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40 Cards in this Set

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the medical specialty dealing with pregnancy and childbirth

gravida =



woman who has been pregnant once


woman who has been pregnant more than once


what the baby is called in the first 8 weeks following conception


is that the baby is called after 8 weeks of pregnancy

gestation ( length of pregnancy)

is 37 to 42 weeks

hormones secreted by the baby

trigger the start of labour

the uterus contracts to dilate the _____


the horomone oxytocin

controls the contractions

at some point during the labour

the amniotic sac pops open (the water breaks)

only about 10% of births begin with the water breaking

before contractions have begun

once the cervix has dilated past the widest part of the baby's head,

the uterus begins to push the baby down the birth canal (vagina)

pushing usually slows down as

the baby's head crowns (begins to emerge)

after the baby's head is born

the baby spontaneously turns to allow delivery of the shoulders.

in the first few minutes after the baby is born,

the cord gradually stops pulsing and can be safely cut.

in the final stage of labour,

the placenta is expelled and the uterus clamps down on itself to prevent hemorrage

during postpartum period

the uterus will gradually return to its pre-pregnancy size.

The Basic Mechanics of birth:


uterus contracts to pull cervix up over baby's head

The Basic Mechanics of birth:


uterus pushes baby toward the exit

The Basic Mechanics of birth:


mom and baby accommodate to each other's shape

The Basic Mechanics of birth:


baby turns it's shoulders

The Basic Mechanics of birth:


baby slides out; placenta slides out

The Basic Mechanics of birth:


uterus shrinks down to prevent blood loss

artificial induction of labour is common

hormone-containing gel inserted in vagina

synthetic oxytocin administered by IV


-continuous anesthetic is administered via a catheter inserted along the woman's spine

-she becomes numb from the waist down and must be confined to bed


labour is artificially intensified by synthetic oxytocin to speed up the labour

artificial rupture of membrane (ARM)

the baby's water sac is artificially broken by inserting a long plastic hook up the mother's vagina

continuous fetal monitoring

-because the anethetized mother cannot provide feedback about the progress of her labour or the baby's condition, an electronic fetal monitor is strapped to the mothers abdomen

-electrodes may also be screwed into the baby's scalp

assisted delivery

forceps or a vacuum are applied to the baby's head and the baby is manually pulled out of the birth canal


-to make extra room for the instruments needed in assisted birth, the woman's perineum is cut through all skin and muscle layers

-many obstetricians also do this routinely to "prevent tearing"

-the incision must be surgically repaired

cesarean section

-surgical delivery of baby

-many women who have had a C-section will elect to have repeat surgery with subsequent pregnancies

VBAC=vaginal birth after cesarean

for some women who have previously had a cesarean section, being able to give birth vaginally in a subsequent pregnancy can be a very healing experience.


-a needed is used to withdraw a sample of amniotic fluid from around the fetus

-fluid is sent for genetic testing

ectopic pregnancy

-embryo implants outside of the uterus

-the pregnancy is not viable (cannot survive)

hyperemesis gravidarium

-extreme morning sickness

-mother is in danger of dehydration

pregnancy-induced hypertension

severe high blood pressure and swelling of hands, face, feet

caused by retention of toxins in the mother's system

can lead to convulsions in mother and problems for baby

gestational diabetes

high blood sugar during pregnancy

goes back to normal after the birth

increases risk of extremely large baby

shoulder dystocia

stuck shoulders

baby fails to rotate to allow shoulders to ease out

or baby is simply too big for mother's pelvis and gets stuck

placenta previa

the placenta is abnormally positioned so that it covers the cervix

blocks the baby's exit from the womb

requires surgical delivery of the baby