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51 Cards in this Set

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Chambers of heart surrounded by...
myocardium, heart muscle, which pump blood by alternating contraction (systole) and relaxation (diastole)
Valves between chambers respond to...
Blood flow measured as cardiac output (mL/min) =
= heart rate (beats/min) X stroke volume (mL/beat)
Myocardium supplied with O2 via...
coronary circulation if myocardium is compact, or by luminal blood if it is spongy
Control of heart rate and stroke volume can be...(3 things)
nervous, hormonal, or intrinsic
Myocardial depolarization originates in...
pacemaker cells; moves through heart in a controlled manner by conduction
Pacemaker cells are
muscle cells (myogenic) or neurons (neurogenic)
Arteries carry blood BLANK, veins carry blood BLANK
Arteries carry blood away, veins carry blood toward heart
Blood generally flows from blank to blank pressure, but also has BLANK if it is moving
moves from high to low pressure, but also has momentum
AV valve opens when?
atrial pressure exceeds ventricular pressure
Aortic valve opens when?
ventricular pressure exceeds aortic pressure
Isovolumetric contraction/relaxtion are...
changes in myocardial tension without changes in chamber volume; serve to build pressure in ventricle
Octopus heart gets blood from
coronary veins
Some fish hearts have both...
coronary circulation and spongy myocardium
Vertebrates have BLANK depolarization, while invertebrates have BLANK depolarization
Vertebrates have myogenic depolarization, invertebrates generally neurogenic depolarization
S-A node is...
the pacemaker, with a fast endogenous rhythm that entrains other muscle cells
How does depolarization spread through myocardium?
by electrical synapses
What depolarizes in heart first?
Atria depolarizes first, spreading excitation to A-V node
A-V node has BLANK excitation, allowing atria to contract BLANK
A-V node has delayed excitation, allowing atria to contract first
When the A-V depolarizes...
atria are already repolarizing
What conducts depolarization from A-V node to all parts of ventricles rapidly?
fiber bundles
Ex: crustaceans have neurogenic depolarization
neurons 6 - 9 act as cellular oscillator and CPG, excites remaining neurons and muscle cells of heart; each muscle cell innervated
What determines velocity and direction of blood flow? (3)
pressure gradients, kinetic energy, and gravitational potential energy
Flow through a vessel is proportional to...BLANK, and inversely proportional to the BLANK
Proportional to difference in pressure between ends; inversely proportional to vascular resistance
Vascular resistance...
increases with increasing vessel length and with decreasing vessel radius to fourth power; flow is HIGHLY sensitive to changes in vessel radius
Viscosity of blood causes what as it moves through vessels?
a loss of pressure as KE is converted to heat; pumping blood is costly
Gravity effects blood pressure by fluid-column effects
pressure of blood increased in proportion to height of the blood in a column above it; this effect determines how high a heart can pump blood
Flow rate is blank to changes in vessel radius than vessel length
much more sensitive
Circulation in birds and mammals is a
closed circulatory system with vascular endothelial cells lining all blood vessels
Systemic and pulmonary circuits are connected how?
In series, with systemic being high pressure, pulmonary low pressure
Arteries do what to pressure generated by heart?
Dampen and Reserve pressure generated by heart, and transport blood long distances from heart; equipped with elastic walls with smooth muscle
Arterioles are tiny arteries that control blood flow how?
by vasomotor control to microcirculatory beds with densely distributed capillaries, where most gas exchange occurs
Velocity and pressure drops in microcirculatory beds due to...
large total cross sectional area; velocity picks back up again in veins
Fluid is lost from systemic capillaries by...
ultrafiltration, but lower pressures prevent this in the pulmonary system
In birds and mammals, heart is...
completely divided, systemic and pulmonary circulations in series with one another
Microcirculatory beds consist of...
arterioles, capillaries, and venules; flow controlled in arterioles; gas exchange mainly in capillaries
Blood pressure BLANKS in terminal arteries, continues to BLANK until blood reaches veins
drops in terminal arteries, continues to fall until it reaches veins
What helps blood return to heart in veins?
skeletal muscles and valves in the veins
Ultrafiltration is
an important consequence of a high pressure circulatory system, fluid is forced out of capillaries into tissues
Fish heart
pumps blood through two capillary beds, branchial and systemic
Respiratory and systemic beds are BLANK for fish
in series for fish, just as in birds and mammals
Fish circulation: blood passes through two capillary beds...
before returning to the heart; heart pumps blood through gills, then systemic circulation in series in most fish
Farmer's View on lungs
lungs are an adaptation for myocardial oxygenation
Traditional View on lungs
lungs are an adaptation for aquatic hypoxia
Fish heart
has four chambers in series
Cephalopod molluscs and some annelids have BLANK circulatory systems
CLOSED circulatory systems; same in series circulation of respiratory and systemic structures as birds and mammals, and have a heart for each
Open Circulatory Systems (crustaceans)
blood travels through lacunae, lacunar networks, and sinuses - which are spaces between cells that lack epithelial lining
Open systems can have high blood flow rate, due to...
low resistance compared to closed systems
Cephalod circulation similar to...
birds and mammals; left and right hearts of birds and mammals are analogous to systemic and branchial hearts
In open systems, blood empties into...
lacunae or sinuses between cells
Insects meet gas exchange demands with?
air-filled trachael systems; dorsal aorta only blood vessel, and it empties into lacunae