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78 Cards in this Set

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something holy or sacred which sanctifies man to accomplish a mission
Who instituted the sacraments?
Jesus Christ
True minister of the sacraments is
What does the priest act in ?
Persona Christi
What are the three categories of sacraments?
Initiation, Healing, Service
What are the seven sacraments?
Annointing of the Sick,
Matrimony, Holy Orders
The sacrament of initiation that joins a person to Christ's church. It takes away original sin, and gives sanctyfying grace.
Form of Baptism
Trinitarian Formula
Matter of Baptism
Water pouring over head
Requirements for a baptismal sponsor
Be a baptized catholic
be over fifteen
recieve sacraments of initiation
live faith seriously
Who can perform in case of an emergency ? (baptism)
State and explain the three types of baptism
Baptism by water- Water poured over head
Baptism by blood- suffers by death in Jesus' name
Baptism by desire-striving to serve a supreme being to the best of their abilities
What does baptism do for us?
Removes original sin,
gives us sanctyfying grace
we are then adopted children of god
we recieve theological virtues
your body becomes a temple of the holy spirit!
Who baptized jesus?
john the baptist
why and when should a baby be baptized?
asap, after birth, because they are still in a state of original sin
Three levels of Holy Orders
Priests, deacons, bishops
When was marriage instituted
wedding at cana
What do all sacraments confer?
actual and sanctyfing grace
oil used for sacraments
actual grace
a gift from god to help us conform our lives to him
tendency to sin
respectful of God's things
sanctifying grace
The grace which heals our human nature wounded by sin by giving us a share in the divine life of the Trinity. It makes us Christ like.
a person preparing to recieve baptism
mortal sin
breaks your relationship with god
It has to be grevious matter,
you have to know its serious
you have to freely choose to do it
venial sin
diminishes and wounds the divine life in the soul
transubstantiaion of bread and wine to jesus christ
violation of anything sacred
when the substance of bread and wine changes (substantual change)
spiritual communion
ask jesus to come through heart and soul
when was the eucharist established and by whom?
jesus christ, the last supper
during the consecreation, the priest acts in
persona christi
what change happens during the consecration
jesus turns into bread and wine from body and blood
the consecration happens therough the power of the
holy spirit
how is christ present in the eucharist
by the power of the holy spirit he is changed into christ, and is substantially present
which part of the host contains christ
all of it, the body and blood of christ is whole and stays hole if divided
what happens to the consecreated hosts not consumed during mass and why are they kept here
they are kept in the tabernacle for emergencies and annointing the sick as viaticum
the highest form of worship
requirements for the consecreation
priest, unleavened bread, wine, words of consecration
what role does the eucharist play in church
we become one with christ and it is the center of our faith
a habitual and firm disposition to do good
list the cardinal virtues and give a synonym for each
prudence- discression
justice- fairness
temperance- moderation
fortitude- discipline
why are you called cardinal
all other virtues hinge on these
what other names to they have
moral virtues
why do we need the moral virtues
society can't function without virtuous people
who first came up with them
- belief in god and everything he has said and revealed
expectation and belief that god will give us what we need
loving god and locing your neighbor
when are the theological virtues first recieved
power rooted in reason and will, and to act or not to act
explain rootedi n reason and will
we use our judgement to reason through our choices and we use our free will to execute them
what are we free to do
to love god, to do whats right, obey him and get to heaven, free to follow the right path
compare freedom and ability
we are not free to do whatever we want but we are free to follow consiceience and decisions, we are able to do more things but they may or may not be correct moral choices
when are we truly free
when we are following god and doing what he tells us to do
who gave us freedom
what is free will
the ability to use or abuse freedom
when is freedom used and misused
used to make right decisions
abused decisions that harm god's relationship
how are we different from animals
animals have no conscious, no will, cannot sin and don't have a soul
inner mechanism that forms that has discrescion between right and wrong
how do we develop a consiceince
know moral law
principals of morality
apply them
use concrete judgement
regular confession and prayer
what are the three types of conscience
true- formed correctly
erroneous- doens't know in all cases the correct moral choice
doubtful- doens't know how to act and must find out
list the ten commandments in correct order:
1. thou shall not have any gods before me
2. thou shall not take the lords name in vain
3. keep the sabbath day holy
4. honor thy mother and father
5. thou shalt not kill
6. thou shalt not commit adultery
7. thou shalt not steal
8. thou shall not bear false witness against the truth
9. thou shalt not covet they neighboy's wife
10. thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods
state and explain the law of law of the greatest commandments and how this relates to the 10 commandments
love god above all things and love your neighbor as you love yourself
jesus gave it to us
what are the beattitudes
an attitude that shows we are being christ-like
why does jesus call us to live the beatitudes
he wants us to go to heaven and live at the higest lelve
basic call of all the beatitudes
humility, total god dependance, detachment from earthly things
a virtue that controls the sexual appetite
virtues in chastity
modesty and temperance
who is called and for how long
everyone, and forever
reasons god gave us sexual relations
bonding between a married couple, procreation
dangers of premarital sex
babies, stds, emotional attachment, relationsip termination, bonding ability lessens
view of the church on sex
good, but within marriage
purity of heart
good intentions of the heart and soul
natural family planning
abstinence during periods of fertility
a device or drug to prevent conception
in vitro fertilization
conception outside of a body
refusing to unveil what must remain hidden