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91 Cards in this Set

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What was the Renaissance belief that focused on scholarly work shifting from religious to secular interests?


What direction did the Renaissance spread from Italy?


What Humanist author wrote about church corruption during the Renaissance?

Erasmus in Praise of Folly

Who believed in salvation by faith alone, the Bible is the ultimate authority, and that all humans are equal before God?

Martin Luther

In which country did European princes convert to Protestantism, ending the authority of the Pope in their regions?


Which religion originated in the Middle East and quickly spread to Europe?


In 1500 ce, hinduism was located in what country?


Where was a rigid class system placed as a result of colonization and exploration in the New World?


Which explorer contributed to the establishment of Portuguese colonies in Africa and India?

Da Gama

Forced journey of Africans to Americas was called:

Middle Passage

Pizarro was best known for:

defeating the Incas

Why did the Native Americans begin to decrease rapidly when they met the first Europeans?

diseases such as smallpox

Kepler discovered?

elliptical orbit of planets

divine right is used by?

absolute rule of Monarchs/Kings

Enlightenment philosopher who supported separation of church and state?


Blood Circulation throughout the body was discovered by?


Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs?


Mercantilism allowed the European countries to have ?

Favorable balance of trade

Causes of French Revolution

Excessive spending of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

Enlightenment Thinkers

Incapable Ruler


3 estates

Who made up the 3 estates of France?

1st estate- Catholic clergy

2nd estate nobles

3rd estate bourgeoise and merchants, poor

Wealthy Venezuelan Creole who led his army in revolution in South America?


Persons of mixed European and Indian ancestry?


Glorious Revolution?

bloodless conflict that forced James II to flee to France and put William and Mary on throne as constitutional monarchs

In Industrial Revolution, worker unions were organized to?

improve pay and working conditions

At the Congress of Vienna after Napoleon's defeat, what did the European nations leaders want in place so no one country could take over again?

Balance of Power Doctrine

How did the Enlightenment impact the French Revolution?

People began questioning their institutions in government and how they were organized and ran-- new ways of acting on government

Who invented the steam engine

James Watt

Who invented the cotton gin?

Eli Whitney

Who invented the new way to process steel?

Henry Bessemer

Who invented the spinning jenny?

James Hargreaves

Who had first smallpox vaccination?

Edward Jenner

Who discovered germs and bacteria?

Louis Pasteur

What was the impact of the cotton gin?

increased need for slaves in the Americas

Who wrote Wealth of Nations and what did it represent?

Adam Smith, capitalism and free markets

The Industrial Revolution increased the standard of living in England by?

increasing production to make goods more affordable for all

Lenin was the leader of what revolutionary movement?


Why did President Woodrow Wilson want to create the League of Nations?

Wanted to promote democracy and prevent future wars

What happened when Germany printed more money to cover its war debts in the 20s and 30s?

Money lost its value and inflation set in

What was the results of the British Enclosure Movement?

More people moved to cities

Cottage Industry destroyed

The meeting of countries who defeated Napoleon was called?

Congress of Vienna

Strong devotion to one's country is?


Purpose of Marshall Plan?

Provide economic recovery for Western Europe

Religious conflicts in India resulted in?

the partition of India

South Africa's first African president was?

Nelson Mandela

Person who led Israel to victory in Yom Kippur War?

Golda Meier

No power to back up decisions or enforce

US not a member

What am I?

League of Nations

Theory that would stop the spread of communism--


If one falls to communism, they all fall?

Domino Theory

Theory that I have more weapons than you, don't mess with me...

Deterrence Theory

Behind the iron curtain referred to what areas?

Soviet Union and its satellite nations

Purpose for NATO:

Desire to contain and deter Soviet Aggression

What are items in common for Korean and Vietnam conflicts?

Both during cold war period

both between communist and non-communist forces

Both referred to US policy of containment

Northern states fought against southern states with US supporting the southern areas and China/USSR supporting the Northern ones

What is true about the Mandate system?

set up by League of Nations

governed former German and Ottoman territories

Resulted in religious conflicts

Bioethics refers to?

discussions about what is right and wrong in the medical advances

Leader of Germany during WWI?

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Document which ended WWI?

Treaty of Versailles

Stalin technique to get stronger control over the Soviet Union?

purging potential rivals and enemies

Why did the League of Nations fail?

No power to enforce decisions

When did the Cuban Missile crisis arise?

Cuba installed numerous nuclear missiles

Who was assassinated which caused the outbreak of WWI?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungarian Empire

Which modern day organization is to reduce worldwide poverty?

International Monetary Fund

Which countries made up the Triple Entente in 1907?

Russia, Britain, France

Fourteen Points were?

plan for postwar peace

Developed Nations are?

have regular economic growth, high literacy and low infant mortality rate

What policy explains why US became involved in Vietnam?

Policy of Containment

What did the Treaty of Versailles do?

punished Germany by:

limits to German Military

no soldiers in Rhineland

lost Alsace-Lorraine region

Germany had to pay large war reparations

Germany had to sign War Guilt clause

Germany loss of its overseas empires

Who killed peasants and purged gov't military leaders?


Tutsi minority were massacred here?


Muslims and Croats were killed by:

Bosnian Serbs

Killed by the Ottoman Turks

Armenian Christians

Killed educated, artists and monks in Cambodia?

Pol Pot

Who ordered atomic bombs to drop on Nagasaki and Hiroshima?


What policy did Great Britain and France follow in response to the fascist aggression of the 30s?


Ho Chi Minh led the communist party and independence movement for?


After WWII, Germany developed what kind of government?


What mandated country of Britain was used to create Israel from?


Define apartheid?

racial segregation by law in South Africa

final solution refers to--

extermination of the Jews

D Day general and allied commander?


Leader of Nationalist China in the cultural revolution who fled to Taiwan?

Chiang Kai-Shek

Hitler's views in his discussion of the Jewish menace would be known as:

Anti Semitic

1. Atomic Bombs dropped on Hiroshima

2. Allies invade Europe on D Day

3. British forces driven out of France

4. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

Put the events of WWII above in chronological order.


According to this map, which area was protected from outside influence by Monroe Doctrine?

According to this map, which area was protected from outside influence by Monroe Doctrine?

Western Hemisphere Region 1

Which continent benefited the most from early global trade?


What type of trade is represented in the picture?

What type of trade is represented in the picture?

Columbian Exchange

What empire is represented on the map?

What empire is represented on the map?

Incan Empire

What empire is indicated on the map?

What empire is indicated on the map?

Ottoman Empire

What are the characteristics of absolutism and their monarchs/countries.

divine right that god chooses. Country of France with Louis XIV who was the Sun King and built the Palace of Versailles to control the nobles who need to ask for favors. He revoked the Edict of Nantes and controlled all of France. Staunch Catholic.

Russia- Peter the Great wanted to westernize Russia and built St. Petersburg to copy Versailles. He wanted a water route and beat Sweden to have the land where St. Petersburg is today and an opening on the Baltic Sea. He cut his nobles beards and changed their clothes to western look. He toured in cognito all of Western Europe to learn the new technologies and bring back to Russia. Orthodox Church was in Russia.

Know the causes of WWI

Militarism-- building up of standing armies

Alliances-- no matter what another country did, you had to side with them.

Imperialism-- European countries wanted more resources and markets to sell their wares.

Nationalism-- pride in your country and culture enough to fight for it, which led to competition for colonies.

Events of World War II in the Pacific.

US brought into war with attack at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. MacArthur was head of Japan forces for US against Tojo. Turning point was the Battle of Midway where most of the remaining Japanese ships and planes were destroyed. Employed island hopping to get closer to Japan to launch new top secrete weapons of atomic bombs. Pottsdam Conference where President Truman warned the Japanese to surrender or something major would happen and they ignored it. Bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima days apart in August 1945. Emperor of Japan Hirohito surrender in August to save his people. WWII officially over!

Why did President Reagan give the speech at Brandenburg Gate regarding "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall."? What events led to this speech? What events happened after the speech?

Gorbachev would be the last dictator of Soviet Union. He took over with glasnost (openness) where citizens could openly criticize the government and with perestroika (restructuring the economy and government of all satellite nations). Soviet Union could no longer afford to bankroll the satellite countries and started allowing some to have their own governments and restructured economies. Czechslovakia rebelled and had been put down once but finally succeeded. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and after that Berlin was reunited economically with West Germany. In Poland Lech Walesa led a strike to overthrow communist bonds and eventually succeeded and becoming the first president of the free Poland. Ukraine broke away from the Soviet Union and other ethnic groups within the country. Gorbachev was placed under house arrest by the politburo but Boris Yeltsin led the charge of the remaining people of Russia to be a free society and surrounded the tanks of the military to relinquish to the people which they did. The end of communism and the free elections took place with Boris Yeltsin as the first democratic president of Russia; however, corruption surrounded the newly developed country and it has become a very staunch socialist country with Vladmir Putin in charge and invading other areas to add to Russia's territory such as the Crimea and attacks on Republic of Georgia.