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21 Cards in this Set

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Analysis using only the form of the work (no historical or cultural context).

Extrernal conflict

Struggle in the story that comes from an outside force

Such as characters, groups, amimals, or nature


Any recurring element that has significant in a story.

Round characters

Fully developed characters. The author usually reveals varied and sometimes contradictory traits.

In Medias Res

The author starts the narrative right in the middle of the action.


A close comparison of two dissimilar things that create a fusion of identity bw the things that are compared without using the words like or as.


Hint or clue about what will happen in the story

Foil character

A foil is a character who contrasts with another character in order to highlight particular qualities of the other character.

Usually the protagonist

Flat Character

Usually minor characters. The author usual reveals only one or two.


The repetition of similar vowels sounds

I rose and told him my woe

Dramatic irony

When a character speaks in ignorance of a situation known to the audience or other characters.

Verbal Irony

A contradiction of expectation bw what is said and what is meant


A situation or phrase that appears to be contradictory but which contains a truth worth considering.

In order to preserve pace we must prepare for war


The endowment of inanimate objects or abstract concepts with animate or living qualities.

Time let me play/ and be golden in the mercy of his means


Repetitive sounds produced by consonants within a sentence or phrase.

The words chuckle fickle and kick

Rising action/conflict

Events that complicate of intensify the central conflicts

Denouement/falling action

Logical result of climax

Which character is a FOIL to Connie, highlighting Connie's immaturity, vanity, and duplicity?

June (sister)

Name some of the motifs in the narrative

Music and flies (decay)

Where are you going where have you been?

"Seeing with blinding sights" and "curse. bless me now" are examples of what poetic device?


What is the tone of this poem


Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night