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62 Cards in this Set

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Mise-en-scene means
put into scene
Mise-en-scene includes
setting, lighting, coustime, and the behavior of the figures (staging)
Two basic types of shadown, each of which is important in film compositon is
attached shodows, or shdacding and cast shadows
For our purposes, we can isolate four major features of iflm lighting:
its quality, direction, source and color
Fontal lighting
eliminates showadows
comes from behind the subject in the film
comes from below the subject
To plighiting
spotlight shines down directly on something
Any subject normally requires tow light sources
a key light and a fill light
The primary source of light is the key light
provides the dominant illumination and casting the shongest shadows
A fill light is
a less intese illumination that "fills in" , softening or eliminating shadows cast by the key lights
Three-point lighting
a backlight, highlight, edge-light
An overall lighting design taht uses fill and back light to create low contrast between brighter and darker areas
high-key lighting
Creates stronger contrasts and sharper, darker shadowns. Often the lighting is hard, and the fill light is lessned or eliminated all togehter
low key lighting
Cinematographic qualities involves three factors
the photgraphic aspect of the shot, the framing of the shot, and the duration of the shot
Cinematograph means
writing in movement
a common arragement within classical hollywood cinema that uses three directions of illumination on the scene: from behind the subject, from one bright source, and from a less bright source balancing the keylight.
three-point lighting
A camera movement with the camera body turning to the right or left. On the screen, it produces a mobile framing which scans the space horizontally.
Pan Shot
A camera movement with the camera body swiveling upward or downward on a stationary support. It produces a mobile framing that scans the space vertically.
Tilt Shot
A shot with a change in framing accomplished by having the camera above the ground and moving through the air in any direction.
Crane Shot
A mobile framing that travels through space forward, backward, or laterally. In the example below, the shot begins as Rick and Stanley arrive at the studio and meet Cynthia, then follows Rick through the halls, then transfers to an assistant, then picks up Cynthia and Stanley, then transfers to Mary. This single, continuous shot takes a little over two minutes onscreen.
Tracking / Dolly Shot
In technical terms the ___________ is the distance from the ccenter of the lens to the point where light rays converge to a point of cous on the film.
focal length
Focal length alter the
perceived magnification, depth, and scale of things in the image.
Three kinds of focal length
Short (wide angle), Middle (normal), long (telephoto)
The relationship of the frames height and width
Aspect ratio
Three general types of angles
straight on angle, the high angel, and the low angle
The straigt-on angle
is the most common
The high-angle
positions us looking down at the material within the frame
The low angle framing
positions us at lookin gup at the framed materials
a framing in which the scale of the object shown is very small, a buidlign, landscape, or crowd of people fills the screen
extreme long shot
a framing in which the scale of the object shown is small; a standing human figure appears nearly the height of the screen
long shot
a framing at a distance that makes an object about four or five feet high appear to fill most of the screen vertically
medium long shot
a framing in which the scale of the object shown is of moderat size
medium shot
a framing in which the scale of the object shown is of moderately large size
medium close up shot
a framing in which the scale of the object shown is large; most commonly a head seen fromt the neck up
close up shot
a framing in which the scale of the object shown is large; most commonly a head seen fromt the neck up
close up shot
a framing in which the scale of the object shown is very large
extreme close up
a view in which the frame is not level, either the right or left side is lower than the other, causing objects in the scene to appaer slanted out of an upright positon
canted framing
A use of the camera lens and lighting that keep both the close and distant planes being photographed in sharp foucs; a restricted depth of field that keeps only one plane in sharp focus
deep/selective focus shot
A dark screen that gradually brightens as a shot appears (fade in); a shot gradually disappears as the screen darkens (fade out). Occasionally, fade outs brighten to pure white or to a color.
Fade in / out
A transition between two shots during which the first image gradually disappears while the second image gradually appears; for a moment the two images blend in superimposition.
A transition between shots in which a line passes across the screen, eliminating one shot as it goes and replacing it with the next one.
A transition from one shot to another. Typically, straight cuts are perceived as instantaneous in terms of story time.
Alternating shots of two or more lines of action occurring in different places, usually simultaneously.
Plot shows past events and then returns to present (flashback); plot shows future events and then returns to present (flashforward
Flashback / forward
Shot transitions that omit parts of an event, causing an action to consume less time on the screen than it does in the story.
Elliptical Editing
Two or more shots edited together that alternate characters, typically in a conversation situation.
Shot / Reverse-shot
Cuts that repeat part or all of an action in order to expand its viewing time and plot duration.
Overlapping Editing
Two shots that repeat, in part or in whole, a single story event.
Frequency / Repetitive Editing
Any sound presented as originating from a source within the world of the story (diegetic sound); any sound presented as originating from outside the space of the world of the story (nondiegetic sound).
Diegetic / nondiegetic sound
Sound that comes from the mind of a character within the story that we assume other characters in the scene cannot hear
Internal / external diegetic sound
Sound that is matched temporally with the movements occuring in the images (synchronous sound); sound that is not matched temporally with movements occuring in the images
Synchronous / asynchronous sound
Diegetic sound that occurs at the same time in the story as the image it accompanies; diegetic sound that comes from a source in time earlier or later than the image it accompanies
Simultaneous / nonsimultaneous sound
Four dimensions of editing
graphic, rhythmic, spatial, temporal
Four dimensions of sound:
rhythm, fidelity, spatial, temporal
The 180 degree line
ensures that relative positions in the frame remain consistent
The Graduated was restricted or unrestricted
Third-person restricted
Clssical Hollywood cinema
pan, tilt, tracking/dolly, crane
The Rear Window was restricted or unrestricted
third-person restricted
"Any series of shots that in the absense of an establishing shot prompts the spectator to inter a spatial whole"
Kuleshov effect
"match on action"- editing techineque matching one shot to antoehr
spatial continunity
2001: Space Odyssey restricted or unrestricted
(very) unrestricted