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42 Cards in this Set

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Adam Smith


Currency backed by land that had been seized from the church. State ended up having to sell the land, making the currency worthless.



Middle Class @ time of French Rev.

NO connection to the land,

Production, Craftspeople, manufacturing, merchants, bankers, doctors, lawyers, teachers.

Literate. Lived in Cities - Access to ideas.

Producing wealth, no say in politics - still technically members of the 3rd Estate.

Aristocracy has privilege. Middle class resentful.

Charles Calonne

(1734-1802) Has enlightenment Ideas. 1786 -becomes controller of finances under Louis 16th. Conducts full audit of the state. The state is paying half of it's revenue paying JUST INTEREST on loans(From foreign wars).

Calonne proposes free trade - taxation of nobles?

1787 Calonne brings together "Assembly of Notables to discuss taxation.

Nobles reject - Leads the the Meeting of the Estates General.

Committee of Public Safety

12 people on a committee to enforce the general will?

If you did not support the gov fully, they are allowed to use summary justice on you.

Congress of Vienna

Continental System

A policy introduced by Napoleon Bonaparte which denied England trade with all territories owned by France. Being that France owned a lot of Territory, this angered some countries occupied by France as England was a great trading empire.

Cottage Industry

Specialized work done in the homes of peasants.

Czar Alexander I

Ruler of Russia during the time that Napoleon was conquering most of Europe. Alexander admired Napoleon.

Eventually less impressed with Napoleon after the Continental System and evade the system.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

1789, document made by the National Assembly. Not a constitution, but lead to one. Used many enlightenment ideas.

Rousseau - Man born free

Locke - Govs exist to protect rights

Diderot - People are sovereign, not the king

Laws exist to prevent unwanted action

Laws are expression of the Gen Will

Freedom of the Press


"Doubling the Third"


Happened before the Industrial Revolution. Farmers land taken from the original open field and put into plots that are fenced and defined. English parliment had passed legislation to officially enclose land. Those with small/no holdings of land move to communities to look for work.

Enclosure allows for innovation, which allows populations to grow as farmers produce more.

Essay on the Principle of Population

1798 Written by Thomas Malthus, was an essay on how with the population growing it will lead to famine,

Estates General

Meeting of representatives from the Three Estates, legal classification of people, consiting of Clergy, Nobility, and The Commons. Called together by the king.

1788 meeting called, last meeting was 1614(174 YRS) Reps from common have meetings, lists of grievances.

Meets in 1789, common people 600 reps(still 1 vote) Each class meets separately, 3rd refuses to vote unless everyone meets common.

Months go by, Third estate decides to leave the Estates General. Call themselves the National Assembly, Louis locks the door where they would have met. 20june 1789 National Assembly meets @ tennis court.

Factory Acts


A set of three acts introduced by British government addressing the issues of safety in factories.

1st, Law only applies to Cotton Textile, to male Apprentices, limits hours to 12, not enforced

2nd,LAw only applies to Textiles, Limits Childrens hours, childern under 9 are not allowed to work.

3rd, Limits Children+Womens hours to 10.

Many people not happy with the acts as it restricted them from doing the work they needed to subside.

German Confederation

After the Napoleonic wars Germany had 39 independent states with individual rulers.


Grand Army

An army of 600,000 men assembled in 1812 to invade Russia. Fails, after the Russians had slowly drew them farther into russia, burned crops and left them to starve. (Moscow, the town was BURNED completely) On the way home they are attacked, starve, killed by cold, dissertion, only 40,000 men survive.

"Great Fear"

1789, summer, countryside. Peasants resentment to landlords boiling over. Great Fear is a rumour that there is a Noble crusader army killing peasants who were standing up.Enhances violence, peasants destroy manor houses - destroying documents that have obligations to the land.

Helps to force the National Assembly to take action.

Grievances lists

When representatives of the 3rd estate were chosen for the Estates General meeting, they were usually literate people from the middle class. Delegates created "Grievance lists" complaining of feudalism, Corvette(Obligatory, contractual, manual labour) Nobles Privilege, Complaints on Taxation, Complaints on Voting,

Tone of these lists are hopeful, cordial, king still respected.

Italian War of Unification


The attempt by Italian nationalists to unify the 7 states into one. Sardinia and France help attacks Austrians in N Italy, and reate one Unified state.


Also known as The Mountain as they sat on the highest left in the legislative assembly. They were the most radical political group. Rose because of wars, starvation in Paris, Municipal gov was run by Sans-Cullottes(Urban working class people) Felt the squeeze of economic crisis, supported the Jacobins.

Jacobins proposed a new constitution:

-Universal Manhood Suffrage - All MEN can vote (Never happened)

-Abolition of Slavery in colonies

-Gave Gov. SUMMARY Justice (Gov power to work outside the law

-Established "The committee of public safety

Jacobins wanted to do away with tradition

-Measurement changes (Metric system intro)

-Different Months of the year (1792 becomes yr 1)

James Watt

(1736-1819) Steam engine creator (1781)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

(1712-1778) French Philosophe.

Used previously established "Social Contract Theory."

1762, wrote The Social Contract. Argued that a new social contract was needed. Direct participation of CITIZENS(men) in politics.

General will - The good of all. Once it is known, people will put away their self interest.

LOCKE: Individual.

Rousseau: Societal.

King Louis XVI

King during the time of the French Revolution. Prevented the National assembly from meeting at the estates general, leading them to meet at the tennis court.
Executed after trying to escape.


Levee en masse

Introduced in order to mobilise the entire strength of a country .

Everyone has a responsibility in war.
Conscription introduced as an official Gov. Policy



These were a group of people opposed to the introduction of machines into their communities as the machines would often take their jobs. In particular weavers. Wrote letters saying they would destroy the machines if the owners did not stop using them and kept their promise.

Maximilien Robespierre

Leader of the Jacobins, introduced terror to government policy. Believed he knew that the Gen Will was. "Terror is prompt justice"

Tried to encourage Nationalism,




Courts of Law in France. Most Powerful in Paris. Their task is to look at laws by the king, see if they fit with tradition of the country.
Factor in the REV - King tries to pass law taxing Nobles, parlements denies the law. King sends the judges into exile, making them martyrs of the cause (Opposing the monarchy).

Popular Sovereignty

Putting-out System

Merchant Capitalists buy raw materials, puts out the material to workers in homes, cottage industry, pays for the semi finished products, and brings them to other workers until all the work is done then takes the finished product to market. This system disappears when machines become the norm.

Robert Owen


Owned Cotton Textil Mill, Invested his profits in the town Lanark. Owen was inspired by Helvatius,

New Lanark created, better housing, access to fresh water, local reasonably priced food, children unallowed to work until 10yrs, obligatory childhood schooling, music/dancing halls. Owen wanted a dry community, this created resentment.

Town worked for a while, profits dwindled, Owen moved to N. America.


Without Breeches. Working class, those who do not ride. Urban workers. Supported the Jacobins

"Spanish Ulcer"

Napoleon Bonaparte had conquered Spain and placed his brother Joseph on the throne. THe spanish population were hardcore Catholic, and loyal to the old King. Put up resistance.

Guerrilla Warfare. NOn Traditional Engagements

Napoleon never had full control of Spain, cost him money and resources. Showed other European countries that resistance was possible.

Tennis Court Oath

20 June 1789. Beginning of french Revolution in Scott Murrays mind.

National Assembly (Consisting of mostly 3rd estate but some from 2nd and 1st.) Disobey king, Take an OATH to continue to meet as a national assembly until they had created a constitution.

Thermidorian Reaction

July 1795: Members of the French Convention (Gov.) overthrow the Jacobins. Robspierre, committee of public safety, supporters, and ring leaders executed around 70 people.

New more conservative government created. New constitution.

Successfully defends France from invaders.
Invades and overthrows Italian Govs.

The Wealth of Nations