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47 Cards in this Set

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Source of the Sun's heat
The sun's heat is the result of thermonuclear reactions at its core. It does so by converting hydrogen into helium through a process called hydrogen fusion.
the total amount of energy emitted by the sun
Process of hydrogen fusion
called the proton-proton chain.
step 1: a) two protons (hydrogen nuclei 1H) collide
b) one of the protons changes into a neutron the proton and neutron form a hydrogen isotope (2H)
c) One byproduct of converting a proton to a neutron is a neutral, nearly massless (v). This escapes from the sun
d) the other byproduct of converting a proton to a neutron is a positively charged electron, or positron (e+) This encounters an ordinary electron, annihilating both particles and converting them into gamma ray photons. the energy of thes photons goes into sustaining the sun's internal heat.
Step 2: a) the 2H nucleus produced in step 1 collides with a third proton (1H)
b) the result of the collision is a helium isotope (3He) with two protons and 1 neutron.
c) this nuclear reaction releases another gamma ray photon. its energy also goes into sustaining the internal heat of the Sun.
Step 3) a0 the 3He nucleus produced in step 2 collides with another 3He nucleus produced from three other protons.
b) two protons and two neutrons from the two he nuclei rearrange themselves into a different helium isotope 4He.
c)the two remaining protons are released. the energy of their motion contributes to the sun;s internal heat.
d) six 1H nuclei wnet into producing the two 3He nuclei which combine to make 4He nucleus. since two of the oribinal 1H nuclei are returned to their original state, we can summerize the three steps as 4 1H----->4He+ energy
Hydrostatic Equilibrium
The sun will move neither up nor down.
1. the downward pressure of the layers of solar material above the slab.
2. The upward pressure of the hot gases beneath the slab.
3. the slab's weight-that is, the downward gravitational pull it feels from the rest of the sun.

The pressure from below must balance both the slab's weight and the pressure from above.
Thermal Equilbrium
While the temperature in the solar interior is different at different levels, the temperature at each depth remains constant in time.
Hydrostatic Equilibrium
The sun will move neither up nor down.
1. the downward pressure of the layers of solar material above the slab.
2. The upward pressure of the hot gases beneath the slab.
3. the slab's weight-that is, the downward gravitational pull it feels from the rest of the sun.

The pressure from below must balance both the slab's weight and the pressure from above.
Three Methods of Energy Transport from the center to the surface
Conduction, Convention, Radiative Diffusion
Example: If you heat one end of a metal bar, energy flows to the other end of the bar and makes that warm
Thermal Equilbrium
While the temperature in the solar interior is different at different levels, the temperature at each depth remains constant in time.
Circulation of fluids: gasses or liquids- between hot and cool regions. Hot gasses rise toward a stars surface, and cool gasses sink to the bottom
Three Methods of Energy Transport from the center to the surface
Conduction, Convention, Radiative Diffusion
Example: If you heat one end of a metal bar, energy flows to the other end of the bar and makes that warm
Circulation of fluids: gasses or liquids- between hot and cool regions. Hot gasses rise toward a stars surface, and cool gasses sink to the bottom
Radiative Diffusion
Photons created in the thermonuclear inferno of the star's center diffuse towards the star's surface.
From the center of the sun to about .71 Rsun
Energy is transported by radiative diffusion. Called the Radiative Zone
Beyond .71Rsun
Convection dominates, called convective zone.
field of solarresearch
particles released in the process of hydrogen fusion when protons turn to neutrons. They have no electrical charge. They interact weakly with matter.
his is the layer that is closest to the solar interior. This layer forms the
visible boundary of the Sun. Its temperatures range from about 5800 K near the interior edge
down to about 4000 K at the chromosphere boundary. Granulation (the visible manifestation of
convection) and sunspots occur in the photosphere. Absorption line spectra are seen from this
region of the Sun’s atmosphere.
Next layer of the Sun’s atmosphere moving outward from the Sun’s interior.
The chromosphere lies in between the photosphere and the transition region. Temperatures
here vary from 4000 K up to about 10,000 K. Spicules are produced in this region, as are some
absorption and some emission line spectra. Emission from Hydrogen Balmer series lines dominates
the spectrum of the chromosphere. The red Hα line when seen in emission gives the chromosphere
its pinkish red color.
Transition region:
A region characterized by a rapid increase in temperature over a very
small change in distance. Here the temps go from about 10,000 K up to nearly a million K over a
distance of some 20 km. This part of the solar atmosphere lies in between the chromosphere and
the corona.
This is the outermost layer of the solar atmosphere. This layer has temps of 1 to 2
million K and it also has a very low density. The corona displays such features as coronal holes,
prominences, and coronal mass ejections. The millions of tons of charged particles that escape
from the Sun’s gravitational grasp each year come from the Sun’s corona – this is the source of
the solar wind.
small angle formula
D=ad/202,265 where D=linear size of an object, d=distance of the object, a=the angular size of the object
the circular path that the sun appears to trace out against the background of the stars
the point where the celestial equator and the ecliptic intersect
Winter solstice
the point when the sun is furthest south of the celestial equator
Summer solstice
the point when the sun is furthest north of the celestial equator
Right acension
the angular distance of an object eastward from the vernal equinox along the celestial equator
an object's angular distance north or south lf the celestial equator measured along a circle passing through both celestial poles.
the line that passes through a zenith
1-to-1 spin-orbit coupling
synchronous rotation, rotation period equals period of revolution
3-to-2 spin orbit coupling
Mercury's cycle. It makes three complete rotations on its axisfor two complete orbits around the sun.
retrograde rotation
planet rotates on its axis opposite as compared to how it rotates the sun. Venus does this
Greenhouse Effects
Our atmosphere prevents some of the radiation emitted by the earth's surface from escaping into space.
1. Sunlight arrives at earth.
2. 39% of sunlight is reflected by clouds and the surface.
3. sunlight is not relfected is absorbed by surface heating it
4. heated surface emits infated radiation
5. some infrared ratiation is trapped by atsmosphere heating both the atsmposphere and surface.
6. remaining infrared radiation "leaks" into space.
Greenhouse Gasses
certain gasses in our atsmosphere, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide, which are transparent to visible light but not to infared radiation.
central, composed or irron
dense rich minerals aroun the core
light silicon-rich minerals on the outside
stresses build up in the earth's crust and are released. most occur deep in the crust.
area above where the earthquake happened
they detect earth to detect and record these vibratory motions.
Earth's energy source
mostly from the sun. the earth's surface is warmed by sunlight which in turn warms the air next to the surface. Hot air is less dense than cool air and so tends to rise. the rising air cools and becomes denser. It is called convection.
the fraction of sunlight the incoming sunlight. About 31% of it
seismic waves
three types of waves produced by earthquake
surface waves
causes the rolling motion that we feel around the epicenter
P waves
primary waves. Longitudinal waves because they travel pararlell to the direction of wave motion.
S waves
secondary waves. called transverse waves because their vibrations are perpinicular to the directions in which waves move.