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88 Cards in this Set

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Prodigious - Root Word

PRO - Before; forward; for; earlier than; front; in front of

Prodigious - Definition

Remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree

Posterior - Root Word

POST - After; behind

Posterior - Definition

Further back in position; of or nearer the rear or hind end

Ambiguous - Root Word

AMBI/AMPHI - On both sides; around

Ambiguous - Definition

Open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning

Ephemeral - Root Word

EP/EPI - Upon; besides; attacked to; over; outer; after

Ephemeral - Definition

Lasting for a very short time

Parameter - Root Word

PARA - beside

Parameter - Definition

A limit or boundary that defines the scope of a particular process or activity

Egocentric - Root Word

CENTR/CENTER - Sharp point; exact middle of a circle

Egocentric - Definition

Thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others

Circumvent - Root Word


Circumvent - Definition

Find a way around

Deity - Root Word

DE/DIV - God; divine

Deity - Definition

A god or goddess

Sacrilege - Root Word


Sacrilege - Definition

Violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred

Populous - Root Word

POPUL - People

Populous - Definition

Having a large population; densely populated

Pandemic - Root Word

DEMO - People

Pandemic - Definition

(of a disease) Prevalent over a whole country or the world

Virago - Root Word

VIR - Man

Virago - Definition

A domineering, violent, or bad-tempered woman

Acropolis - Root Word


Acropolis - Definition

A citadel or fortified part of an ancient Greek city, typically built on a hill

Predominant - Root Word(s)

PRE - Before; in front of

DOM - House; master

Predominant - Definition

Present as the strongest or main element

Perturb - Root Word

TURB - To throw into confusion; to upset

Perturb - Definition

Make (someone) anxious or unsettled

Servile - Root Word

SERV - To be subject to

Servile - Definition

Having or showing an excessive willingness to serve or please others

Erratic - Root Word

ERR - To wander; to stray

Erratic - Definition

Not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable

Animism - Root Word

ANIM - Breath; soul

Animism - Definition

The attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena

Vivacious - Root Word

VIV - To live or be alive

Vivacious - Definition

Attractively lively and animated

Symbiosis - Root Word

BIO - Life

Symbiosis - Definition

Interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association

Pernicious - Root Word

NEC/NIC/NOX - Having to do with killing, slaying, or corpse

Pernicious - Definition

Having a harmful effect

Mortify - Root Word

MOR/MORT - To die; death

Mortify - Definition

Cause (someone) to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated

Meritocracy - Root Word


Meritocracy - Definition

Government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability

Dynamic - Root Word

DYNAM - To be able; to have power

Dynamic - Definition

Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress

Valorous - Root Word

VAL - Strength; to be worthy; strong, or healthy; to have power or influence

Valorous - Definition

To be valiant and courageous

Compel - Root Word

PEL/PULS - To move or drive

Compel - Definition

Force or oblige (someone) to do something

Inimical - Root Word

AM/IM - To love

Inimical - Definition

Tending to obstruct or harm

Philanthropy - Root Word

PHIL - Love

Philanthropy - Definition

The desire to promote the welfare of others

Pacify - Root Word

PAC/PEAS - Agree; peace

Pacify - Definition

Quell the anger, agitation, or excitement of

Antebellum - Root Word(s)

ANTE - Before; in front of

BELL - War

Antebellum - Definition

Occurring or existing before a particular war

Implacable - Root Word

PLAC/PLAIS - To please or be agreeable to; to soothe or calm

Implacable - Definition

Unable to be calmed

Photogenic - Root Word


Photogenic - Definition

Looking attractive in photographs or on film

Lucid - Root Word

LUC - Light; to shine or glitter

Lucid - Definition

Expressed clearly; easy to understand

Alleviate - Root Word

LEV - Light; to raise or lighten

Alleviate - Definition

Make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe

Pensive - Root Word

PEND/PENS - To hang, weight, or cause to hang down

Pensive - Definition

Engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought

Gravitate - Root Word

GRAV - Heavy; weighty; serious

Gravitate - Definition

Move toward or be attracted to a place, person, or thing

Carnage - Root Word

CARN - Flesh

Carnage - Definition

The killing of a large number of people

Corpulent - Root Word

CORP - Body

Corpulent - Definition


Discord - Root Word

CORD - Heart

Discord - Definition

Disagreement between people

Recapitulate - Root Word

CAPIT - Head

Recapitulate - Definition

Summarize and state again the main points of

Anthropomorphic - Root Word

ANTHROP - Human Being

Anthropomorphic - Definition

Having human characteristics

Antediluvian - Root Word

ANTE - Before; in front of

Antediluvian - Definition

Of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood

Precocious - Root Word

PRE - Before; in front of

Precocious - Definition

(of a child) Having developed certain abilities or proclivities at an earlier age than usual

Metacarpal - Root Word

META - After; behind; change; beyond

Metacarpal - Definition

Any of the five bones of the hand