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38 Cards in this Set

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What is inclusion body myositis? x4
oddball: i)men ii)distal muscles iii)no autoIgs iv)low elevated CK
What is inclusion body myositis? x4
oddball: i)men ii)distal muscles iii)no autoIgs iv)low elevated CK
What are 3 ass'd findings in both poly and dermato?
i)arthralgias ii)interstitial lung dz (rare) iii)CHF and conduction defects (rare)
What is tx for Ankylosing spondy? x4
i)NSAID for sympto relief ii)PT iii)SX for severe spinal deformity iv)strictly immobilize if neck or back pain and have trauma until image it
What is Ig for MCTD? What are clinical findings?
i)Anti-U1 RNP Igs ii)overlap syndrome for SLE, RA, SS, polymyositis. Can have pulm dz, raynaud, eso dysfcn, etc
What are 7 conditions where ANAs are elevated?
i)SLE ii)RA iii)Scleroderma iv)Sjogrens v)MCTD vi)polymyositis and dermatomyositis vii)drug induced lupus
What is life threatening complication of RA? If pt w/RA and needs sx, what should be done? Why?
i)Instability of cervical spine (C1-2 subluxation) ii)spine radiograph b/c neurologic injury possible during intubation
How long does polymyalgia rheumatica last for? What are clinical features x3? what is tx?
i)self limited in 1-2 yrs (diff from RA). ii)a)constitutional sxs b)hip and shoulder stiffness that is b/l; morning stiffness c)jt swelling in knees, wrists, hands possible. iii)Elevated ESR. iv)treat w/steroids to suppress inflammation till dz resolves
What is Reactive arthritis pattern of arthritis? Wen does it occur? What are the organisms? x4
i)assymetric oligoarthritis of lower extremities that progresses sequentially from one jt to another, preceded by infectious process that is remote from site of arthritis (1-4 wks prior), usually after enteric or urogenital infections. ii)shigella, campy, chlam, salmon, NOT gonococcal urethritis
Which joints are affected in psoriatic arthritis? What is initial tx?
i)upper ext ii)NSAIDs, may need same drugs as RA
What are Ro and La + in? x5
i)complement deficiency (C2/C4) ii)Sjogren's iii)SLE iv)ANA neg lupus v)neonatal lupus
What is used for symptomatic tx in RA? x2
i)NSAID: best for pain ii)steroids: if nsaid no good; low dose long term may be Dz modifying (decr radiographic progression)
What is Felty's syndrome?
variant of RA: anemia, splenomegaly, RA; also thrombocytopenia, lymphadenopathy; high titers of RF w/extraarticular dz
What are the symptoms of lupus?
constitutional sxs and SOAPBRAIN MD: Serositis; Oral ulcers; Arthritis; Photosensitivity; Blood (hemolytic anemia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia); Renal: GN or nephrotic; ANA; Immuno d/o: Anti-Sm, Ro-La, DsDNA, APLS; Neuro; Malar rash; Discoid rash
What are clinical features of fibromyalgia? x3
i)stiffness, body aches, fatigue aggravated by weather changes, stress, sleep deprivation ii)sleep patterns fucked and unrefreshing iii)depression and anxiety common
What are 4 poor prognostic indicators in RA?
i)High RF titers ii)subQ nodules (ass'd w/high RF) iii)erosive arthritis iv)autoIgs to RF
What is diff b/w PAN and weg? what systems does PAN hit x2. What are its assn's? x3 What is the WBC type that is responsible?
i)no pulm involvement in PAN. ii)a)nervous system and GI tract iii)a)Hep B, HIV, drug rxns iv)PMN invade all layers and fibrinoid necrosis+intimal proliferation leads to reduced luminal area. v)PMN
What are the lab tests for Lupus? x9
i)ANA ii)Anti-Sm iii)Anti-dsDNA iv)Anti ssDNA v)Anti-histone (drug induced) vi)VDRL+ vii)Lupus anticoag and APLS viii)Anti-Ro and La ix)complement levels are decreased
What is APLS? What are the findings x5? What are labs? x3 What is treat?
i)hypercoag state that can be ass'd w/SLE or other collagen vasc dz. ii)a)livedo b)venous thrombus c)arterial thrombus d)abortions e)thrombocytopenia iii)a)lupus anticoag b)anticardiolipin Ig c)prolonged PTT/PT not corrected w/added normal plasma iv)long term anti-coag
What is CRP elevated in? x3 What is it used for? If >15, what does it mean?
i)a)inflamm states and infection b)misc conditions: MI, vasculitis, trauma, malig, panc ii)For infection: more sens and sp than ESR iii)>15=bacterial infection probably present
How to DX Weg's? what confirms dx?
i)cxr w/nodules or infiltrates ii)labs: incr ESR; anemia; hematuria; pos c-ANCA, possible thrombocytopenia iii)open lung bx
What is Takayasu's vessel involvement? How to DX? What triad do you think of for Takayasu's?
i)aortic arch and its major branches: get narrowed vessels. ii)arteriogram iii)a)decr/absent peripheral pulse b)discrepancies of BP (arm vs leg) c)arterial bruits.
What are serology is found in ANA neg lupus (x2)? What are the symptoms? x3 What does it cause incr risk for?
i)a)Ro+ (SS-A) b)ANA-neg. ii)a)arthritis b)cutaneous lupus c)raynaud's. iii)neonatal lupus in infants
What is the diagnostic criteria of polymyositis?
all four means definite, 3 is probable.i)symmetric prox muscle weakness ii)elevated CK iii)EMG findings of myopathy iv)biopsy evidence of myositis
What causes the pathologic changes in muscle for poly vs dermatomyositis?
i)dermato: humoral immune mech ii)poly and inclusion body: cell mediated process
What other arteries can be involved w/temporal arteritis? What is it ass'd w/incr risk of? x2
i)aorta or carotids ii)a)aortic dissection b)aortic aneurysm
What is Sjogrens caused by? What is primary Sjogren's? What is secondary? What do pts have incr risk of getting? What is most common cause of death?
i)lymphocytes infiltrate and destroy lacrimal and salivary glands. ii)primary: dry eyes and dry mouth only iii)2/2: 1/1 + CT dz (RA, SS, SLE, polymyositis). iv)NHL v)malignancy is most common cause
What is dx criteria for fibromyalgia? x2 How to treat x3?
i)tender points at 11/18 places ii)widespread pain including axial pain for 3 mths. iii)a)stay active and productive b)SSRI and TCAs, no narcotics c)CBT, exercise, psych eval
What is 1st line in RA and what are 3 s/e?; what is alternate 1st lines (x2) and what do you need to do?
i)MTX: a)GI upset; oral ulcers; BM suppression ii)a)hydroxychloroquine: eye exams b/c can get retinopathy iii)sulfasalazine
What is ESR seen in? x4 Wat is the use of it? x2
i)a)infection (acute or chronic) b)malig c)rheumatologic dz ii)a)dx or r/o inflam process and monitor course of inflamm process
What is most common cause of death in Lupus? x2
OI and renal failure
What are features unique to dermatomyositis? x5
i)heliotrope rash (butterfly) ii)Gottron's papules: papular, erythematous, scaly lesions over knuckles. iii)V sign: rash on face, chest iv)shawl sign: rash on shoulders, upper back, elbows. v)periungual erythema w/telangiectasias
What drugs should you avoid in gout? x2
i)ASA: makes gout worse ii)acetaminophen (no anti-inflamm)
What is pseudogout? What does deposition increase w/? x2 What are 3 dz's that incr crystal deposition?
i)Ca-PP crystals in jt cause inflammation ii)a)age b)OA iii)a)hemochromatosis b)HPTH c)hypothyroidism.
What is tx for Sjogren's? For 2/2?
i)pilocarpine: incr secretions ii)eye drops iii)NSAIDs/steroids for joints iv)therapy for CT dz
What are the 4 parts to the pathophysiology of SLE?
i)autoantibodies ii)complement activation iii)deposition of immune complexes iv)accompanying tissue destruction/vasculitis
What dz manifestations are not seen in drug induced lupus? x5 What are 3 agents causing it? What are lab findings in drug induced and what isn't present? x2
i)a)CNS dz b)renal dz c)no butterfly rash d)alopecia e)ulcers ii)a)hydralazine b)procainamide c)INH iii)anti-histone Igs present but no anti-dsDNA or Anti-Sm Ab
How to DX reactive arthritis? What is TX? x2
i)synovial fluid analysis (r/o infection or crystals) ii)a)NSAIDs are 1st line b)immunosuppressive: sulfasalazine, azathioprine. NO ABX!