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58 Cards in this Set

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loudness, related to perceived distance: louder the sound, closer the shot
perceived highness or lowness of the sound, used in delivery of sound to make a joke or suggest a certain intonation to the statement
harmonic components of sound give it a certain color or tone quality (nasal sound or mellow tone)
the combination of different sounds in film to create a stream of auditory information
dialogue overlap
the continuation of a line of dialogue across a cut, distracts from shot changes
diegetic sound
sound that has a source only in the film world
nondiegetic sound
sound represented as coming from a source outside the story world, music added to enhance the film's action is the most common type
external diegetic sound
sound that which spectators take to have a physical source in the scene
internal diegetic sound
sound that which comes from inside the mind of a character, subjective
sound over
sounds that do not come from the real space of the scene (internal and external diegetic sound)
sound perspective
the sense of spatial distance and location analogous to the cues for visual depth and volume, similar to visual perspective
synchronous sound
the matching of sound with image projection
asynchronous sound
out-of-sync sound
simultaneous sound
when the sound takes place at the same time as the image in terms of the story events
when the sound occurs earlier or later in the story than the events we see in the image
sound bridge
when the sound from one scene lingers briefly while the image is already presenting the next scene
categorical form
when a film intends to convey information in a simple fashion
rhetorical form
when a film is made to convince the spectator of an argument
arguments from source
film arguments that rely on reliable sources of information
subject-centered arguments
arguments that are based around a certain subject, sometimes appeal to beliefs common at the time in a given culture
viewer-centered arguments
film makes an argument that appeals to the emotions of the viewer (eg. politician that poses with a flag)
abstract form
the whole film's system is determined by abstract qualities (rather than just containing these qualities)
associational form
suggests ideas and expressive qualities by grouping images that may not have any immediate logical connection
fame-by-frame movement of people and ordinary objects
when a rotoscope is used to project live-action footage, frame-by-frame, onto a drawing board, so the animator can trace the outlines of the figures (character's movement is more smooth and lifelike when traced from a model)
french term for the person responsible for a film (directly: the author)
faithfulness of sound to a scene
The Western
grapples with lost purity of nature and the rape of virgin land, regrets and tries to recover the importance of the individual against modern society, individual creates a society that he cannot enter
the mobile, fragmented family after WWII which is regretted, only traditional frontier values will save us
screwball comedy
money replaces the family and other homespun values, must be refound with rediscovered old fashioned values
the fall from communal security into the individuality and impersonality of the city, only the detective can redeem himself and society
film noir
the fallen state cannot be redeemed
the War Movie
men are redeemed by serving their tribal fighting unit and thus society
does this in the folk musical and even in the fairytale and the backstager, where love redeems values lost or forgotten
gunfight in a western
fake courage
honor, experience, spiritual anger, hope, ignorance
early cinema
classical hollywood
Birth of a Nation
match action, shot/reverse shot
german expressionism
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
French impressionism and surrealism
Napolean by Abel Gance
impressionist, 1927
Un Chien Andalou by Dali and Bunuel
surrealism, 1928
Soviet montage
1924-1930, Vartov, Kuleshov, Pridovkin, and Eisenstein
classical hollwood after sound
1927-The Jazz Singer
italian neo realism
Open City
Poison, Bicycle Theif
Umberto D
French New Wave
Breathless, 400 Blows
film studios began to form, Paramount, Fox, Warner Brothers, MGM and Universal
match on action
cut on the action (eg. throw a piece of chalk, cut to close-up, see character catch the chalk)
shot/reverse shot
shot shows a character looking, next shot shows what character sees
axis of action
180 degree rule