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39 Cards in this Set

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Medical Model
the conceptualization of psychological abnormalities as diseases that like physical diseases have biological causes defined symptoms and possible cures
(diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders) a classification system that describes the features used to diagnose each recognized mental disorder and indicates how the disorder can be distinguished from other, similar problems
Diathesis-Stress Model
a model suggesting that a person may be predisposed for a mental disorder that remains unexpressed until triggered by stress
Anxiety Disorders
mental disorders in which anxiety is the predominant feature
Generalized Anxiety Disorder

disorder characterized by chronic excessive worry accompanied by three or more of the following symptoms: restlessness, fatigue, concentration problems, irritability, muscle tension, and sleep disturbance "free floating"

Phobic Disorders

disorders characterized by marked, persistent, and excessive, fear and avoidance of specific objects, activities or situations

Specific Phobia

disorder that involves an irrational fear of a particular object or situation that markedly interferes with an individual's ability to function

Social Phobia

disorder that involves an irrational fear of being publicity humiliated or embarrassed

Panic Disorder

disorder characterized by the sudden occurrence of multiple psychological symptoms that contribute to a feeling of stark terror

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

disorder in which repetitive, intrusive thoughts and ritualistic behaviors designed to fend off those thoughts interfere significantly with an individual's functioning

Mood Disorders

mental disorders that have mood disorders disturbance as their predominant feature

Major Depressive Disorder

disorder characterized by a severely depressed mood that lasts 2 weeks or more and is accompanied by feelings of worthlessness and lack of pleasure, lethargy and sleep and appetite disturbances

Seasonal Affective Disorder

depression that involves recurrent depressive episodes in a seasonal pattern

Bipolar Disorder

an unstable emotional condition characterized by cycles of abnormal persistent high mood (mania) and low mood (depression)


disorder characterized by the profound disruption of basic psychological processes; a distorted perception of reality; altered or blunted emotion and disturbances in thought motivation and behavior


a patently false belief system often bizarre and grandiose that is maintained in spite of its irrationality


a false perceptual experience that has a compelling sense of being the absence of external stimulation

Dopamine Hypothesis

the idea that schizophrenia involves an excess of dopamine activity

Personality Disorders

disorders characterized by deeply ingrained, infexible patterns of thinking, feeling, relating to others or controlling impulses that cause distress or impaired functioning

Antisocial Personality Disorder

pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights to others that begins in childhood or early adolescences and continues into adulthood


legal term; inability to understand right/wrong at the time of a crime people with recognized disorders may be judged legally sane

Anorexia Nervosa

intense fear of gaining weight disturbed body image refusal to maintain normal weight may involve physical problems such as osteoporsis 15-20% die

Bulimia Nervosa

generally concentrated in Western Cultures binge and purge out-of-control overeating followed by unhealthy compensation vomiting laxative abuse excessive exercise

Clinical Psychologists

treat full-fledged disorders

Counseling Psychologists

treat everyday adjustment problems much overlap in specialization doctoral training (BA+ 5-7 years to get PhD)


physicians (MD) who specialize in diagnosis and treatment psychological disorders BA+ medical school 4 years + residency 4 years tend to focus on severe disorders depression schizophrenia

Clinical Social Worker

MA degree (BA + 2-3 years)

Psychiatric Nurses

BA or MA degrees both tend to work in hospitals with psychologists and/or psychiatrists


many types and settings MA degrees specialize in problems related to setting


professional treatment by someone with specialized training 400 different systems Eclectic 36% Psychodynamic 29% Cognitive 16% Other 10% Humanistic/ Existential 6% Behavioral 3%

Psychodynamic Therapy

Sigmund Freud and followers goal: discover unresolved unconscious conflicts related to childhood events that are the cause of maladaptive behavior develop insight by making unconscious conscious

Free Association

clients say whatever they want; therapists looks for clues

Dream Analysis

therapists interprets symbolic meaning of dreams "royal road to unconscious"

Behavior Modification

B.F. Skinner and colleagues goal: unlearning maladaptive behavior and learning adaptive ones exposure therapy-joseph wolpe experience anxiety- provoking to decrease emotional response

Cognitive Therapy

a form of psychotherapy that involves helping a client identify and correct any distorted thinking about self, others or the world

Antipsychotic Drugs

medications that are used to treat schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders

Antianxiety Medications

drugs that help reduce a person's experience of fear of anxiety


a class of drugs that help lift people's mood


an inert substance or procedure that has been applied with the expectation that a healing response will be produced