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118 Cards in this Set

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Five steps in software development

1. Requirements specification

2. Analysis

3. Design

4. Implementation

5. Development

5 types of software testing (in order)

1. Statement

2. Unit

3. Integration

4. Acceptance

5. Regression

Big-O Notation

constant O(1)

logarithmic O(log n)

linear O(n)

n log n O(n log n)

quadratic O(n^2)

cubic O(n^3)

exponential O(2^n)

exponential O(10^n)

statement of work

The document, usually received from a customer, that states specifically the customer's requirements for a software product. The SOW is created during the Requirements Specification phase of software engineering

requirements definition document

A statement of what is to be provided by a computer system or software product

software requirements specification

define in detail exactly what the software must do

software design document

a detailed plan for the organization of the software including a description of any new algorithms and a detailed description of how the code will be organized and how each unit of code will be tested

software test plan

The document which is a detailed, organized plan for testing a piece of software. The STP includes a description of all tests to be performed, the procedure for performing the test, the inputs for the test, and the expected outputs. The STP is created during the Testing phase of software engineering, but the normal approach is to begin working on a rough draft of the STP during the design phase so that every part of the system included in the design has a test or tests included in the STP

abstract data type

A data type whose properties (domain and operations) are specified independently of any particular implementation. Examples: List, Stack, Queue, Tree, Graph, Set.

acceptance testing

use the RSD to guide the testing of requirements


an outline of the procedure for solving a problem. This includes (1) the actions which are to be taken, and (2) the order in which the actions are to be performed.

analysis of algorithm

A measure of the amount of resources necessary to execute a section of code. The efficiency or running time of an algorithm stated as a function relating the input size/length to the number of steps (time complexity) or storage locations (space complexity)

Best fit memory allocation

makes the best use of memory space but slower in making allocation

binary search

finds the position of a target value within a sorted array

bottom up program design

The process of program design in which the problem is defined in terms of low level simple objects that interact in some way. Design progresses from the simple objects and how they interact upward to more complex interactions. Also called object oriented programming. Focus is on the data objects in the software system.

call by reference

A function calling method in which the address or reference to the actual arguments are passed to a function.

call by value

A function calling method in which only copies of the values stored in arguments to the function are passed into the function.

data abstraction

The separation of a data type's logical properties from its' implementation. Another term for Data Encapsulation

driver function for software testing

A special function written to use as a testing function. It passes known inputs to selected functions and reports the returned values. * used to test lower level functions

dynamic memory allocation

Allocating memory for a variable, structure, or class instance after a program has started running


The separation of the representation of data from the applications that use the data at a logical level. A programming language feature that enhances information hiding. Another term for Data Abstraction

first fit memory allocation

the operating system begins at the start of primary memory and allocates memory from the first hole it encounters large enough to satisfy the request-to reduce amt of time spent analyzing available spaces

fragmentation(referring to the heap)

memory space being wasted-to avoid heap fragmentation memory management if performed by the person versus the OS

greedy algorithm

one that attempts to find the best solution by the shortest means possible


A complete binary tree with values stored so that no child has a key value greater than its parent.

information hiding

The practice of hiding the details of a function, class, or data structure with the goal of controlling access to the details of the implementation of a class or structure

integration testing

replace all stubs and drivers with the real functions

object oriented programming

"Bottom-up program design"

procedural programming

functional decomposition

"top-down program design"


the ability of a function to call itself

regression testing

testing done after bug fixes

sequential search

each element of the array is compared to the key, in the order they occur in the array, until the first element matching the key is found

software validation

the process of determining the degree to which the software does, in fact, produce the result results that satisfy the original requirement

software verification

the process of determining the degree to which software functions correctly

static memory allocation

Memory that is allocated at program start up or when a function is called. Variable declarations in a program result in static memory allocation.

stepwise refinement

The process in software design of starting off at a high level of abstraction and working down through an interative process to add more and more detail to the design

stub function for software testing

A special function written to use as a testing function. A stub returns known outputs to a calling function to determine how the calling function handles the returned values. Used to test higher level functions

top-down program design

functional decomposition/procedural programming

unit testing

use separate tests for each possible path through a function

2-3 tree

each node may contain 1 or 2 keys and have 2-3 subtrees

AVL tree

For any node in the tree the height (longest distance from root to leaf) of its left sub-tree is the same as the height of its right sub-tree, or it differs at most by 1


each node may contain a large number of keys

binary tree

A tree structure in which each node is an empty tree or a node that has left and/or right children which are binary trees. The key in the parent node is greater than the key in the left child and less than the key in the right child

child node

node whose parent is the root

complete binary tree

Trees with all their leaves on one level, or two adjacent levels with the bottom most leaves as far left as possible. A full binary tree is a complete binary tree.

internal node

A node in a binary tree that is neither the root nor a leaf

leaf node

a node in a binary tree that has no children

parent node

a node having children


the first node of a tree


internal nodes beneath the root


ordered tree data structure

adjacent vertices

two nodes which share a common link

adjacency set

a way of implementing a graph in memory and connections between nodes are represented in a linked list of connections for each node

adjacency matrix

a way of implementing a graph in memory in which the connections between nodes are represented in a 2D array

connected components

a subset of nodes of a graph for which there is a path from any one to all others in the subset

connected vertices

when there exists a path between two vertices they are said to be this


a path that begins and ends on the same node

degree of a vertex

the number of links in a graph for which a given node is one of the endpoints

directed graph

a graph in which the links between nodes go only in one direction


the connections between nodes in a graph

minimal spanning tree of a graph

determining the shortest path to visit every vertex in the graph


a list of nodes indicating those that must be visited in order to get from one node to another

predecessors of a vertex

all nodes in a graph from which a given node has links coming from the other nodes to the given node

simple cycle

a path of three or more nodes that starts and ends on the same node and never visits any node more than once, except the starting node

successors of a vertex

all nodes in a graph to which a given node has links going from the given node to the other nodes


the nodes in a graph which may be represented by a structure or a class object

weighted graph

a graph in which the links between nodes have some value associated with them

component(base) type

the data type of the items composing the set


a set X is a subset of Y if each item of X is also in Y

universal set

the set containing all of the values of the component type

empty set

a set with no members


number of items in a set

set intersection

returns a set made up of all of the items in both of the input sets

set difference

returns a set made up of all items that are in the first set but not the second

symmetrical difference

returns a set made up of all items that are in the first or second set but not both

set union

returns a set made up of all items that are in either of the input sets


a series of adjacent filled entries in a hash table


when 2 keys hash to the same index in a hash table

hash table

an array of data structures or a large number of records stored in a file on disk.

hash function

the technique used to calculate a unique index into the hash table from a key.


hash table is divided up into equal sized groups of locations and hash indices are calculated for the number of groups, thus each index in the hash table can hold several records


a linked list of all records is hashing to the same index are created from the first record in that index

linear probing

a scheme for resolving hash collisions by sequentially searching the hash table for a free location

load factor

the ratio of the number of filled entries in a hash table to the number of entries in the table

perfect hash function

a hash function that maps keys uniformly and randomly into the table without collisions


A structured type in a programming language containing variables and the functions which operate on those variables. Used to represent an abstract data type.

constructor function

Functions that create an abstract data type

destructor function

called when objects are destroyed/deallocated

function overloading

The ability to have two or more functions in a class with the same name but different number and/or types of arguments

implementation file

the file that implements the class/cpp file


The process of dynamically allocating memory for an object


ability to process objects differently depending on their data type or class; ability to redefine methods for derived classes


Variables and functions in a structure or class which can only be accessed from within the object.


Variables and functions in a structure or class which may be accessed only from other functions within the class or from functions in objects that are sub-classes of the class.


Variables and functions in a structure or class which are global and may be accessed from anywhere if there is access to the object. Default state for member variables of structures.

show how to define a data structure containing an int stockNum, double price, and char array called desc of 128 characters

struct InvItem


int stockNum;

double price;

char desc [128];

}; ** don't forget this semicolon!

declare a pointer called sPtr to a structure called InvItem, then dynamically allocate memory for the struct and set sPtr pointing to it

InvItem *sPtr;

InvItem = new sPtr;

sPtr = new InvItem();

copy the values 54321, 9.95 and "left-handed widget" into stockNum, price, and desc fields of a new data struct sPtr points to

sPtr -> stockNum = 54321;

sPtr -> price = 9.95;

strcpy(sPtr ->desc, "left-handed widget");

write the setID function of the simple class InventoryItem containing the variable m_iID of type int

void InventoryItem::setID(int x)


m_iID = x;


declare a pointer called ItmPtr to a class of type InventoryItem; dynamically instantiate an instance of the class and set the pointer ItmPtr pointing to it; call setID in the instance that ItmPtr is pointing to it and pass it the value 12345

InventoryItem *ItmPtr;

ItmPtr = new InventoryItem;

ItmPtr -> setID(12345);

create a vector called strVec to hold strings

add the string "testing" to the vector

remove the last item from the vector




write a function that traverses a binary tree; call a function called doSomething(TreeNode *thisNode) for each node in the tree

void MyTree::Traverse(TreeNode *rt)


if (rt !=Null)


traverse (rt -> left)

doSomething (rt)

traverse (rt -> right)



write a recursive function called SumIt which calculates a sequence of numbers; the function takes 2 arguments which are ints and returns an int

int SumIt(int m, int n)


if (m==n)

return m+m;


return (m+m) + SumIt (m+1, n);


using set template do the following:

create set of string objects called names

add the name jason to the set

declare an iterator called itr to items in the set names;

locate the name jason in names and set the iterator itr to reference it


names.insert ("jason");

set ::iterator itr;

itr = names.find ("jason");

Bubble sort

A type of transposition sorting; the simplest sorting method (scanning a swapping)

As you repeatedly scan the array of records making comparisons, the lower key values gradually move to the start of the array

Insertion sort

type of Insert and Keep sort;

Done by moving items out of a set of unsorted records into a set of sorted records;

Tree sort

type of insert and keep sort;

is already in order if an in-order traversal is made;

uses insertNode function and performs an in-order traversal to list records in sorted order

Selection sort

type of priority queuing sort:

divides array into sorted/unsorted sections and repeatedly removes the record with the largest key from unsorted section and moves it to the front of the sorted section

Heap sort

type of priority queuing sort:

repeatedly dequeuing structures from the heap and moving them into an array will give a sorted array

quick sort

type of Divide and conquer:

partitions data into 2 smaller groups arbitrarily and places all keys <= "pivot key" on the left side of the array and all keys >= "pivot key" on the right side; recursively calls QuickSort() to the left and right halves then merges the two arrays

merge sort

type of divide and conquer:

frequently used to sort very large collections of data; divide array into 2 parts and recursively call mergeSort() to sort the first half of the array and same to second half respectively; merge the two arrays

shell sort

type of diminishing increment sort:

subdivides the array of structures into smaller pieces by selecting every nth record then sorting that group of structures

proxmap sort

type of address calculation sort;

conceptually similar to hashing; uses a variation on hashing with buckets of different sizes

radix sort

type of address calculation sort;

uses keys that must be integers of some standard length or keys that can be mapped to this; sort to all 0s,1s,2s etc. then arrange groups into ascending order; repeat this sorting with the 10s, 100s, 1000s etc.

define how an adjacency set works

a linked list represents vertices and another linked list represents edges

define how an adjacency matrix works

an array of structs or classes represents vertices while a 2D array of int represents edges

declare static instance of a structure and declare a pointer to that structure statically then dynamically

struct Name

{ int x;

char c;

char array[50];}

//static instance

Name instance1;

Name *sptr;

Name *sptr = &instance 1;


Name *sptr;

sptr = newName;

declare variables and pointers to those variables

int iVar;

double dVar;

char cVar;


int *iptr = &iVar;

double *dptr = &dVar;

char *cptr = &cVar;