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51 Cards in this Set

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Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder (Vascular Dementia)

what is an early symptom of VNCD

forgetfulness also the client is at risk for burns related to forgotten smoking materials.

Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder

(VNCD) is directly related to an interruption of blood flow to the brain.

Symptoms result from death of nerve cells in regions nourished by diseased vessels.

Significant RISK factor of Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder (VNCD)(vascular dementia)


VNCD has an abrupt onset and a fluctuating pattern of progression.

Cognitive impairment can occur with multiple small infarcts (sometimes called silent strokes) over time or with a single cerebrovascular event in a strategic area of the brain.

During the late stages of Alzheimer’s disease, the person becomes....

bedbound, and may have very active hands and repetitive movements, grunting, or other vocalizations, and the person may no longer recognize any family members.

Speech sand language are severely impaired. Caregivers need to complete most HELP PATIENT WITH THEIR ADLs. The nursing priority is to promote dignity.

Safety is always a priority for a client diagnosed with NCD( neurological cognitive disorder) due to Alzheimer’s disease

When the client starts to have ataxia (muscular incoordination) and purposeless wandering the priority nursing diagnosis is “risk for injury.

There are several support services available for caregivers of and clients with Alzheimer’s disease...including

These include financial assistance, legal assistance, caregiver support groups, respite care, and home health care.

All of these support services will help a caregiver deal with caregiver strain.

Due to the cognitive decline experienced by a client diagnosed with NCD, the nurse should first assess WHAT?

Environmental triggers and potential unmet needs.

In Neuro-cognitive disorders NCD, The client’s communication skills may be ???

limited and the client may become disoriented and frustrated.


occurs when one drug lessens and individual’s response to another drug.

Clients who are regularly using alcohol or benzodiazepines have developed cross-tolerance to analgesics and require increased ⬆️doses to achieve effective pain control.

High blood pressure and other complications associated with alcohol withdrawal may progress to....

delirium, tremens and seizures within 48 to 72 hours following the cessation of prolonged alcohol consumption. High blood pressure should immediately be reported to the physician.

What symptom should you immediately report to a provider with patient going through alcohol abuse ?

High blood pressure should immediately be reported to the physician.

To promote success in the recover process from alcohol, the client should (FIRST STEP)

acknowledge the association between personal problems and use of substance indicates acceptance of the problem, which is the first step of the recovery process.

What is the first step of recovering alcohol abuse?

Patient have to Acknowledge

The range for intoxication is..?

100 to 200 mg/dL

Death has been reported at levels ranging from

400 to 700 mg/dL

Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal usually occur within ?

4 to 12 hours of cessation or reduction in heavy and prolonged alcohol use.

Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders

The nurse must note escalating behaviors and..?

intervene immediately to prevent an aggressive response and keep the client and others safe.

The most appropriate nursing intervention when working with a client that is acutely agitated is...

To provide personal space and respect client boundaries

Providing personal space may serve to reduce anxiety and thus reduce the client’s risk for violence.

The nurse can enhance the establishment of a trusting relationship by being...

reliable, honest, and consistent during interactions.

The nurse should also convey acceptance of the client’s needs and maintain a calm attitude when dealing with agitated behavior.

ForBipolar and Related Disorders

The nurse should prioritize diagnoses based on ...?

physical and safety needs.

A client diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder: Manic Episode the nurse should provide the client with..? What kind of foods?

high-protein, high-calorie, nutritious finger foods and drinks that can be consumed on the run throughout the day.

Because of the client’s hyperactive state, the client has difficulty sitting still long enough to eat a meal.

Clients experiencing mania demonstrate?

excessive psychomotor activity, low frustration tolerance, and impulsivity, which can lead to aggressive behavior.

Hallucinations and delusions are common in ?

Acute mania.

The priority nursing action is to protect the client and staff from injury.

Symptoms of lithium carbonate toxicity include

persistent nausea and vomiting, severe diarrhea, ataxia, blurred vision, (NVD)tinnitus, excessive urine output, increasing tremors, and/or mental confusion. Lithium levels should be monitored monthly during maintenance therapy to ensure proper dosage. The therapeutic level of lithium carbonate is 0.6 to 1.2 mEq/L for maintenance therapy.

Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Related Disorders

• Review: Table 27-1 Classifications of Specific Phobias (page 566).

Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Related Disorders

• Review: Table 27-1 Classifications of Specific Phobias (page 566).

Buspirone (BuSpar) is an

anxiolytic medication that is the drug of choice for treatment of GAD (general anxiety disorder). Buspirone is effective in 60-80% of clients with GAD and takes 10 to 14 days for alleviation of symptoms; it does not have the physical dependency NO PHYSICAL DEPENDENCY or NO tolerance effects of other anxiolytics.

Panic disorder

is characterized by recurrent, sudden-onset panic attacks in which the person feels intense fear, apprehension, or terror.

Individuals experiencing a severe panic attack often fear that they are dying. The nurse should stay with the client and offer reassurance of safety and security.

Nurse Stay with client

Systematic desensitization

is used to gradually increase anxiety tolerance by exposure to a series of increasingly anxiety-provoking steps.

Behavior modification therapy

is used because it provides the client with control over behavioral choices. Issues of control are central in eating disorders; therefore, the client must perceive that he or she is in control of the treatment.

The nurse should educate the family in the importance of family dynamics, involvement, and support in the treatment of anorexia nervosa.

A positive indicator of behavioral change is demonstrated when a client uses

healthy coping mechanisms to decrease anxiety. Stress and anxiety can increase binging, which is followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors.



Anorexia: is characterized by low caloric and nutritional intake.

Bulimia : is characterized by episodic, rapid indigestion of large quantities of food, followed by purging.

Isolation is a common maladaptive coping strategy among clients diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa. Identifying alternative methods to deal with isolation will provide the client with healthier coping strategies.

Individuals with Histrionic Personality Disorder tend to be

self-dramatizing, attention seeking, overly gregarious, and seductive. They often use manipulation and exhibitionism as a means of gaining attention.

The best nursing approach when working with a client diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder is to be

firm, consistent, and empathetic while addressing specific client behaviors.

Individuals with BPD always seem to be in a state of

crisis, have frequent mood swings, and exhibit an affect of extreme intensity.

Clients with BPD demonstrate negative patterns of interaction, such as manipulation and splitting.

Manipulative behaviors serve to achieve relief from separation anxiety.

Splitting is a primitive ego defense mechanism related to the client’s inability to integrate and accept both positive and negative feelings

A client who states that he or she is getting a message from the beyond

indicates a potential diagnosis of Schizotypal Personality Disorder. Individuals with schizotypal personality disorder are aloof and isolated and behave in a bland and apathetic manner. The individual experiences magical thinking, ideas of reference, illusions, and depersonalization as part of daily life.

A client diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder might use

suicidal gestures to evoke a rescue response from others. Repetitive, self-mutilative behaviors are common in clients diagnosed with BPD. These behaviors are generated by feelings of abandonment following separation from significant others.

The priority nursing diagnosis for client diagnosed with Paranoid Personality Disorder is

risk for violence: directed toward others R/T suspicious thoughts.

Clients diagnosed with Paranoid Personality Disorder

have a pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others that may result in hostile actions to protect self.

They are often tense and irritable, which increases the likelihood of violent behavior.

Safety of the client and others is always the priority.

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

is characterized by inflexibility and lack of spontaneity. Individuals diagnosed with this disorder are very serious, formal, overdisciplined, perfectionistic, and preoccupied with rules. A client with OCPD have a difficult time accepting change.

Children and Adolescents

The most realistic client outcome is related to the nursing diagnosis

impaired social interaction for a child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder is for the client to establish trust with at least one caregiver.

Providing consistent caregivers allow the client to develop trust and a sense of security.

Children with autism spectrum disorder have difficulty

forming interpersonal relationships with others. They show little interest in people and often do not respond to others’ attempts at interaction.

Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

is a central nervous symptom stimulant that serves to increase attention span, control hyperactive behaviors, and improve learning ability for clients diagnosed ADHD. The pharmacological action of Ritalin causes a decrease in appetite that often leads to weight loss.

A child whose mother is diagnosed with an anxiety disorder

has a greater risk of developing an anxiety disorder. Research indicates that there is a hereditary influence in the development of separation anxiety disorder. More children with relatives who manifest anxiety problems develop anxiety disorders than those without.

A child diagnosed with Intellectual Disability the nursing priority is to

focus on each client’s strengths and individual abilities. Positive reinforcement can serve to increase self-esteem and encourage repetition of behaviors. This intervention is related to the nursing diagnosis self-care deficit.

Antipsychotic medications and alpha 2-adrenergic agonist agents are effective in reducing

the severity of tics. The medications are most effective when combined with psychosocial therapy.

When caring for children diagnosed with a disruptive behavior disorder the nurse should

reinforce positives actions to encourage repetition.

Primary prevention example:

Secondary prevention example:

Tertiary prevention:

P: Teaching an adolescent about pregnancy prevention.

S: Teaching a client about his or her new diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

T: is services aimed at reducing the residual effects that are associated with severe and persistent mental illness. It is accomplished by promoting rehabilitation that is directed toward achievement of maximum functioning. The nurse who teaches a client to cook meals, make a grocery list, and establish a budget is implementing care within the parameters of tertiary prevention.

Primary = pregnancy teaching

Secondary = diagnosis(s)

Schizophrenia is what type of disease?

is a chronic disease that includes both exacerbations and remissions in the course of the illness, leading to numerous brief hospitalizations. Community-based care is the standard of treatment.

Public attitudes and the stigma associated with mental illness are major barriers to treatment. Stigma is often internalized by individuals with mental illness, leading to

hopelessness, lower self-esteem, and isolation. Stigma deprives these individuals of the support they need to recover.

nurse who teaches a client to cook meals, make a grocery list, and establish a budget is implementing care within the parameters of

Tertiary prevent/care