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30 Cards in this Set

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The complexity of living organisms is matched by the elegant efficiency of the _____.

apparent design

The intention is to _____, rather than to pass judgement, on the phenomena of religion


Evolution is the _____ of our age. By telling us our origins it shapes our views of what we [ultimately] are.


We as religious people asking spiritual questions have tried to see _____ our senses. Is it just imagination or is it a holy power that impels us?


The traditional conception of philosophy, which was dominant throughout the history of western though, was that philosophy can investigate the content of our beliefs, including the _____ or _____ of theological beliefs.

truth or falsity

Logic requires that religious trust can be either well placed or misplaced as can nonreligious trust, since beliefs about the divine are - as all other beliefs - either _____ or _____but not both at once. It follows, therefore, that when two beliefs disagree about what is divine, one or both of them must be at least partly false.

true or false

A religious belief is any belief in something or other as divine. 'Divine'means having the status of not depending on anything else . . . . All [religions] believe that the divine is whatever is "_____"

Just there

Pantheistic traditions insist that what is wrong with people is their attachment to the illusory world as it is encountered in ordinary experience by reason... _____ they say, fails to recognize that logical thinking is also part of the everyday world of illusion.

Logical criticism

protestant reformer Martin Luther: That to which your heart clings and entrust itself is, I say, really your _____.


That the human mind will ever give up metaphysical researches is as little to be expected as that we, to avoid inhaling impure air, should prefer to give up breathing altogether. There will therefore always be _____ in the world.


The primary fnction of oral tradition is the very practical one of explaining , and thereby justifying, the present state and structure of the community, supplying the community with a continuously evolving _____.

social charter

Regarding biblical genealogies: "If such non-literal, non-chronological usage seems strange to us, that is _____ and our challenge to understand. The text [the bible] is, after all our teacher.

our problem

Neither a philosophy of the _____ nor a philosophy of the _____ will do for our time. Only an approach that is resolutely gided by the question "what is what?" will avoid reading mysteries into the facts...

something more, nothing but

All the labours of the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system... all these things, if not quite beyond dispute, are yet so _____, that no philosophy which rejects them can hope to stand.

nearly certain

Philosophers long made a mummy of science. When they finally unwrapped the cadaver and saw the remnants of an historical process of becoming and discovering, they created for themselves a _____. That happened around _____.

Crisis of rationality, 1950

Conflation ... simply means the collapsing of distinct items in such a way that their differences are apparently lost.... it is science and _____ into an undifferentiated smudge... careless commingling of science with _____ a tangled muddle.

belief x 2

_____, scientific skeptics have uncritically fused the scientific method with scientism, a belief system that assmes, without any scientific demonstration, that science is the only appropriate way to look at things.

Without usually being aware of it

_____, theologians always bring at least implicit cosmological assmptions to their talk about god, and it is only honest that they acknowledge this fact.

whether they are aware of it or not

I think philosophy that one should be sensitive to what i think history shows, namely, that... evolution, akin to religion, involves making certain_____, which at some level cannot be proven empirically. I guess we all knew that, but i think that we're all much more sensitive to these facts now.

a priori or metaphysical assumptions

The naturalistic hypothesis arising from scientific knowledge holds that the powerful emotions of religious experience are entirely _____, that they evolved as part of the programmed activity of the brain favoring survival of the tribe and individual.


Theology of nature holds that some traditional doctrines need to be _____ in the light of current science. Here science and religion are considered to be relatively independent sources of ideas, but with some areas of overlap in their concerns.


The mother of what is called her child is no parent of it, but the nurse only of the young life that is sown in her. The parent is the male, and she but a stranger, a friend, who, if fate spares his _____, preserves it till it puts force.


G.E Ladd Aphorism

"The bible is the word of god given in the words of men in history"

Biologists investigations of DNA has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements to produce life, that intelligence must have been involved....The only satisfying explanation for the origin of such 'end-directed, self-replicating' life as we see it on earth is an _____.

Infinitely intelligent mind

The problem is taht of complex design... [e]very single one of more than a trillion cells in the body contains about a thousand times as much precisely-coded digital information as my entire computer. The complexity of living organisms is matched by the elegant efficiency of the _____.

apparent design

Developing a philosophical argument in popular language, the apostle paul dclares a profound truth: Through all that is created, the _____ can come to know god. through the medium of creatures, god stirs in reason, an intuition of his power and his divinity

eyes of the mind

If human beings with their intelligence fail to recognize god as creator of all, it is not because they lack the means to do so, but because their free will and their_____ place an impediment in the way


whereof the latter is a _____ unto the former: not only opening our understanding to conceive the tre sense of the scriptures, by the general notions of reason and rules of speech


the fist major challenge to religion in an age of science is the _____ of the methods of science


no such conflict should exist because each subject has a legitimate magisterium, the principle that i would like the designate as _____