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56 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is the most important source of tax revenue for city governments in texas

Sales tax

According to recent surveys whoch of the following types of political participation is most common

Worked with others to solve a community problem

Arguably what is the impact of texas political culture on political participation

Iy discourages political participation

Of the taxes the state of texas collects which would not apply

Income tax

In texas how long prior to an election must you register in order to be eligible to vote

30 days

The expansion of political participation in the south was mainly due to

Federal intervention

How has the expansion of mass media into new formats such as twitter and youtube changed the way campaigns are conducted

Campings arr now constructed aroubd the mass media replacing many traditional forms

Based on my lecture the rise of the information age

Has not created a more informed society

Why is the "horse race" approach to covering a campaign often criticized

The focus is on campaigns pools oney raised and personalities rather than substantive issues

The national voter registration act is more commonly called

The motor votet act

The number one goal (as media sees it) is to act as

A watchdog

Which group was the primary supporter of the white primaried in texas and the south

The democratic party

___ is an examole of a "feel good" advertisement spot put out by a campaign

Portraying the candidate in the best possible light

Of the money that is raised for political campaigns approximately ___ goes to media


All are past of the Photo ID law except

Texas issued social security card unexpired or expired less than 60 days

What is it called when a voter votes on a candidate or party based on their leader's performance


A trial ballon occurs when

A gov official leaks an item to test public reaction

A legislator's spokesperson who presents information in the bwst possible light for their boss would be putting a ___ on the story


The US 19th amendment gave womem the right to vote in all elections. Texas however gave women the right to vote in texas elections in


The most common form of local gov in the US is/are

Special districts

For incorporation to proceed in texas a minimum population of ___ citizens must be living within a two-square mile area


San antonio Wants to expand and add new territory to the city and broaden its tax base by doing what with regard to an upscale subdivision that boarders the city

San antonio would use its annexation rights

In which type of city government does the cirt council select a person to be the chief administrator

Council-mayor form

___ us the largest county while ___ is thr smallest in texas in terms of population

Harris. Loving

The primary source of revenue for texas counties would be

Ad valorem tax

The mayor of san Antonio currently is

Ivy taylor

In strong-mayor forms of city mayors...

Appoints major department heads

City gov elections in texas are generally

Non partisan

What is the composition of count commissioner's courts

A county judge and four county commissioners

With the growth of the internet what has become one of the easiest ways in texas to participate in politics

Making financial contributions

Which of the following views of loval gov power dictates that local government should only have those powers expressly granted by the state

Dillon's Rule

Governors in texas are elected in presedential election years. t/f


The weak-mayors formal powers most resemble those of which other gov official in texas


Which group had the lowest turn out rate in texas in the 2014 gubernatorial election


Of the following elections which would generally have the highest VTO

General elections

The media plays only a minimal role in governors race


What court case revolved around the 14th ammendment where the justices ruled that the law in texas had no legitimate nongovernmental purpose

Lawrence and Garner v. Texas

What court case deals with the courts considering "mitigating circumstances" regarding capital cases

Penry v. Johnshon

What court case deals with the courts considering "mitigating circumstances" regarding capital cases

Penry v. Johnshon

The court case Van Orden v. Perry dealth with the issue of

The right to post the ten commandments

What where the issues regarding the court case Fisher v. UT

Top 10%

Carmell v. Texas dealth with the issue of

Ex-post facto laws

Which of the following dealth with symbolic speech

Us v. Johnson

What court case involved the issue and prosecution of non-citizens and the vienna convention protocol

Medellin v. Texas

Smith v. Allwright dealth with which of the following

White primaries

What court case dealth with jury selection regarding capital cases

Hernandez v. Texas

What case dealth with the issue witholding funds from local school districts for educating children of illegal aliens

Pyler v. Doe

Which case was filled regarding the 4th ammndment and illegal search and seizure that established the "plain view doctrine"

Texas v. Brown

The court case of .... Dealth with capital punishment and cruel and unusula punishment

Jurek v. Texas

What case dealt with the equality of enrollment at the UT law school

Sweat v. Painter

In replrting clayton williams weather and rape story the press took into consideration

Bis emberassing remarks and societys increasing sensitivity to sexual abuse and harassment

Media is concerned with making the best news they can above anything else t/f


In a democracy a free and unfettered media is essential. t/f


Mkst americans now read their news online than read a print newspaper. t/f


Open meetings that were intended for public issues to be held in public were found to be unconstitutional. t/f


The most important tax that is levied to citizens by texas is the federal income tax. t/f
