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41 Cards in this Set

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Culture change

is usually slow, conservative. slowest in religious cultures and those with belief in supernatural. still changes, but slowest. Religion can also by a dynamic instigator of cultural change

Primary processes of culture change

1. Innovation- something invented or discovered

2. Diffusion- cultural borrowing

speed of cultural change

acculturation- lots of ideas at once are incorporated quickly into another culture. Usually there is a dominant culture forcing their culture on another one through economic or physical force. think mexico, aztecs etc


blending of two or more systems into a new cultural system. Trobriand islanders were taughtto play cricket as a more “appropriate” occupation for their celebrations. Theyhave incorporated many of their own attitudes and some behaviors into cricket.They used to have a yam festival where villagers would gather and feast, “bigman” festival with political undertones, now they gather and play cricket aswell. Anyone who wants to play who shows up can play. Magic is ok to use in thegame. There are songs, dances, chants after every out.

Mayan Catholicism

another example of syncretism. mayan gods replaced the saints. rituals are combined with elements of both systems.


brazil. Yoruba, catholic, and native s american beliefs combined in a syncretic system. (this is the one the long movie was on with the cigar smoking women)all is alive with spirits.

Easter is held

the first sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. took over pagan festival

Umbanda possession

they communicate with light and dark gods. Yemanja is the top diety, with huge festival. their black ancestors known as old blacks, and indian spirits caboulos come to mediums to answer questions, heal, etc. this instead of psychotherapy they can heal what hospitals cannot. smoking cigars, etc, more experienced mediums help new ones.

How do you get a spirit to leave when new medium can't shake it off? (Umbanda)

the older medium blows cigar smoke in their ears.

combination of gods in Umbanda

hid the orishads- african gods, behind catholic saints.

st george- OGUN, god of war left hand side

st jerome- god of thunder

Old blacks- slaves who worked the sugar plantations

caboulous- old indians, headresses


mainspring of everything, of the earth, nearest to the living. Seen as satan, not true, suffering spirits hav no moral sense and need help to progress and evolve

things used in umbanda ritual

ribbons are used to designate which spirit and offering is for




Voudou- Example of syncretism


Voudou means spirit or deity in Fon (afr) language

The island of Hispaniola, left side is Haiti and right sight is dom republic

History of Haiti

french colony. predominantly grew sugar cane, became incredibly wealthy, brought in slaves to work the fields. (Fon, Yoruba, Congo) Soon the slaves outnumbered the French and the owners forced them to convert to Catholicism. baptized, a few services, but no real education. not consistent. the slaves maintained African beliefs.

Slave rebellion in Haiti

1790-1804- slave revolt. overthrew the french. became independent in 1804. the vatican recalled the priests. Remained isolated for approx the next 50 years. catholicism was unclear and became amalgamated with the african beliefs. 1860 priests returned but voudou was already established as a syncretized blend of fon and catholic. `

Voudou Pantheon

Bondye- Papa Bon Dieu- otiose

LWA-- (loa) subordinate to Bondieu--mysteries or spirits, divided into Nanchons

1. Rada- ancient gods reminiscent of africa

2. Dieties- like cool and sweet things

3. Petwo- more recent, likely from slave times, they like hot and spicy things, aggressive

LWA are connected to saints via syncretism

Rada- Dambala, the serpent god, linked to St Patrick who supposedly drove the snakes out of Ireland.



Syncretism of catholicism and Yoruba

Revitalization movements are

a deliberate attempt to reform society. Usually idealized. more likely to occur in times of stress in society, when a subordinate culture is marginalized, drought, famine, etc.

(bolshevik revolution)

Types of revitalization movements

(not mutually exclusive)

1. Natavistic

2. Revivalistic

3. Millenian Movements

4. Messianic Movements


dom/sub cultures. Advocates elimination of dominant culture ad return to the past, removal of dominant culture


return to the percieved "glory days"

Millenial movement

result of apocalyptic transformations, the end of the world


following a diving savior, example Mormonism

Cargo Cults- Multiple

Melanesia (off coast of New Guinea) Cargo means western trade goods. because westerners were considered powerful, they were linked with the supernatural. then when priests camd from across the sea, which was considered the land of the dead, it validated this perception.

What generated the cargo cults?

The belief grew that the missionaries were stingy with their power. Animosity grew and the Melanesians decided that the Europeans had stolen power from the Melanesian ancestors, thus they attempted to get the magic back.

Buka People

1932-33 thought the large warehouses were the magic. they destroyed all of their own farms to bring new wealth. This did not work.

Naked Cult

1944-1948-went around naked and destroyed all European things. Stopped working for Europeans with the idea that Americans would then come

John Frum

Island of Tanna, Vanuatu. 1930's-present. John Frum (also called John Brum, Jon Frum, or John From is a figure associated with cargo cults on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu. He is often depicted as an American World War II serviceman who will bring wealth and prosperity to the people if they follow him. Dawn of new Age, whites would leave, and material wealth would come. ritual military parades, shirts say TA USA. in 1941 left all and moved inland

Ghost Dance

1890's in N America. 1889 Paiute named Wovoka had a visionary dream that he had spoken with god. he was told the indians were not supposed to drink or fight, etc. he was told that if the Ghost Dance was performed, the ancestors would be ok, and the eclipse would come and kill all the whites and return the bison. 3 nights of dance

consequences of ghost dance

1890 Sioux sends a delgation to learn the dance, create additional tension with the whites in S Dakota. At Wounded Knee, the Shaman Yellow Bird tells the natives that they cannot be harmed if they resisted, a warrior drew his rifle and more than 200 Sioux were massacred.

Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints

example of a successful revitalization movement. Prophet Joseph Smith from New York, Vistitation at age of 17 when three angels told him about the golden tablets. in 1844 he was jailed for destroying the printing press of opposing forces- he was killed in prison. Brigham Young took over and led the Mormons to Utah.


Wicca--Incorporates many different pre christian beliefs. Many variants.


Offshoot of another religion

differs with respect to a few issues

usually based on interpretations.


associated with a founder or leader who provides new revelations


often led by someone with a charismatic personality. usually requires modification of many behaviors and curtailing of many freedoms. Scientology is a strong maybe

Branch Davidians

a sect of 7th day Adventist who preached the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Founded by Victor Houteff, then when he passed, David Koresh took over only 6 years after he joined. 1987. believed Christ only provided salvation for those who preceded him in death. Only the current prophet can save you (Koresh) regulated all aspects of the member's lives including food, work, sex, etc. They stockpiled weapons in a compound outside of Waco TX and were attacked by the FBI in 1993 and burned out.

Unification Church

Reverend Sun Myung Moon. believes salvation is possible when the perfect union of new adam and eve is achieved. performs mass marriages. S. Korea

Belief in Aliens

Marsall Applewhite, Heaven's Gate 1970's. believed the earth would be recycled, and that a spaceship was coming for them in the tail of the Hale-bopp Comet. 30+ poisoned pudding. New Nikes and 5 dollars in their shoes.


Claude Vorhilon. 1974 Hiking through the Alps, met Martians who told him that the planet was an alien space experiment. they inform the prophets. world peace is their goal. Human body is their greatest achievement. hope to attain immortality through cloning.

Culture Change and Religion Fundamentalism

percieved struggle between good and evil, against modernization, against secularism

Richard Antoun-Themes of Fundamentalism

1. Quest for purity-distilled version

2. Totalism- relevant to all aspects of life, decision making, etc.

3. Activism-actively demonstrate salvation to others.

4. Scripturalism-Justifying beliefs and interpretations through religious texts

5. Traditioning- relevance. that the old ways are as relevant as they always were.

6. Selective Modernization- taking what they want