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105 Cards in this Set

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Central Nervous system
Brain and Spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System
Sensory and Motor neurons (everything else)
Somatic nervous system
Voluntary input from organs and output from skeletal muscles
Autonomic Nervous system
Involuntary Input from internal receptors and output from smooth muscle and glands
Sympathetic system
fight or flight responses (adrenergic system)
Parasympathetic system
relaxing responses (cholinergic system)
Ventral Respiratory group
contains inspiratory and expiratory neurons
Control of inspiratory ramp signal is from?
Ventral resp. Group (VRG)
Dorsal Resp. Group (DRG)
contains mostly Insp. Neurons
DRG sends impulses to?
Motor nerves of the diaphragm and External intercostals
Pneumotaxic Center
controls "I" time (control switch for inspiration)
Hering-Breuer reflex
sends stop signal when large Vt is inhaled
Increases the capillary pressure
Peripheral Proprioceptors
Movement of tactile stimulation activates hyperpnea
Heads Paradoxical Reflex
responsible for Sigh and may be responsible for babies first breath
Irritant Receptors
stimulated by irritants in AW (causes asthma symptoms)
Central Chemoreceptors
Located bilaterally in medulla
What stimulates Central Chemoreceptors
Mostly H ions but indirectly by CO2
Peripheral Chemoreceptors
located in the carotid bodies and the aortic arch
what stimulates Peripheral Receptors
a decrease in PaO2 of less than 60 mmHg
Normal anatomical shunt from 3 sources?
Pleural Veins, Thebesian Veins, Bronchial Veins
Primary Ventilatory muscles
Diaphragm, Intercostals, and Scalene muscles
Secondary Ventilatory Muscles
Sternocleidomastoid,Pectoralis muscles, abdominals, Trapezius muscles
Canals of Lambert connect?
Terminal Bronchioles
Pores of Kohn connect?
Laplace Law P=2T/r
for a given ST. Smaller Alv. will be harder to distend than larger Alv
Restrictive lung diseases
Pneumothorax,ARDS,Consolidation,Pulmonary Edema, Pulmonary Fibrosis
Restrictive diseases are characterized by?
stiff lungs and inability to get air in
AW resistance is described by
Change in pressure/ flow rate
Laminar flow
calm, slow flow
Turbulent flow
choppy, fast flow
Reynolds number
>2000 considered Turbulent, <2000 considered Laminar
Paradoxical Respirations
Chest moves in on inspiration and out on Exhalation.
Orthopnea is?
Dyspnea while laying flat
Platypnea is?
dyspnea while upright
What are obstructive diseases?
CF,Chronic Bronchitis,Asthma,Emphysema,Bronchiectasis
Neutrophils represent?
increased=Bacterial infection or Trauma,
Decreased=Bone marrow disease
Eosinophils represent?
allergic RX and parasite infection
Basophils represent?
Allergic RX
Monocytes represent?
invasion of foreign material
Lymphocytes represent?
increased=viral infection, decreased means immuno-deficiency problems
Most important extracellular cation
Sodium (Na)
Most prominent anion
Chloride (Cl)
Main intracellular cation?
Potassium (K)
Synergistic Effect
work better if given with another drug (1+1=3)
Potentiation effect
one of the drugs improves the performance of the other (1+0=3)
Additive Effect
sum of both drugs is the same as if given separately (1+1=2)
Normal Isothermic Saturation Boundary (ISB)
inspired air is completely saturated with humidity at 5cm below carina
Body temp. Pressure Standard is?
Temp=37C, Pressure of 47 torr, H2O vapor content=44mg/l, and barometric pressure of 760 mmHg
Relative humidity equation is?
Content/saturated capacity X 100
Hazards of humidity Therapy?
condensation, cross contamination, electric shock
Indications for humidity therapy?
to humidify medical gases (bubble humidifier), to treat humidity deficit when upper airway is bypassed.
Definition of an Aerosol?
suspension of a liquid within a gas
can an aerosol be seen?
yes is visible to the naked eye
indications for Aerosol Tx?
loosen and immobilize secretions, to deliver medications to the respiratory tract, administration of aerosolized meds.
Hazards of Aerosol therapy?
Infection, AW reactivity,Over hydration, drug re-concentration, side effects of medication being given
External respiration is?
diffusion of Co2 from Capillaries into Alv. (takes place in Lungs)
Internal Respiration is?
diffusion of gases from the capillaries to the tissues. (Takes place internally)
Normal value for QT?
normal is 4-8 Lpm
What is Elasticity of the lung?
Ability of the lung to return to normal size
Things that affect QT?
MI, HTN, Hypovolemia, Drug O/D
things that decrease compliance
Atelectasis,Pneumonia,ARDS,Pleural effusion,Pulmonary Edema
Normal range for Airway Resistance (Raw)
0.6-2.4 cm/H2O/L/Sec
Henrys Law
The amount of gas dissolved in a liquid at a given temp. is directly proportionate to the partial pressure of the gas (if you incr. Part. Press. you incr. the amount of gas absorbed)
Grahams Law
The rate of diffusion of a gas through a liquid is directly proportionate to solubility coefficient of the gas and inversely proportionate to the gram molecular weight (heavier the molecule less it dissolves)
can a pt with decreased O2 diffusion rate due to A/C thickening benefit from Increased FiO2?
Yes, Increased FiO2 increases Pressure which facilitates faster diffusion across A/C membrane
Surface Tension causes?
Alveoli to decrease in size
Surfactant serves what purpose?
to minimize the effect of ST. It prevents the ST from collapsing the alveoli and reduces the pressure need to to expand the alveoli
Hemoglobin that is unbound is called?
Normal range for Hb?
14-16 g/100ml of blood
CaO2 measures?
the O2 delivered to the tissues (also best index for O2 transport)
CaO2 equation
(Hb x 1.34 x SaO2) + (PaO2 x .003)
What is a Swan-Ganz Catheter
It is a balloon tipped flow directed catheter that is used to take blood from the Pulmonary Artery
What is CVO2?
total amount of Co2 carried in mixed venous blood
CVO2 formula
(Hb x 1.34 x SaO2) + (PVO2 x .003)
Normal value for CVO2?
12-18 %vol (15 %vol is absolute normal)
C(a-v)O2 measures
The O2 consumption at the tissue leve
Normal value for C(a-v)O2?
15 %vol
Venous blood gas evaluates?
The Heart
Arterial Blood gas evaluates?
the Lungs
Causes for Hb to have increased affinity for O2
Hypocapnia,Hypothermia, decreased 2,3 DPG, Alkalosis, COHb (carboxic hemoglobin)
Hypoxemia level < 80 is considered
Mild hypoxemia
Hypoxemia level <60 is considered
Moderate Hypoxemia
Hypoxemia level of <40 is considered
Cyanosis occures when?
Hb desaturation has reached 5g/dl
Oxygen indications are?
Acute MI
Severe Trauma
Increased Work of Breathing
To put a pt on a high flow device what requirements need to be met?
RR >25
Irregular Vt
Increased work of breathing
What are some hazards of O2 Therapy?
Nitrogen washout
Depression of Ventilation
Oxygen Toxicity
Oxygen is transported what 2 ways?
Attached to Hb
Dissolved in Plasma
What 3 ways is CO2 transported
Bound to Hb
Dissolved in Hb
What are the five things that decrease compliance?
Pulmonary Edema
Pleural Effusion
Pulmonary Fibrosis
The Acid/Base Balance is maintained in what 3 ways?
Blood buffer regulation(hydration rxn)
Respiratory regulation
Metabolic regulation
What is the Henderson-Hasselback Normal?
HCO3= 24 mEq/L
H2CO2=1.2 mEq/L
Primary causes of Respiratory failure
Cardiopulmonary disease
CNS depression
Neuro/Neuromuscular disease
Fatigue (status asthmaticus)
Alveolar Hyperventilation primary causes
Compensation of metabolic acidosis
CNS stimulation (drugs,trauma..)
emotional disorders (pain, fear, anxiety)
Primary causes of Metabolic Alkalosis
Loss of gastric contents
Massive dosage of steroids
ingestion of acid depleting drugs (NaHCO3)
Anion gap formula
[Na] - [Cl] - [HCO3]
Normal range for Anion gap is?
9-14 mEq/L
decreased 2,3 DPG can be causes
Septic shock
increased production of 2,3 DPG causes
vigorous exercise
High altitude
hydration rxn is what?
CO2 + HOH> H2CO3> H + HCO3
Ficks Law
the diffusion of a gas is directly proportinal to the area, diffusivity and partial pressures of the gas and inversely proportional to the thickness of the tissue
Ficks Law equation
Vgas= A x D x (P1-P2) / T
Henrys Law
The solubility of a gas at a given temperature is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas
Grahams Law
the diffusion of a gas through a liquid is directly proportional to the solubility coefficient of the gas and inversely proportional to the GMV