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46 Cards in this Set

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List the 6 School Risk Factors
1.Lack of clear school policy regarding the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs
2. Other health risk related behavior
3. Availability of drugs and unhealthy foods
4. Transient student pop's
5. Lack of student involvement in school activities
6. Low Student/ family/ community commitment to school.
7 Individual and Peer Risk Factors
1. Early antisocial behavior
2. alienation and rebellious
3. antisocial behavior in late childhood and early aolescence
4. Poor attitude toward healthy behaviors
5. Early development of unhealthy behaviors
6. Greater influence by and reliance on peers than parents
7. Friends who lead unhealthy lifestyles
Family management problems
1. Lack of Supervision
2. Inconsistent or excessively severe discipline
3. Lack of caring
4. Parental modeling of unhealthy behavior
5. Lack of clear expectations for childrens behavior
6. Low expectations for childrens success
7. Poor family health history (alcoholism)
Name 2 protective factors in Work, Play, and Relationships
1. Healthy Friendships
2. Goal oriented
What ar 2 healthy expectancies and positive outlooks?
1. A belief that effort and initiative will pay off
2. Success- oriented attitude
What are 7 Protective Factors of Self Esteem and Internal Locus of Control?
1. Feeling of competence
2. Sense of personal power
3. A belief that events can be controlled
4. self discipline
5. Ability to delay gratificatino and control impulsive drives
6. Future oriented
7. Humor at selves and situation
5 Factors of Social COmpetence
1. Responsiveness
2. Flexibility
3. Empathy/ caring
4. Sense of humor
5. Problem solvng skills, critical thinking etc
4 Factors of Autonomy
1. Self Esteem
2. Internal locus of control
3. Independence
4. Adaptive distancing
5 factors for sense of purpose and future
1.Goal directednss with persistence.
2. Achievement motivation
3. Educational aspirations
4. Healthy Expectancies
5. Hopefulness for a compelling future
How can teachers tell if a child is using drugs
Ask set of questions
does child seem withdrawn, deptressed etc
is the child no longer doing well in school
has child lost interest in sports hobbies etc
Aside from health education and "just say no campaigns", what other steps must programs take to be effective
address curriculum, in- service for staff, parent education, intervention, community involvement and positive alternatives for youth
What is the Federal Drug Free workplace Regulation
requires clearly defined antil alcohol and anti drug policies both in schools and the workplace. Schools with no signs jeopardize funds.
What is a fully implemented tobacco free policy
prohibition of the use of tobacco anywhere anytime on district or county property.
- procedures for enforcement
- Strategies for informing
- Required sign postings
Characteristic of students on a Stimulant
uncharacteristically energetic, loss of appetite, excitation, agitation, tremor of hands, licking of lips dilated pupils, irritability, ahllucinations, convulsions
Characteristic of students on a alcohol
swaying or unsteadiness, slurred speech, nausea or vomiting, flushed face, alcohol odor, shaking hands, resltlessness, confusion, staggered walk.
Characteristic of students on a marijuana product
forgetfulness, laughing tendencies, staring, relaxed inhibitions, increased appetite, red eyes, odor of burnt leaves, apathy
Characteristic of students on narcotics (opiates)
euphoria, drowsiness, shallow breathing, constricted pupils, nausea or vomiting, slow thick speech, watery eyes, runny nose, loss of appetite, irritability, tremors cramps, needle tracks or ulcerated sores near veins, ithy nose and skin
Characteristic of students on LSD
illusions, hallucinations, bizarre behavior, poor perception of time and space, odd impulsive or dangerous behavior, lack of coordination, dilated pupils
Characteristic of students on a Barbiturate
Drunken behavior without the odor of alcohol, confusion, difficulty comprehending, lack of coordination, emotionally erratic behavior
Characteristic of students on a inhalents
euphoria, giddiness, confusion, watery eyes, loss of memory, depression, drowsiness, headache, nausea, vomitting, lack of coordination, slurred speech.
Characteristic of students on Phencyclidine (PCP)
exceptional strength, lack of pain from injury ,paranioa, illusions, por pereption of time and space, impulsive dangerous behavior, unpredictable behavior, expceptional energy, staring.
1school- based counselors/ psychologists
2. identify risk factors
3. refine procedures for ID, assesment, referral
4. ensure that districts use culturally based com. agencies
5. provide health ed
positive alternatives
- methods to involve students in service projects
-activities that are planned by adults
- after school program
community program
- cultural and language relevencey
- activities that help children use up energy
how many children under the age 18 live in households with at least one alcoholic parent?
6.6 million
Risks of COA's
academic difficulties, failing to graduate, requiring referalls
Alcohol use is down (T or F)
How does alcohol affect the body?
Absorved in the mouth. immediately goes to the brain and functions as a CNS depressant.
short term Problems related to alcohol (not immediate)
relaxation, loss of inhibition, impaired coordination, slowed reflexs and mental capacity, attitue changes, poor judgement, respiratory sppression and possible death
long term Problems related to alcohol (not immediate)
liver damge, digesstive disorders, brain and nerve damage, reduced sex hormone production, and physical and psychologival dependence, and withdrawal syndrom
withdrawal syndrome
shakiness, sezures, and hallucinations as well as delirium tremens
what is the number 1 drug problem among youth in the US?
Why do women and teens have less resistence to alcohol
they have a greater percentage of body fat, less of a stomach enzyme to metabolize alcohol and have less water in their bodies
Effect: tranquilizer + alcohol
decreased alertness and judgement can lead to household and auto accidents. possibly fatal
Effect: over the counter painkiller + alcohol
increases possible irritationa dn bleeding in the stomach and intestines. possible liver damage
Prescription painkillers + alcohol
causes reduction of central nervous system functioning can lead to loss of effective breathing and death
time release capsules and alcohol
alcohol dissolves coating so full dose felt immediately, instead of properly delaying.
alcohol related crimes
68% of manslaughter charges, 62% of asssault, 52% of rape, 50% of spousal abuse, 49% of murder, 38% of child abuse fatalities, 20-35% of suicide.
getting help
AA etc
How to reduce overall consumption?
increase taxes on booze. only 1 tax increase since 1951
marijuana classification
some say depressent, some hallucinogenic
problems of "pot"
since many ppl obtain from friends, or dealer, no idea what is in it. smoke contains more than 400 chemicals
highest age group for suicide
why do young people want to kill themselves
teens are overly stressed
in 2005, what percentage of hs students seriously considered suicide?
ask questions
pursue intentions
provide support
reach out
offer help
act quickly
communicate concern
hold out hope
Universal Precautions for blood + body fluid infection control
Avoid potential for exposure, wear gloves, do not handle needles, wash hands, clean spills with bleach solution, dispose of trash securely,