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10 Cards in this Set

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Judicial Review

Supreme Court interprets the Constitution to grant a federal courts the power of judicial review - power to declare a statute or action taken by other branches of levels of gov't to be unconstitutional and void

Article 1 Section 8

Lists matters over which Congress has authority to make law

The Commerce Power

Commerce clause literally applies to interstate commerce but has evolved and almost gives Congress the power to make laws about anything

Testing Consitutionality

- Courts apply a “means-ends” test to determinewhether a federal statute may be unconstitutional because it allegedly violatesand individual’s rights under the Constitution

3 Tests are employed by the court

Rational Basis Test (lowest level scrutiny)

Tobe constitutional, the law must reasonably relate to a legitimate gov’t purposeǓw_g

Intermediate Scrutiny (mid-level scrutiny)

o To be constitutional, the law must substantiallyrelate to an important gov’t purposeDEFךlY=PH/

Strict Scrutiny

o To be constitutional, the law must be necessaryto achieve a compelling gov’t purposeDEFךlY=PH/

A law that discriminates based on race, etc.

First Amendment

Includes freedom of speech - full protection applies to political and non-commercial (literary, artistic, scientific, economic speech)

Commercial Speech

- Any speech proposing a commercial transaction(i.e. advertisements for the sale of products or services, or to promote abusiness)

Restrictions place if: promote public safety, advances the interest, is the least restrictive method of achieving the interest

Constitutional Limitations

5th Amendment prohibits the Federal Gov't from depriving any person of "life, liberty, or property without due process of law"

14th Amendment does the same for the states