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142 Cards in this Set

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Oral Surgery

Type of dental specialist.

Primarily trained in surgery of the mouth and jaw.

Ex: extractions


Type of dental specialist.

Primarily concerned with the restoration and replacement of missing teeth and oral structures.

Ex: prosthetic partial, dentures, bridges


Type of dental specialist.

primarily concerned with treating oral condition in children/adolescents.


Type of dental specialist.

primarily treats and diagnoses the diseases of the supporting and surrounding tissues of the teeth.

Gum specialist.


Type of dental specialist.

primarily concerned with the guiding and correction of misaligned teeth.


Type of dental specialist.

primarily concerned with the health of the dental pump.

Root canals

Patient Progress Notes

Tracking, documenting ,legal documenting

Never erase anything. Simply cross it out, initial, then continue writing.


70% inorganic material


"Core of tooth" hollow yellow tube of tooth


Odontoblasts create dentin

70% inorganic material

"Core of tooth" hollow yellow tube of tooth

Odontoblasts create dentin


96 % inorganic material.


Hardest tissue of the body.


Covers the anatomic crown.


Made up of rocks and prisms. 


Lines of retzius "incremental lines"

96 % inorganic material.

Hardest tissue of the body.

Covers the anatomic crown.

Made up of rocks and prisms.

Lines of retzius "incremental lines"


55 % inorganic material.


Bone-like tissue that covers anatomic root.


Attaches root to wall of alveolar socket

55 % inorganic material.

Bone-like tissue that covers anatomic root.

Attaches root to wall of alveolar socket


Provides nourishment (blood supply and lymphatic drainage) to dentin, sensations (nerve supply), and the formation of dentin.

Provides nourishment (blood supply and lymphatic drainage) to dentin, sensations (nerve supply), and the formation of dentin.


Tip of the root.


Apical Foramen- opening at apex to allow nerve. blood supply, and lymphatic draining system to enter the dental pulp.

Tip of the root.

Apical Foramen- opening at apex to allow nerve. blood supply, and lymphatic draining system to enter the dental pulp.


Responsible for the formation of dentin.

Frontal Bone

Makes up the forhead and part of the orbits and nasal cavity.

Makes up the forhead and part of the orbits and nasal cavity.

Temporal Bone

The left and right temporal bones comprise the base as well as the sides of the skill. Both bones contain glenoid fossa into which the mandible rests.

The left and right temporal bones comprise the base as well as the sides of the skill. Both bones contain glenoid fossa into which the mandible rests.

Parietal Bone

The left and right parietal bones form the largest portions of the roof of the skull and sides of the skull.

The left and right parietal bones form the largest portions of the roof of the skull and sides of the skull.

Ethmoid Bone

A thin bone located the the front portion of te craniums base. Situated between orbits. Forms the roof, septum, and sides of nose.

A thin bone located the the front portion of te craniums base. Situated between orbits. Forms the roof, septum, and sides of nose.

Sphenoid Bone



Located in front portion of skulls base


Located in front portion of skulls base


Skulls only movable bone and is the longest and strongest bone of the face.

Skulls only movable bone and is the longest and strongest bone of the face.


"Upper Jaw"


Largest bone in the upper face


Has 4 processes (Zygomatic, Palatine, Frontal, Alveolar) and 4 bones ( two zygomatic and two palatine)

"Upper Jaw"

Largest bone in the upper face

Has 4 processes (Zygomatic, Palatine, Frontal, Alveolar) and 4 bones ( two zygomatic and two palatine)


Single rooted teeth.

Located at the front of mouth and designed to cut food.

Tooth #'s: 7-10 and 23-26

Molars (furcations)

2 or 3 rooted teeth. (3 upper 2 lower)

Have more cusps than other teeth.

Widest chewing surface.



Longest and most stable rooth.

Located at corners of mouth.

Tooth #'s: 6, 11, 22, 27



Have cusps for grasping and tearing food. Somewhat broad surface for grinding food.


A linear elevation on surface of tooth.

Named according to its location and form.

Ex: buccal ridge, incisal ridge, and marginal ridge


Elevations on the incisal edge of newly erupted incisors.

Elevations on the incisal edge of newly erupted incisors.


Bulge or elevation located on the cervical third of anterior teeth.

Bulge or elevation located on the cervical third of anterior teeth.


A triangular space in the gingival direction between the proximal surfaces of two teeth in contact.

A triangular space in the gingival direction between the proximal surfaces of two teeth in contact.

Soft Radiation

Long wavelengths with less energy and less ability to penetrate matter.

Hard Radiation

Short wavelengths and high penetrating power.

Scatter Radiation

"Secondary waves"

Rays from primary beam that have been deflected by tissues or other objects.

Rinn Holder

Positioning device for x-rays for accuracy.


Prevents radiation exposure and adds stability.

Positioning device for x-rays for accuracy.

Prevents radiation exposure and adds stability.

Lead Apron

Used to protect patient from radiation exposure.

Lead thickness varies from 0.25-1.25


Increase film quality and decrease exposure.

Alginate Impressions

Commonly used for fabrication of diagnostic casts.

Ex: bleaching trays, mouth guards

Polyvinylsolixane (lmp)

Form of silicone rubber-base impression material used for detailed impressions.

Ex: crown, bridges, and full arch impressions

Polysulfied (Impression)

Older form of silicone impression material. Has a foul odor and is unpleasant but is used for detailed impressions.

Ex: crowns, bridges, and full arch impressions.


Full Cast Crown

Made of gold or metal alloy and designed to cover the entire anatomic crown of the tooth.

Porcelain Fused to Metal

Full metallic coping covered by porcelain or composite material.


Can replace mesial, distal, occlusal, buccal, and lingual surfaces of posterior teeth and do not cover tips.

Can replace mesial, distal, occlusal, buccal, and lingual surfaces of posterior teeth and do not cover tips.


Can replace mesial, disstal, occlusal, buccal, and lingual surfaces of posterior teeth and also include cusps of teeth.

Can replace mesial, disstal, occlusal, buccal, and lingual surfaces of posterior teeth and also include cusps of teeth.


Replacement of natural teeth which utilizes a titanium metal device embedded within the patient's bone.

Root Canaled Teeth

Attempt to save the tooth, but the tooth itself becomes more fragile so a crown is recommended.

Removable Partial Denture

Removable appliance that replaces missing teeth and soft tissue while preserving teeth and other oral structures.

Rest ( in RPD)

An acrylic or metallic projection that fits into a specifically prepared space on the abutment tooth. The rests prevent the RPD from seating tooth too far gingivally.

Connector ( in RPD)

Metal or acrylic bar which connects right side of the appliance to the left side.

Clasp ( in RPD )


Metal or acrylic attachments that encircle the abutment teeth to provide retention for the appliance.

Saddle ( in RPD )


Acrylic portion of appliance that rests on alveolar ridge, attached to RPD and holds artificial teeth.

Flange (in RPD)

The acrylic portion of the base that extends over the entire alveolar ridge.

Immediate Denture

Dentures are fabricated prior to the extraction of teeth. On the day the teeth are extracted, the dentures are delivered.

Endodontic Therapy

Diagnosis and treatment of the tooth pulp and periapical tissues.

Patient Symptoms:

Sever pain, lingering pain to sweets or thermal changes, pain to palpation, pain to percussion or mastication, absence of pain with swelling, radiolucent presentation at apex in radiograph.

Molar Eruption Ages

First Molar - Age 6- Tooth #'s 3,14,19,30

Second Molar- Age 12- Tooth #'s 2,15,18,31

Third Molars- Age 17-21- Tooth #'s 1,16,17,32 (Wisdom teeth)

Hard Palate Bones

Made up of 4 bones: 

Palatine Processes of the maxillae (2)

Horizontal plates of the palatine bones (2)

Made up of 4 bones:

Palatine Processes of the maxillae (2)

Horizontal plates of the palatine bones (2)

Frontal Sinus

Located behind the superciliary arch which is just above the eyebrows.


Drains through the front nasal duct into the main cavity of the middle meatus.


Located behind the superciliary arch which is just above the eyebrows.

Drains through the front nasal duct into the main cavity of the middle meatus.

Maxillary Sinus

Can be seen in x-rays for maxillary teeth.


Largest accessory sinus of the nose, located in the body of the maxilla.


Situated below floor of the nose

Can be seen in x-rays for maxillary teeth.

Largest accessory sinus of the nose, located in the body of the maxilla.

Situated below floor of the nose

Anterior Ethmoid Cells

numerous thin walled cavities

located between upper portions of the nasal sinuses and the orbits.

Middle Ethmoid Cells

numerous thin walled cavities

located between upper portions of the nasal sinuses and the orbits.

Spenoidal Sinuses

Located within the body of the sphenoid.

Very large and can extend into the great wing of the sphenoid or the roots of the pterygoid process

Interarticular Disc (TMJ)

A disc that lies on the condyle, made of tough, fibrous tissue. Divides the space between the glenoid fossa and the condyle into two cavities which are filled with synovial fluid.

Fibrous Capsule (TMJ)

A sac that surrounds the interarticular disc.


Failure to act as a "resonable and prudent professional"

Ex: Failure to diagnose carious lesion on a patient that later needed a root canal.


An act that a "reasonable prudent professional" would not perform.

Ex: Dentist performed complicated procedure instead of referring the case to a specialist and the patient was injured.


Failure to deliver due care to patient.

Wilhelm Conrad Roentogen

Discovered x-rays

Otto Walkoff

First dental x-ray

C. Edmund Kells

First to perform dental radiographs on a live patient and experimented on his hands causing cancer and an arm amputation.

William Coolidge

Invented the first x-ray tube.


Vertical height from top to bottom of a wave

Wave Length

The measurement of rays from the crest of a wave to the crest of another wave.


Towards the midline


Chewing surface of posterior teeth


Surface farthest from the midline


Facial surface of posterior teeth closest to the cheeks.


Surface closest to the tongue.


Tissues that surround and support the teeth

Ex: alveolar process, periodontal ligament, and gingiva.


Cells responsible for bone formation

Periodontal Ligament (PDL)

Tissues that support and anchor tooth in socket.

Tissues that support and anchor tooth in socket.


A groove or depression


Pocket depth used to measure for periodontal disease.

A groove or depression

Pocket depth used to measure for periodontal disease.

Interdental Papillae

Triangular shaped crests of gingival tissue located between the teeth. The crests of tissue consists of free and attached gingiva.

Triangular shaped crests of gingival tissue located between the teeth. The crests of tissue consists of free and attached gingiva.

Free Gingival Groove

Located below the sulcus, this line seperates the free gingiva and the attached gingiva.

Located below the sulcus, this line seperates the free gingiva and the attached gingiva.

Gingival Crest

The peak of free gingiva.

Free Gingiva

Moveable tissues that surrounds the crown of the tooth just above the CEJ of the tooth.

Moveable tissues that surrounds the crown of the tooth just above the CEJ of the tooth.

Coronoid Process

Part of the mandible.





Part of the mandible.



Condyloid Process



Consists of a neck and condyle. The condyle fits into the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone.


Consists of a neck and condyle. The condyle fits into the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone.

Sigmoid Notch Symphysis

Depression between the coronoid and condyloid process.

Depression between the coronoid and condyloid process.

Regeneration and Repair

Restoration of damaged tissue to original state.

Systemic Inflammation

Not limited to the area of injury

Acute Inflammation

Immediate localized protective response of the body to physical injury on the invasion of pathologic organisms

Local Inflammation

Limited to the area of injury.

Chronic Inflammation

A slow ongoing process that may lead to permanent tissue damage.

Parotid Gland

Largest salivary gland.

Bilateral infront and below the ear

Stenson's Duct enters the mouth oppostite the maxillary second molar.

Submandibular Gland

Mixed gland.

Size of a walnut.

Bilateral on each side of the face beneath the lower jaw.

Whatons Duct on either side of lingual frenum

Sublingual Gland

Smallest of the major salivary glands

Glands are all over the floor of the mouth

Serous Gland

Secretes serum

Caries Stage I

Smooth surface caries- triangular shaped decay that usually occurs between the teeth below the contact area.


On surface of enamal

Smooth surface caries- triangular shaped decay that usually occurs between the teeth below the contact area.

On surface of enamal

Caries Stage II

Decay triangle is still confined to the enamal, but has passed the halfway point

Decay triangle is still confined to the enamal, but has passed the halfway point

Caries Stage III

The decay triangle has passed the DEJ and entered the dentin. 


Decay has not passed the halfway point between the DEJ and the pulp.

The decay triangle has passed the DEJ and entered the dentin.

Decay has not passed the halfway point between the DEJ and the pulp.

Caries Stage IV

Decay triangle has passed the DEJ and has passed the halfway point between the DEJ and pulp.

Decay triangle has passed the DEJ and has passed the halfway point between the DEJ and pulp.

Cavity Varnish

Seals open dentinal tubules


1. Prevent tooth sensitivity

2. Prevent discoloration of tooth structure

Cavity Liner

Similar to cavity varnish but contains calcium hydroxide or zinc oxide and is applied after cavity varnish.

Helps regenerate tooth structure


Calcium Hydroxide

Substance that is placed in the deepest part of cavity preperation closest to the pulp where it stimulates formation of secondary dentin.

Helps regenerate tooth structure

"Medicine" Can be used as a base

Dental Cement

cements crowns and bridges

can be used as a base


Zinc Phosphate- powder to liquid mixed on a cool glass tab

Type 1-fine grain that easily flows into small irregularities of restoration

Type 2- medium grain that can be used for posterior temporary restorations.

Zinc Polyacrylate- adheres directly to tooth structure through chelation. Attaches ortho brackets to tooth structure

Zinc Oxide-contains eugenol which is found in clove oil.

Glass Ionomer Cement


1. can bond to enamel and dentin.

2. High strength and low solubility

3. Low film thickness

4. Biocompatible with tooth pulp.

5. Can be used as a base.


"dental alloy"

Oldest restorative material. Composed of silver alloy that is combined with mercury.

May contain silver (Ag), tin (Sn), copper (Cu), or zince (Zn)

Informed Consent

Requirement of parent or guardian to sign a form granting consent to perform any treatment.


Extreme fear and resistance with the need for dental treatment often indicates the need for sedation.


Conscious- oral sedative via pill or liquid form

Inhalation- nitrous oxide, oxygen mix inhaled vio nose. offers fast onset and recovery with few side effects.

General Anesthesia- loss of sensation, conciousness, protective reflexes, ability to obey commands, and maintain open airway.

General Anesthesia

loss of sensation, conciousness, protective reflexes, ability to obey commands, and maintain open airway.

RPD Appoitments

1. Exam and treatment plan

2. Tooth modification

3. Framework impression

4. Wax and framework try-in and bite registration

5. Delivery and adjustment.

Partial Crowns

A metallic, porcelain or composite resin restoration covering more than three but but not all surfaces of the tooth.

Indirect Pulp Cap

When there is a chance of nerve exposure, calcium hydroxide is placed on top of the area closest to the nerve and then permanent/ temporary restoration is placed.

Direct Pulp Cap

When nerve exposure occures during an operative procedure, calcium hydroxide is placed over exposure and a temporary or restoration is placed.


Process of performing a pulpotomy on an adult tooth with the goal of apex formation.


"Root canal treatment"


Involves removing the entire pulp from a tooth.

Treatment with zinc oxide-eugenol and a permanent restoration.

"Root canal treatment"

Involves removing the entire pulp from a tooth.

Treatment with zinc oxide-eugenol and a permanent restoration.


Involves the removal of pulp tissue up to the canals


Treatment with formocresol or calcium hydroxide, and restoration.

Involves the removal of pulp tissue up to the canals

Treatment with formocresol or calcium hydroxide, and restoration.


Involves removal of the apical portion of a tooth and surrounding tissue.

Anterior Superior Alveolar (ASA)

Injection site


Mesial to the maxillary canine, at the apex, in the muccobucal fold.

Injection site

Mesial to the maxillary canine, at the apex, in the muccobucal fold.

Greater Palatine Injection

Distal to the second molar, halway between the gingival margin and the midline

Distal to the second molar, halway between the gingival margin and the midline

Middle Superior Alveolar ( MSA)

At the apex of the maxillary second premolar in the muccobucal fold.

At the apex of the maxillary second premolar in the muccobucal fold.

Posterior Superior Alveolar (PSA)

Just distal to the apex of the maxillary second molar in the muccobucal fold

Just distal to the apex of the maxillary second molar in the muccobucal fold

Buccal Injection

On the buccal side, distal to the most distal tooth in the arch.

On the buccal side, distal to the most distal tooth in the arch.

Inferior Alveolar Injection

Distal, superior, and slightly lingual to the retromolar pad.

Distal, superior, and slightly lingual to the retromolar pad.

Mental Injection

Between the first and second premolars,anterior to the mental foramen in the mucobuccal fold.

Between the first and second premolars,anterior to the mental foramen in the mucobuccal fold.

Infiltration Injection

Maxillary- apex of any tooth at mucobuccal fold

Mandibular- at apex of each incisor at mucobuccal fold.

Occlusion Development

Ever changing process that continues throughout life.

Centric Occlusion

Maxillary and mandibular jaws are closed, teeth are in maximum contact and the heads of both condyles are in the most retruded, unrestrained position in the glenoid fossa.


Instrument used to retract tongue, cheek, lips to allow visibility


rapid breathing brought on by a stressful situation

Allergic Reaction

occures when a sensitivity to an allergen develops within an individual and a stimulant is placed.

Oral Prophylaxis

Removal of stains, plaque, foreign debris and calculus from the teeth

Clinical Crown

Crown portion of tooth that is visible in the oral cavity

Disclosing Solution

Special dye used to detect plaque in the oral cavity


Reduces tooth decay and promotes general oral health

Coronal Polishing

Process of removing stained and soft deposits from the clinical crown of a tooth


Early- 2-4 mm

Moderate- 5-7mm

Advanced- 8+ mm and tooth mobility


Involved the removal of inflamed and diseased tissue


Involves the removal of excess tissue and re-contouring the gingiva.

Gingival grafting

Type of periodontal surgery involving the removal of tissue from one part of the mouth to another area where it is needed.


Surgical reshaping of alveolar bone.


Removal of bone with a high speed handpiece and surgical buur, ronegeur forceps or bone files following surgery or extraction.

"re-contouring bone"


Removal of a sample of irregular tissue to be sent to a lab for analysis.


Surgical procedure to remove the lingual or facial frenum attachment.


"Dry Socket"

Absence of a blood clot in the socket following extraction.