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81 Cards in this Set

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What's the function of the Urinary System?
The production and elimination of urine, the fluid vehicle for the discharge of waste products from the body.
What's the funciton of the Reproductive System?
The production of new individuals and the scretion of sex hormones.
What's the funciton of the Digestive System?
To alter the chemical and physical compostion of food so it can absorbed and utilized by the body cells.
What's the 6 funcitons of the Liver?
1) Formation of blood consitituents
2) Metabolism
3) Detoxifcation
4) Primary source of body heat
5) Acts as a resevoir
6) Makes bile and enzymes
2 types of respiration
1) Internal - breathing (inspiration and expiration)
2) External - exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
What's the funciton of the Endocrine System?
Secrete hormones that are carried by the blood and lymph.
Name 9 glands of the Endocrine System
1) Pituitary Gland
2) Thyroid Gland
3) Adrenal Glands
4) Pancreas
5) Pineal Gland
6) Thymus Gland
7) Gonads
8) Placenta
9) Skin
What's the funciton of the Lymphatic System?
Return to the bloodsteam the fluid filtered out of the blood capillaries.
What's the funciton of the Circulatory System?
Transportation of various substances to and from the body cells.
5 ways nerves are stimulated
1) Mechanical: massage
2) Chemical: acid or salts
3) Thermal: hot towel or heating lamps
4) Electrical: high frequency, glavanic
5) Light Rays: infra-red and ultra-violet
Expressions and what muscles
Whistle: Buccinator
Sad: Triangularis
Kissing: Orbicularis or buccinator
Snarl: caninus
Smile or laugh: Zygomaticus
Grin: Risorius
Grimmis: Platysma
What's the funciton of the Muscular System?
Movement, Maintenance of posture and production of heat
Classifications of Muscle Tissue
Smooth Muscle (involuntary)
Cardiac Muscle (Involuntary)
Skeletal Msucle (Voluntary
Anatomy of Muscle Tissue
-Each muscle consists of a main portion, the bdoy; and two ends called the origin and inserions.
-The origin is the relatively fixed point and the insertion is the moveable end.
What's the funciton of the Skeletal System?
Provide support and framework for all body structures, protection for organs, manufacture blood cells and to serve as a storehouse for calcium.
5 primary types of tissues
1) Epithelial-covers surfaces, lines cavities, and forms tubes
2) Connective-forms protective, supporting and binding structures
3) Muscle-has contractile ability to produce movement
4) Nerve-includes the sensory, coorinating, and conducting structures
5) Liquid-serves as a carrier for food, waste, hormons by lymph and blood.
stability of internal environment within narrow limits
What are the 3 processes of the Urinary System
Filtration, reabsorbtion and tubular secretion
Function of the Cerebrum
Largest part of the brain, functiosn mental processes such as reasoning, will, and higher emotion also voluntary control of movements
Diffusion, Filtration and Osmosis
Diffusion-substances move from areas of higher concentrations to lower
Filtration-substances pass through a membrane when pressure is higher on one side
Osmosis-the passage of a solvent; seperates solution
Components of the Circulatory System
1 - Erthosytes (red blood cells) transports respiratory gases and oxygen to the cells and carbon dioxide away from the cells, carry hemoglobin
2 - Leukocytes (white blood cells) two types : granuloctyes (form in lymphatic tissue) and agranulocytes (form in bone marrow. Also has defense against disease and goes thru cap. walls
3 - platets (thombocytes)
is blood clotting (hemostasis) and fibrin (entangles threads to catch red blood cells)
4 - Plasma
6 Layers of the Skin
*from bottom*
Germinitive-plump, full of water, has nucleus
Malphigian-starting to loose water, still has nucleus and has prickle cells
Granular-has vit. d and takes UV light
Clear-translucent, cemented together
horny-no water
squamous-dead skin cells
Imbition of the Horny Later
-the swelling of the cells of the horny layer from certain products, resulting from the comining of h2o & hydrophilious lipids that make it capable of impregnating the cells
ex- rose flower or multi-fruit hydration
Barrier of Rein
skin is acidic until the granular layer and finally is alkaline
Cutaneous Fats
a) sebum
b) hydrophillic
c) hydrophobic
Buffer Capacity
Ability for skin to return to it's natural pH 4.5-5.5 after such changes
-cell renewal process
-changes every 4-6weeks
-controlled by the endocrine system & hormones
-cells are born, dehydrate, dir turn into keratin and slough off
-affected by age, climate and sun
Skin Pore - Apeture
Horny Cell - Kertinocyte
Sweat Gland - Suderiferous Gland
Pigment bearing cell - melanocytes
Epidermis Skin tissue - Stratified epithelium
Nerves responsible for heat, touch ect. - sensory nerves
small, red, elevated pimple on skin
small elevation filled with pus or lymph
small elevated blister filled with serous fluid (contact dermatitis)
Itchy, swollen lesion that lasts for a few hours (bites, hives)
How allergies manifest
Innate: person reacts as soon as there is contact
Acquired: person doesnt react as soon there is contact
Herpes Simplex
-viral infection, fever blisters
-eruption of a single group of vesicles on a red swollen base, contagious
Shingles (Herpes Zoster)
-Caused by chicken pox
-painful, blistery outbreak, afftecting nerve endings
-happens on one side of body
Inflammation of the skin evidenced by itching, redness, and various lesions
transitory redness of the skin due to dilations of superficial capillaries as a result of inflammation or external influences
studye of the cause of disease
a) manual: jojoba w/ hand
b) mechanical: microderm, or brush machine
c) chemical: aha's bha's, enzyme peels
difference between UVA and UVB rays
UVA - aging, all year long, go deeper in the dermis, penetrate through glass, clothing, ect, cause wrinkles
UVB - burning rays, more surface/shorter wave length, prevelent during sunnday
Two processes of metabolism
Catabolism: burning or oxidation fo absorbed foods to supply heat and chemical energy.
Anabolism: the utilization of food for the building of body tissues, cell growth, repair and reproduction (mitosis)
Function of the Respiratory System
comprised of organs concerned with the exchange of gases from an organism and it's environment.
3 ways lymph is moved
-Contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles
-Respiratory Movements
7th Cranial Nerve and it's function
Facial Nerve-chief Motor nerve of the face. Controls all the muscle of the neck. Has 6 Branches
5th Cranial Nerve
The Trifacial nerve-Chief sensory nerve of the face. Motor nerves of the muscles of mastification
11th Cranial Nerve
Spinal Accessory (motor), controls motions of neck muscles.
less voilent character and of short duration.
long duration, usually mild but recurring.
common chronic inflammatory skin desease; silvery scales over red patches
Large blister containg fluid thats caused by a 2nd degree thermal or chemical burn
Open lesion accompanied by pus and is the loss of skin depth
Ringworm; highly contagious fungal infection dermatitis
small swelling within tissues that's elevated
Bacterial Dermatitis; infectious disease caused by pus forming bacteria, contagious
any pigmentation disorder of the skin
Common Cartoid Arteries & Jugulars
Common Caroid Arteries: main source for face, head and neck.
Ex Jugular: takes blood back to the heart
Horny Assimilation
-interaction between the cosmetic preperation with corneocytes
-products containing lipids and protein surroud and penetrate the cells of the superficial strata (vit c plus)
Transcutaneou Absorption
penetration of a substance thorugh the different strata of the skin, ultimately into the blood stream and lymphatic system (essential oils)
percussion, fast tapping, slapping and hacking movements
soft, stroking movement
rapid shaking
rubbing movement
kneading movement
Benefit of facial massage
1) relaxation
2) stimulates blood and lymph circulation
3) helps muscle tone
4) improves overall metabolism
5) relieve muclse tension and pain
10 alternative treatments
1) Kneipp Therapy
2) Cham. compress
3) High Frequency
4) Iontophorisis
5) Disincrustation
6) Paraffin Mask
7) Lucas
8) Rotary Brush
9) Oil Infusion
10) MLD
11) Mature Pressure Points
study of hair
Excessive hair growth
Define Fitzpatrick Scale
Used to measure skin's ability to tolerate suns exposure
Levels of Decontamination - STERILIZATION
Highest; kills all mircroogranisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi and bacterial spores
Levels of Decontamination - DISINFECTION
kills most organisms; it doesn't kill bacterial spores
Levels of Decontamination - SANITATION
reduces number of pathogens or disease producing organisms found on a surface
Levels of Decontamination - ANTIBATERIAL
can kill, retard or prevent the growth of bacteria, safe for the skin
What is meant by an allergy and how does it reveal itself?
An allergy is a hypersensitivity to a substance that doesn't normally cause a reaction and revelas itself by evidenting itself within days or hours
7 ways we can prevent the spread of disease
5-Wash Hands
6-Sanitize Station
7-Pull Back Hair
Woods lamp colors and what it reveals
purple - dehydrated
blue - normal
brown - pigmentation
white - dead skin cells
orange - comedones
4 ways the body fights infection
- white blood cells
- antitoxins
- unbroken skin
- bodily fluids
The cell and the 3 parts
Nucleus- brain of the cell
Cytoplasm- functions all cell activities and food for cell
Cell membrane- lets waste out and nutrients in
Function of the nervous system
to recieve stimuli and transmit messages
Open Comedone
plug of keratinized cells and sebum
Close Comedone
tightly closed osteum, slightly elevated
Sebaceous Filament
congested follicular canal of sebum