.
Esophageal Varicies
Enlarged/swollen veins at the lower end of the esophagus; severe bleeding occures if one of these veins ruptures.