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87 Cards in this Set

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Affinity-Seeking Strategies
Strategies for getting other people to like you
Attribution Theory
Theory that explains how you generate explainations for peoples behavior
Buber's Classification of Relationships
I-Thou and I-It relationships
Interpersonal and impersonal
Circumplex Model of Family Interaction
Model of the relationships among family adaptability, cohesion, and communication
Communibiological Approach
Theoretical perspective that suggests people's communicaition behavior can be predicted based on personal traits and characteristics that result from their genetic or biological background
Conflict Managment Styles
Consistant Pattern or approach you use to manage dissagreement with others
Managing conflict by backing off and trying to side-step it
Managing conflict by giving into the demands of others
Managing Conflict by stressing winning the conflict at the expense of the other person
Managing conflict by attempting to find the middle ground
Managing conflict by using other oriented strategies to achieve a posative solution for all
Culture Shock
Feeling of stress and anxiety a person experiences when encountering a culture different from his own
Expressed struggle that occurs when people cannot agree on a way to meet their needs or goals
Self Concept
A person's subjective description of who he or she is
Self Esteem/Self Worth
Your evaluation of your worth or value based on your perception of your skills, abilities, talents, and appearance
Unit made up of any number of persons who live in reltionship with one another and who are usually kin
Interpersonal Communication
A distinctive, transactual for of mutual influence, usually for the purpose of managing relationships
Denotative Meanings
Restrictive or literal meaning of a word
Connotative Meaning
Personal and subjective meaning of a word
Eqilibrium Theory
No Definition Yet
Belief that your cultural traditions and assumptions are supperior to those of others
Expectancy Violations Theory
Theory that you interperet the messages of other based on how you expect others to behave
Facial Management Techniques
On next cards
Natural Family
Mother, Father, and their biological children
Blended family
Two adults and their children who are from previous marriages
Single-Parent Family
One parent raising one or more children
Extended Family
Relatives such as aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and unrelated persons who are part of a family unit
Family of Origin
Family in which a person is raised
Fundamental Attribution Error
Attributing another person's behavior to internal, controllable causes rather than to external, uncontrollable causes
General Other Perspective
Aperspective that uses observed or imagined info about a group of people to predict a person's behavior
Specific Other Perspective
A perspective that uses info that a person can observe about another person to predict their behavior
Guidelines For Self Disclosure
small increments, less to more personal, reciprocal, risky, needs trust, enhances relationships
Hall's High Context Culture
Culture that derives much info from non verbal and environmental cues
Hall's Low Context Culture
Culture that derives much info from words of a message and less info from non verbal cues
Halo Effect
Attributing a variety of posative qualities to those you like
Horn Effect
Attributing a variety of negative qualities to those you dislike
Hofstede's Dimensions
Uncertainty avoidance
Power Distance
Process of communicating agroups culture from generation to generation
Process through which an individual aquires new beliefs by coming into contact with another culture
How Self is developed
Interaction with Individuals
Association with Groups
Roles You Assume
Self Labels
Your Personality
Indirect Termination Strategies
Attempts to break up a relationship without explicitly expressing the desire to do so
Direct Termination Strategies
Explicit Statements of the desire to break up a relationship
Impersonal Relationships
occurs when we treat people as objects or when we respond to their roles
Johari Window Model
Model of self disclosure that reflects the movement of info about yourself from blind and unknown to hidden and open
James's Selves
Material Self:Physical elements
Social Self:Self shown through others
Spiritual Self:Introspections about morals and values
Listening Barriers
Self Absorbsion, Unchecked emotion, criticism, info overload, external noise, listener apprehension
Litening and Gender
UNC Study, Men knew Details, Women knew big picture and emotional things
Mediated Communication
Communication with others established or maintained through media
Negotiation Strategies
Win-Lose:no compromise
Win-Win:other oriented, problem solving
Perceptual Barriers
Overgeneralizing/simplifying, Stereotyping, Imposing Consistancy, Focusing on the negative, Fundamental attribution error,
Self-Serving Bias
Legitimate Power
Based on respect for a person's position
Referent Power
Comes from attraction to another person, or the charisma a person posesses
Expert Power
Based on a person's knowledge and experience
Reward Power
Based on a person's ability to satisfy our needs
Coercive Power
Based on the use of snctions or punishments
Predicted Outcome Value Theory
People are most attracted to relationships that potentially have greater rewards/benifits than costs
Emphasis on the first peice of info observed about another
Emphasis on the last peice of info observed about a person
Principles of Communication
Connects us to Others, Is Irreversible, Is Complicated, Has Rules, Has content and relationship dimensions
Schutz’s basic human/interpersonal needs
Need for inclusion
Need for control
Need for affection
Self-fulfilling Prophesy
A prediction about your future actions that is likely to come true because you believe it will
Self-Serving Bias
The tendency to percieve ones own behavior as more posative than others' behavior
Social Exchange Theory
A theory that claims people make relationship decisions by assesing and comparing the costs and rewards
Social Information Processing Theory
Explains how people use information they recieve from others via email and other electronic media to develpo relationships with others
Social Learning Theory
Theory of human behavior that suggests we can learn how to adapt and adjust our behavior towards others, how we act is not genetic
Social Penetration Theory
Model of self-disclosure and relational development that reflects both depth and breadth of shared information
Stages of Conflict
Prior Conditions Stage
Frustration Awareness Stage
Active Conflict Stage
Resolution Stage
Follow Up
Stages of Listening
Stages of Perception
Stages of Reltaionship Development
Preinteraction Awareness
Symbolic Interaction Theory
People make sense of the world based on their interactions with others; also people are bound through common use of symbols
Types of Listeners
Types of Love
Sexual Love (Eros)
Short Term (Ludis)
Platonic (Storge)
Manic (Mania)
Pragmatic (Pragma)
Spiritual (Agape)
Types of Lying
Deception by ommission
Deception by commission
-white lies, exaggeration
Baldfaced Lies
Types of Nonverbal Communication
Emblems (substitute for word)
Illustrators (accompany words)
Affect Displays (emotional)
Regulators (control flow)
Adaptors (Satisfy need)
Types of Sexual Harassment
Quid Pro Quo
Hostile Environment
Types of Stereoetypes
Auto (own culture)
Hetero (observation w/o judging)
Sociotype (based on fact)
Work Communication
Upward Communication
Downward Communication
Horizontal Communication
Outward Communication
Communication as Action
sourcw through channel to reciever
Communication as Interaction
Same as action with feedback
Communication as Mutual Transaction
Message and feedback happens at the same time
Word Barriers-Bypassing
Confusion caused by the same words meaning different things to different people
Word Barriers-Malapropism
Confusion of one word or phrase that sounds similar to it
Word Barriers-Polarization
Describing what you observe in terms of extremes with no gray area
Word Barriers-Restricted Code/Jargon
Set of words that have particular meaning for one person, group, or culture
Word Barriers-Allness
Tendency to use language to make unqualified, untrue generalizations
Word Barriers-Static Evaluation
A pronouncement that does not take the possibilit of change into consideration