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94 Cards in this Set

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where all eligible people can elect a representative


all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs


a form of government where one person is in charge (the monarch)

constitutional monarchy

where one person has all the power to a certain limit because of a constitution


military leader is in charge


where there is no government


land that is surrounded by water on 3 sides


a group of closely scattered a


a large natural elevation of the Earth's surface rising up from the surrounding level; a large steep hill


an area where sand, silt, clay, or gravel is deposited at the mouth of a river


a narrow passage of water connecting two seas or two larger areas of water


elevated plain


an area the receives less than 10" of precipitation a year


a narrow strip of land that connects two larger pieces of land

2 branches of geography

physical & human


resources that are distributed mainly through family


publicly owned


privately owned


parts owned privately and parts owned by government or other authorities

ring of fire

a ring of active volcanoes

plate tectonics

the idea that earth is made up of a huge slab of moving rock

5 themes of geography

location, region, human-environment interaction, place, movement

earth sun relationship

earth has a natural tilt, one end points to the sun and the other points away from the sun; because of this, we have the seasons

types of location

absolute and relative


founder of the religion of Islam


ruler of Babylon, best known for his law code- Hammurabi's code

Chang Kai Shek

started building the great wall of china

Marco Polo

worked in the court of the Mongols and played an important part in telling the Europeans about China and East Asia

Mathew Perry

commodore of the United States Navy

Siddhartha Gautama

he was Buddha

Mohandas Gandhi

person who came back from Britain and used civil disobedience towards Britain


He though people should should be normally good and loyal to their families, he also believed that a ruler should lead his people as though he were the head of the family

Shi Huangdi

he founded the Qin dynasty and then when 13 became king and right after that became China's first emperor at 38

Kubai Khan

Grandson of Genghis Khan, Mongolian general and statesman, conquered china, became first emperor of the country's Yuan dynasty

Saddam Hussein

president of Iraq for 24 years

Osama Bin Laden

created a single Islamic state

Mao Zedong

China's first communist leader


Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries


Association of Southwest Asian Nations


once you die you are reborn into another body


people who worship many gods


a period of a thousand years


where there is neither suffering, or sense of self, and the person is released from the effects of karma; the final goal of Buddhism; a happy place


a Muslim place of worship


that what you do in this life, affects you in the next

5 pillars

Sahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj


religious hymns handed down orally for many centuries before they were written down

eight-fold path

right views, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration

four noble truths

the four central beliefs containing the essence of Buddhist teaching

Partition of Palestine

to be separated into parts between Arabs and Jews

Partition of India

was the dividing of the British Indian Empire into India and Pakistan

Israeli - Arab conflict

the political tension, military conflicts and disputes between a number of Arab countries and Israel

Great Leap Forward

it was created to increase China's industrial output

Tiananman Square

protests where hundreds of protesters were killed or injured by Chinese military

pearl harbor

when the Japanese bombed a U.S. army base

Vietnam War

a war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam, NV was backed by china, North Korea, and other communist countries; SV was backed by Thailand, United States and Vietnam and other anti-communist countries; it ended up being a war between the United States and Vietnam

Spanish American War

a conflict between America and Spain; the U.S. declared war on Spain because they sunk the USS Maine and Havana

Korean War

the north attacked the south

cold war

no one actually fought, only threats were sent back and forth

caste system

the social class a person is born into and cannot change


writing that was done on clay tablets in Mesopotamia (Iraq)


Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan currently waging war in that country

trade surplus

when you export more than you import

trade deficit

when you import more than you export

mandate of heaven

the belief in china that the emperor's to be "chosen" by the gods and that there can only be one ruler at a time


Japanese warriors


giving land for military service

human capital

how skilled workforce of a country is

rain shadow

the leeward side of a mountain near an ocean that get no rain because of the windward side side


the horizontal lines on a map or globe


the vertical lines on a map or globe

voluntary trade

a market where buyers and sellers have the right to sell and buy their own preference or refuse to if they choose to do so


economic events in one area that occur in another because of something else

water cycle

evaporation and precipitation


a person who flees a country because of natural disaster, war, or in search of a better life

cultural diffusion

the spread of cultural ideas and social activities from one group to another


a wind

renewable resources

natural resources that can be renewed

nonrenewable resources

natural resources that cannot be renewed


what the temperature is at the time


what the average temperature is

silk road

a series of trade routes leading from Europe to China


the largest mountain range in Asia and the world

Suez Canal

artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea

climates of the different regions of Asia

East Asia: temperate; Southeast Asia: tropical Savannah , humid; South Asia: tropical and temperate; Southwest Asia: arid, semiarid, and temperate

great wall of china

a wall extending for 1500 miles built to defend the Chinese border in Ancient China

Ganges River

trans-boundary river of Asia which flows through the nations of India and Bangladesh

Major Archipelagos in Asia

Japan, Philippines, and Maldives

Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

the rivers that surround Mesopotamia or current day Iraq

yellow river

Chinese civilization began there

Indus river

one of the longest rivers in Asia

highest point in the world

the peak Mount Everest

lowest point in the world

dead sea

region of largest oil reserves

southwest Asia or the middle east around the pacific golf