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57 Cards in this Set

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The parasympathetic division uses only ________ as a neurotransmitter in the ganglionic neurons.
Answer: Acetylcholine
Pain from the diaphragm will be referred to the anterior cutaneous area of the ________.
Answer: Neck
The only sympathetic preganglionic neuron to go directly to an organ is one branch of the ________ splanchnic nerve.
Answer: greater
The ________ receptor type is used by the heart, and when activated increases heart rate.
Answer: B1
The two cholinergic receptor types are ________ and ________.
Answer: nicorinic, muscarinic
The ________ division alone stimulates the lens of the eye.
Answer: Parasympathetic
Sweat glands are innervated by the ________ fibers alone.
Answer: Sympathetic
The ________ division causes erection of the penis and clitoris.
Answer: Parasympathetic
Two major classes of adrenergic receptors, ________ and ________ are found in the ANS.
Answer: Alpha, beta
The sympathetic division is referred to as the ________ system.
Answer: Fight or Flight
The vagus nerve does not innervate the ________.
A) pancreas
B) kidneys
C) parotid gland
D) gallbladder
Answer: C
The possibility of control over autonomic responses is demonstrated by ________.

A) split brain studies
B) stress-induced hypertension
C) biofeedback
D) nightmares
Answer: C
Emotions influence autonomic reactions primarily through integration in the ________.

A) lateral horn of the spinal cord
B) hypothalamus
C) lateral geniculate of the thalamus
D) inferior colliculus
Answer: B
Abducens Nerve
Turns the eyeball laterally.
Vagus Nerve
Helps to regulate blood pressure and digestion.
Vestibularcochlear Nerve
Serves the senses of hearing and equilibrium.
Accessory Nerve
Formed by the union of canial and a spinal root
Olfactory Nerve
Receptors located in epithelium of the nasal cavity
Plantar Reflex
tests both upper and lower motor pathways, the sole of the foot is stimulated with a dull instrument extension
Flexor Reflex
Produces a rapid withdrawal of the body part with a painful stimulus; ipsilateral
Abdominal Reflex
Checks the integrity of the spinal cord and dorsal rami at the level of T8 to T12.
Stretch Reflex
Prevents muscle overstretching and maintains muscle tone
Lumbar Plexus
the obturator and femoral nerves branch from this plexus,
Brachial Plexus
Striking the funny bone may cause injury to a nerve of this plexus, trauma to a nerve of this plexus may cause wrist drop
Sacral Plexus
Improper administration of an injection to the buttocks may injure a nerve of this plexus
Cervical Plexus
the phrenic nerve branches from this plexus
Projection Level
Intermediate relay for incoming and outgoing neurons, includes cortical and brain stem motor areas
Precommand Level
Regulates motor activity, the cerebellum and basal nuclei
Segmental Level
Central pattern generators, the neural machinery of the spinal cord
The meningeal brahcn of a spinal nerve actually reenters the vertebral canal to innervate the meninges and blood vessels
Answer: True
In the somatosensory system, there is no third-order neurons in the cerebellum.
Answer: True
There are 41 pairs of spinal nerves.
Answer: False
The glossopharyngeal nerve is the only cranial nerve that contains sensory fibers.
Answer: False
The musculocutaneous nerve is a major nerve of the brachial plexus.
Answer: True
The second cranial nerve forms a chiasma at the base of the brain for partial crossover of neural fibers.
Answer: True
The only cranial nerves to extend beyond the head and neck region are the vagus nerves.
Answer: True
The dorsal ramus consists only of motor fibers bringing information to the spinal cord.
Answer: False
Dermatomes are skin segments that relate to sensory innervation regions of the spinal nerves.
Answer: True
Spinal roots and rami are similar in that they both contain sensory and motor fibers.
Answer: True
Irritation of the phrenic nerve may cause diaphragm spasms called hiccups.
Answer: True
The obturator nerve branches from the sacral plexus.
Answer: False
Reciprocal inhibition means that while one sensory nerve is stimulated, another sensory neuron in the same area is inhibited and cannot respond.
Answer: False
External strabismus and ptosis could be caused by damage to the oculomotor nerve.
Answer: True
In order to regulate motor activity, to start and stop movements, and to coordinate postural movements, the cerebellum and basal nuclei are involved.
Answer: True
The ʺknee jerkʺ reflex is an example of a(n) ________.
A) extensor thrust reflex
B) stress reflex
C) cross extensor reflex
D) stretch reflex
Answer: D
The ________ nerve is not a branch of the trigeminal nerve.
A) ophthalmic
B) maxillary
C) cervical
D) mandibular
Answer: C
Which of the following nerves does not arise from the brachial plexus?
A) median
B) phrenic
C) radial
D) ulnar
Answer: B
Which of the following is at the lowest level of the CNS?
A) direct system
B) indirect system
C) projection level
Answer: D
The three primary levels of neural integration in a sensory system include all of the following except the ________.
A) receptor level
B) circuit level
C) perceptual level
D) effector level
Answer: D
The posterior side of the thigh, leg, and foot is served by the ________ nerve.
A) obturator
B) common fibular
C) tibial
D) femoral
Answer: C
Starting at the spinal cord, the subdivisions of the brachial plexus are, in order ________.
A) rami, trunks, divisions, and cords
B) rami, divisions, cords, and trunks
C) divisions, rami, trunks, and cords
D) trunks, divisions, cords, and rami
Answer: A
The cranial nerve with a dual origin (brain and spinal cord) is the ________.
A) hypoglossal
B) accessory
C) vagus
D) glossopharyngeal
Answer: B
Which of the following is not a nerve plexus?
A) brachial
B) cervical
C) lumbar
D) thoracic
Answer: D
A major nerve of the lumbar plexus is the ________.
A) femoral
B) iliohypogastric
C) sciatic
D) ilioinguinal
Answer: A
Spinal nerves exiting the cord from the level of L4 to S4 form the ________.
A) lumbar plexus
B) femoral plexus
C) sacral plexus
D) thoracic plexus
Answer: C
The abducens nerve ________.
A) supplies innervation to the lateral rectus muscle of the eye
B) relays sensory information from taste buds on the tongue
C) exits from the medulla
D) if paralyzed, exhibits Bellʹs palsy
Answer: A
Basic reflexes ________.
A)are rapid, predictable, learned responses
B) may be modified by learned behavior
C) are autonomic only
D) are always mediated by the brain
Answer: B