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74 Cards in this Set

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Fluid accounts for how much of body mass?
about 60%, large amount
Salt and water balance determines...
chemical environment of proteins, availability of ions for APs, and osmotic pressures
A cell moved to a dilute solution...
takes in water, must LOWER solute number to restore volume
A cell moved to a salty solution...
loses water and must RAISE solute number to restore volume
Inorganic ions perform many functions, so they are...
not regulated to maintain cell volume
Organic molecules...
are regulated to control cell volume
Three major types of body fluids:
plasma, interstitial, intracellular
Plasma, interstitial, and intracellular fluids are often BLANK
Intracellular fluid often has different BLANK than the other fluids (plasma, interstitial)
has different ion composition (all have similar osmotic pressures though)
Osmotic regulation...
is the maintenance of a constant osmotic pressure in the blood plasma regardless of environment
Humans maintain blood plasma at?
about 300 mOsm
Ex: blue crab, osmotic BLANK
osmotic regulator, lives in estuaries with variable salinity
Some hypoosmotic species cannot regulate, instead they become BLANK
osmoconformers when they enter salt water; these are called hyper-isomotic regulators
Some species can regulate both sides of the isosmotic line, called BLANK
hyper-hyposmotic regulators
Humans maintain blood plasma at?
about 300 mOsm
Blood composition maintained by
kidneys, gills, and salt glands
Ex: blue crab, osmotic BLANK
osmotic regulator, lives in estuaries with variable salinity
Kidneys remove BLANK and BLANK from blood plasma, producing BLANK
remove water and solutes, producing urine
Some hypoosmotic species cannot regulate, instead they become BLANK
osmoconformers when they enter salt water; these are called hyper-isomotic regulators
U/P Ratios
Urine(U) to Blood Plasma (P)

Osmotic U/P Ratio is osmotic pressure of urine divided by osmotic pressure of plasma
Some species can regulate both sides of the isosmotic line, called BLANK
hyper-hyposmotic regulators
U/P > 1
hyperosmotic urine
Blood composition maintained by
kidneys, gills, and salt glands
U/P < 1
hyposmotic urine
Kidneys remove BLANK and BLANK from blood plasma, producing BLANK
remove water and solutes, producing urine
U/P = 1
U/P Ratios
Urine(U) to Blood Plasma (P)

Osmotic U/P Ratio is osmotic pressure of urine divided by osmotic pressure of plasma
U/P > 1
hyperosmotic urine
U/P < 1
hyposmotic urine
U/P = 1
Hyperosmotic urine combats...
water loss (U/P > 1); urine contains less water relative to solutes than plasma
Hyposmotic urine combats...
water gain (U/P < 1); urine contains more water relative to solutes than plasma
Isosmotic urine can mantain blood volume...
without affecting its osmolarity
Effects of hyperosmotic urine on osmotic pressure of plasma
ratio of solutes to water in plasma is shifted downward; osmotic pressure of plasma is lowered
Effects of hyposmotic urine n osmotic pressure of plasma
ratio of solutes to water in plasma is shifted upward; osmotic pressure of the plasma is raised
Freshwater Animals are BLANK regulators
hyperosmotic regulators
Blood plasma of freshwater animals
mainly Na+ and Cl-; tend to lose ions and gain water
Removing ions from urine is...
less costly than obtaining them from dilute water; fish do both through gills or skin using ATP
Salt lost in freshwater animals through...
diffusion and feces; actively absorb ions
Water gain in freshwater animals through...
osmosis, food
Freshwater fish response to diffusion...
get rid of water and uptake inorganic ions lost to diffusion
Chloride cells in gills of fish...
pump ions into blood; are electroneutral
Saltwater animals are BLANK regulators
mainly isosmotic, due to concentrations of inorganic ions in blood
Teleosts are BLANK to seawater
hyposmotic to seawater, must excrete ions from their gills and kindeys
Teleosts do what to obtain water?
Must drink salty seawater, then excrete Na+ and Cl- ions with chloride cells
Reptiles are birds are BLANK
hyposmotic, excrete salt via cranial salt glands
Mammals are BLANK
hyposmotic, and produce urine HYPEROSMOTIC to seawater
Elasmobranchs are BLANK
hyperosmotic to seawater, retain urea in blood; they gain water and must excrete ions
Marine animals may be hyposmotic or isosmotic - teleosts and cephalopods
teleosts have dilute blood relative to seawater, tend toward dehydration, uptake ions by diffusion

cephalods are isosmotic due to inorganic ions in blood
Chloride cell of a marine teleost fish
pumps ions, requires ATP and mitochondria in large numbers
In a marine teleost, chloride cells secrete Na and Cl into seawater by...
secondary active transport and diffusion
Marine reptiles extrete salt from...
cranial salt glands, same cellular mechanism as fish; salty fluid drips from eyes or nose
Sharks are hyperosmotic due to....
urea retention in tissues; they gain water and salts across gills
On land, evaporative water loss (EWL)
in skin, lungs, body surfaces; greater in small animals due to higher metabolic rate
EWL is combated with...
integumentary lipids in skin or exoskeleton
EWL: cooling exhaled air causes water to condense in respiratory passages...
hence water retained rather than lost in breath
Excretory water loss occurs through
urine, salt glands
Excretory water loss combated by
reducing amount of excreted solutes or by concentration of urine
Mammals max U/P?
26 (max 4 in humans)
Reptiles, insects, birds produce BLANK wastes
insoluble nitrogenous wastes, such as uric acid, urate salts, guanine
Mammals and birds (endotherms) cool exhaled air to...
reduce EWL; moisture condenses in nasal passages
Smaller animals have BLANK rates of EWL
HIGHER rates of EWL; two factors - small animals have larger surface area to volume, and higher mass-specific metabolic rate
Amphibians in terrestrial environments absorb water...
through skin from moist substrates, storing 50% of body weight in water in bladder
Dormancy in amphibians
during day and during dry season, can tolerate dessication and nitrogen accumulation
Cuticular lipids on skin act to...
reduce water loss; some frogs in deserts spread lipids on skin
Invertebrates in terrestrial environments produce BLANK urine
extremely concentrated urine, U/P = 2 to 8
Arthropods with trachea close spiracles to
limit water loss
EWL rises abruptly....
above a threshold temperature
Desert lizards
have low metabolic rates, can tolerate high blood solute concs, excrete insoluble wastes
Desert lizards obtain water
directly from food
Kangaroo rats combat EWL -
by concentrating urine (U/P = 14), cool and dry exhaled hair, mainly active at night
Water can be obtained from food or drink that is BLANK to urine
hyposmotic (kangaroo rats have such concentrated urine, need no free water to drink)
Metabolic water produced in...
aerobic catabolism, along with CO2
BLANK yields most metabolic water; BLANK yields least
Fat yields most, protein yields least