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20 Cards in this Set

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what is the definition of triage

specific type assessment

what does research make clear about children

the most vulnerable population to trauma

what is a major problem with screening

can be costly in terms of money and resources and carries a risk of harm

in addition to benefitting from discussing their fears and feelings with friends, relatives, or health-care workers, many cancer patients found reassurance through what?

Social Comparison

What is an important post-disaster intervention that is not likely to be found in other kinds of mental health practice?

conflict mediation

what is the ideal way to handle conflict

keep it from occurring in the first place

what is debriefing

a recounting of what transpired during a specific event

when did psychological debriefing come on the scene

during a time of increasing awareness of the impact of trauma on individuals and communities.

who or what group did Shalev test his group debriefing

Israeli infantry units

according to Mitchell, list the three principles of crisis intervention




do debriefings offer any benefits

appear to offer some benefits to some people under certain circumstances

who are those who give social support to first responders

spouses, family, and friends

what did Freud call reliving of traumatic events

repetition compulsion

what is flooding therapy

clients imagine only the actual feared stimuli

when doing long-term family therapy in the aftermath of a disaster, what must the therapist consider first

who in the family is the primary patient or if there is more than one patient

in group therapy how can members of the group identify with one another

identifying with another's pain can reassure a group member that he or she is not alone in suffering

doing long -term work with survivors of disaster and trauma can be what

difficult and demanding, risky and rewarding

therapist need to be what when treating more than one person who survived the same trauma

especially cautious

Shalev is optimistic about the human capacity to cope even in the most extreme circumstances, not because people are self-reliant but rather because of what

can help each other

some in the field of mental health workers have argued that mental health interventions are not useful until when

the danger has passed