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122 Cards in this Set

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The numerator of 20/100 represents...
actual test distance
The denominator of 20/100 represents...
the distance at which a patient with normal vision can identify the same letter
A testing distance of 20ft is equal to...
optical infinity
Order of visual testing if the patient cannot see the snellen chart...
If vision improves with use of the pinhole
a refractive error may be present
If vision doesn't improve with use of pinhole
ocular pathology may be present
Visual Tests to use with small children
Allen Cards
Landholt Rings
E Game
Swinging flashlight test checks for
afferent pupillary defect/marcus gunn pupil.
Always test pupils before.....
4 steps for pupillary evaluation
-Measurement of pupil size in dim illumination
-Speed of constriction when a bright light is directed in to the eyes
-Pupillary response to near fixation
-The swinging light test to quantify direct and consensual reaction
Normal pupillary response to direct light...
constriction of pupil on that side
When light is directed into one eye while the second eye is observed
Consensual light reflex, constriction of unilluminated eye when the other eye is directly illuminated
blue eyed, young children, who are myopic often have ____ pupils
larger pupils
Infants and elderly people have ______ pupils
small pupils
Causes of abnormal pupillary shape
Congenital abnormalities
inflammation of iris
trauma to eye
surgical intervention
Anisocoria is
unequal pupils
In room light, normal adult pupil is ____ mm
3-5 mm
Accommodative triad
the eyes converge
the pupils constrict
the crystalline lens increases its curvature and thickness which creates additional plus power
If the pupil dilates when light is shown into it the patient may have ...
Afferent pupillary defect
Adie's tonic pupil
Pupil is dilated and responds very slowly to light stimulation but better to near stimulation
Horner's Syndrome
miosis, ptosis, anhidrosis
Argyll robertson pupil
irregular pupil in shape
nonreactive to direct & consensual light
sign of late syphillis
Average protrustion of the eye ____ mm
Purpose of exophthalmometer
evaluates the protrusion of the eye by measuring the distance between the anterior surface of the cornea and the bony margin of the orbit
abnormal protrusion of the eye
backwards displacement of the eye into the orbit
Graves' Disease
exophthalmos & thyroid eye disease
Mirrors in the Hertel exopthalmometer are set at
45 degrees
Schirmer's Test measures...
the sum of basal and reflex tearing in 5 min.
Schirmer's Test 2 measures...
only the basal secretion (anesthetic instilled)
Phenol Thread test
eye tested individually to assess tear production
Photosensitive pigment of cones
blue, green, red
Photosensitive pigment of rods
deep green
have normal color vision
Number of rods
130 million
Number of Cones
6 million
Human eye can see colors in the electromagnetic spectrum between
380- 760 nm
Anamalous trichomat
partial deficiency of one of the cone pigments
complete deficiency of one pigment but perceives the other two
Most common pigment deficiency (8 - 10% males)
Anamalous Trichomat "red/green color blindness"
Red deficient
green deficient
blue deficient
Congenital color defects are often in ____ eye(s)
both eyes
Aquired color defects are often in _____ eye(s)
one eye
Farnsworth Munsel 100 hue test has ______ caps of verious colos in _______ trays
85 caps
4 trays
In general aquired diseases of the optic nerve cause a ____________ color deficiency
red/green color dificiency
In general ___________ is very rarely congenital
Blue/yellow color dificiency
Ishihara test plates detect Blue/yellow deficiencies. T/F?
False, red/green
Two types of slit/lamp
Zeiss/Haag streit
Attachments to Slit lamp
Hruby 55D
Fundus contact lens
Applanation Tonometer
Lenses that can be used to observe the fundus
Primary goal of the slit lamp
Evaluate AC depth
Dark band 1/3 width corneal thickness
deep chamber/wide angle
Thin dark band less than .25 of the corneal light band
shallow chamber/narrow angle
The term used for misalignment of the eyes
A constant eye turn
The purpose of the motility exam is:
To determine how one eye moves in relation to the other
True or False?
Straight ahead, or straight up and down are considered a cardinal position of gaze.
False, not a cardinal position
How many lights will a patient see with the worth 4 dot if they are orthophoric
The key to performing any type of peripheral vision exam.
Have the patient maintain fixation
A color vision test that utilizes one fixed and 15 moveable, multicolored caps
Farnsworth D-15
Appearance of normal D-15
Connected circle
The most common method of sterilization
Required before any surgical procedure
Informed consent
Most common form of Injectable anesthetic
Name the procedure: clamp, scalpel, forceps, curette, and fine scissors
Chalazion excison
Surgical gowns, instrument tray, and drapes are examples of?
Sterile operating field
Most important step of the slit lamp exam
Patient comfort
Another name for the slit lamp
What area of the iris should be observed when estimating AC depth with a penlight
Nasal iris
Will shorten the life of the Slit lamp bulb
Using the highest voltage setting
The ocular structure damaged by increased IOP
Optic nerve
The test positions for checking the calibration of the Goldmann tonometer
0,20, and 60 mmHg
Wide mires in applanation tonometry will result in:
False high readings
Patients IOP reading when the drum is on 2
20 mmHG
Applanation means
To flatten
Schoitz may give inaccurate reading in children and high myopes due to
scleral elasticity
Tip of the goldmann tonometer is ________ mm in diameter
3.06 mm
If the cornea has > 3 D of cylinder then the...
biprism is rotated so that the red line on the prism holder is aligned with the minus cylinder axis
Normal IOP
10-21 mmHG
CCT of less that 555 microns will give artificially ____ readings on AT
low readings
Due to Diurnal variation IOP is usually _____ in the mornings
IOP is usually Higher in the mornings
Normal eyes vary by
Applanation tonometry measures
corneas rigidity to pressure
three factors that affect IOP
refractive error
Cover/Uncover test can also reveal the presence of
During cover/uncover test a patient w/ phoria, the response of the eye covered is to...
remain straight
Cover test is performed by
covering one eye and observing the movement of the "uncovered eye"
Cover/Uncover test reveals
Concomitant Deviations
amt of deviation is the same in all positions of gaze (initially childhood problems)
Incomitant deviations
amt of deviation varies in different positions of gaze
HIV can be killed by
alcohol wipe
3% hydrogen peroxide
solution of 1:10 household bleach
Cleaning of the phoropter must be done every ____ yrs
2 years
Storing the retinoscope on its side will result in a
c shaped distortion due to a bent filament
Clean the bowl of the bowl perimeter with
soap and water
Calibration of the Keratometer is done with
steel spheres of known radius
Answering each telephone call at the office requires
100% compliance
Day(s) that have the greatest number of calls
Mondays and Fridays
Urgent Problems are...
same day appointments
Emergent Problems are...
patients that need to be seen asap
Semi-Urgent (Priority) problems are...
patients that should be seen within days of their initial complaint
Routine problems are
make a routine appt
Vicryl sutures are
Silk, Nylon, Polypropolene sutures are
Taper point needle
use for delicate tissue
Cutting point needle
largely replaced by reverse cutting point
Reverse Cutting point needle
used for resistant tissue
Spatula point needle
used in the cornea and sclera where penetration must be precise
resemble tweezers
Skin can never be ___
free from living organisms after completion of a mechanical or chemical sterilization process
If a sterile item touches a non sterile item it is
Gas sterilization is mostly used in
commercial sterilization
Light reflex is seen on the temporal iris in the right eye
Light reflex is seen on the temporal iris in the left eye
Light reflex is seen on the nasal iris in the left eye
Light reflex is seen on the inferior iris left eye
during cover uncover test upon covering the left eye, the patients uncovered right eye turns out from an inward position
During the cover uncover test upon covering the right eye the patients uncovered left eye turns in from an outward position
During alt cover test upon removing the cover from the left eye, the left eye turns in from an outward position
During the alt cover test upon removing the cover from the right eye the right turns out from the inward position