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49 Cards in this Set

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What is Feminist Essentialism
Valuing women's perspective and believing that there is a natural difference in the way the genders think.

Essentialism - Essence of a woman and man are different.
What is Feminist Socialism?
Belief that sexuality and gender should be included in analysis of society and we should look at struggles faced by all women. Focuses often on low income women.
What is feminist postmodernism?
Also the opposition of feminist existentialism. Looks at women as subjects to be studied from the standpoint theory.
What is quear theory?
Gender is a continuum of male and female with male and female at the extremes and most people in the middle.
What is ideology of fag?
Labels to make people conform to gender roles (boys who do ballet are gay).
What is the feminization of occupations?
jobs dominated by associated with women. Have lower pay & benefits
What are Intersecting Oppressions of Gender?
When gender and race combine to reinforce opposing stereotypes. eg: Indian Princess and squaw
Gender Role is expectations related to behaviour and attitudes related to being male or female. (girls expected to play with dolls)
Who is the Founding Mother of Sociology and Sociology of Gender?
Harriet Martineau
Who was first Canadian woman to get her PhD in sociology?
Anne Marion MacLean
Who was first woman hired a a sociologist as a
Canadian university?
Aileen Ross
Who was considered founding mothers of rural sociology?
Helen C. Abell
What is feminist liberalism?
It identifies women as a class entitles to rights as women and values their contributions. Associated with fight for pay equity.
What do people (especially women in India) criticize about feminist essentialism?
assumes everyone experiences gender the same way

confuses natural phenomena with women's coping strategies

invites the perception of women as housekeepers in a world men build (eg: women's essence is to be naturally caring)
What is feminization of occupations?
When job dominated by women and associated with lower pay and benefits.

More women in finance, insurance, real estate, and leasing, education, accommodation and food services , health care.
What is the Powley test?
questions used to determine if Metis and other natives could hunt without a license.
Has was the term race first applied?

Why do sociologist say it does not exists?
By Spanish and English settlers during 16th and 17th century to reflect the superiority of certain people.

Because there are always people who don't fit into the three categories of Caucasion, Negroid, and Mongoloid
What is racialization?
Social process where people are viewed/judged as different in terms of intellect, morality, views, and differences in physical type, or cultural heritage.
Key points regarding rationalization of natives in Canada.
- began in 16th Century Europe with talks about whether natives were human or had souls
- natives here for 12,000 years. Europeans only 1,000 years.
-studied mostly as social problems
- their voices have rarely been heard in studies about their own people
-complex system that separates Aboriginals into groups like registered Indian, Metis, Eskimo etc.
What is relational accountability?
balancing the social portrayal of a people to include positives and negatives
What year was the Indian Act passed?
What is Bill C-31 and when was it passed?
Law that returned status to women stripped of it after marrying non native. Passed in 1985.
Where have urban reserves been estabalished and why?
In Saskatchewan to compensate native people and provide central urban services for Aboriginal businesses.
Detail history of Blacks in Canada
Existed in Nova Scotia since British Proclamation of 1779 gave freedom to slaves from the US. More than 3,000 moved north initially. Given less land and fewer opportunities than white immigrants
Endured prejudice and hardship.
In 1792, 1,200 blacks left for new African colony of Sierra Leone and there was a gradual decline in black population.
Didn't pick up again until 1970s
By 2006, 3rd largest visible minority.
Name and describe different types of Racism.
Bigotry - overt and open views expressed
Systemic/institutional - rules made part of the system
Friendly/smiling - covert and subtle (removing traces of being Chinese when selling a house)
What is a master narrative?
Story countries tell themselves and repeat in books in which racism is downplayed or omiitted.
What was minimum head tax on Sikhs and Chinese
How much was the head tax on Chinese introduced in 1903 and what effect did it have?
$500 and limited or eliminated immigration of women.
Name the five theoretical approaches to ethnicity>
Social Constitutionalism
what is primordialism
belief that ethnic groups are made up of laundry list of traits passed with through generations with little change.

when change happens it is ascribed by outside forces
what is colonialism
economic and political exploitation of a weaker country by a stronger one
what is internal colonialism
colonialism of one people by another in a single country (eg: in Canada)
what is anti-colonialism
framework analyzing the destructive impact colonialism has on colonizer and colonized
What is status
your recognized social position. can change over time (daughter, mother)
What is Becker's Labelling Theory
That negative labels like gay, whimp etc an become our master status eg: loser
Could add these:
what is status hieracy
status inconsidtncey
status consistency
Define sex
biological characteristics of male and female
What is gender
Role and characteristics society assigns to a men and women
What is sexuality
what you do with whom
What is the hegemonic masculinity
normalizes and naturalizes men's dominance and women's subordination
What is the subordinate masculinity
behaviours that threaten the hegemonic male (man who is a daycare worker). Also an effeminate male
What is the marginalized masculinity
forms of masculinity afforded less respect eg: black man
What is the complicit masculinity
Men who don't live up to the ideal of true manhood (hegemonic masculinity) but benefit from it.
what is intersectionality
Study of intersections between different marginalized groups and realization that they cannot be examined separately.
What are the four principles of the McDonaldiztion of soceity ?
efficiency, quantity, predictability and control
Give example of coercive organization
Prison or mental hospital
What is a utilitarian organization
One people join to make money
Who was the first African American sociologist
W.E.B. DuBois
What is epiphenomenal’
used to describe a secondary phenomenon that arises from, but does not causally influence, a separate phenomenon.