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78 Cards in this Set

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A4 - Hydrogen Sulfide

Hydrogen Sulfide odor indicates anaerobic conditions long enough for iron reduction to take place

A5 - Stratified Layers

frequent deposition on floodplains leads to many different layers as seen in this indicator

A11 - Depleted below Dark Surface

3/2 dark surface

15 cm thick depleted

starts within 30 cm

A12 - Thick Dark Surface

30cm Black surface

Dark transition

15cm thick depleted/gleyed

S1/F1 - Mucky Mineral

5cm thick sand

10cm thick fine

Starting within 15cm

S4/F2 - Gleyed Matrix

60% or more gleyed matrix

within diagnostic zone

S5 - Sandy redox

10cm thick

60% depleted

2% mottles

within diagnostic zone

S7 - Dark Surface

3/1 or darker

10cm thick

within diagnostic zone

dark or depleted below

F3 - Depleted Matrix

60% depleted

5/15cm thick

starts within 10/25 cm

F6 - Redox dark surface

3/2 Dark with concentrations

10cm thick

Starts within 20cm

F7 - Depleted dark surface

3/2 or darker

20% Depletions

starting within 20cm

F8 - Redox depressions

5% concentrations

5cm thick

within 10cm


40cm+ organic

Histic epipedon

20cm+ organic, aquic or drained

Reduction (3)

Loss of oxygen

Gain of hydrogen

Gain of electrons

Oxidation (3)

Gain of oxygen

Loss of hydrogen

Loss of electrons

Differences between headslope, sideslope and noseslope

Headslope - concave, collects

Sideslope - straight, transports

Noseslope - convex, spreads

Hydric soil boundary will be higher in a headslope, lower on a noseslope.

Definition of hydric soil

A soil developed under saturated, flooded or ponded conditions long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part

Order of reduction

O2, NO3, Mn4, Fe3, SO4, CO2

Nitrogen Reduction

NO3 > NO2 > NO > N2O > N2

NO2 - deadly to babies/wildlife


Manganese reduction

Mn4+ > Mn2+

Manganic > Manganous

Insoluble > Soluble

Iron Reduction

Fe3+ > Fe2+

Ferric > Ferrous

Insoluble > Soluble

Sulfur reduction

SO4 > H2S

Sulfate > Sulfide

Solid > Gas

Rotten egg odor

Carbon reduction

CO2 > CH4

Methane - GHG

Conditions for redox

Above biological zero (>5C)

Carbon source


0- 50 cm; Black (N 2/0) loam; weak, fine, granular structure.

50-60 cm; Very dark brown (10 YR 3/1) loam to clay loam; weak, medium, subangular blocky structure.

60-100 cm; Light gray (10YR 7/1) loam with common, medium, prominent red (2.5Y 4/4) mottles; structureless, massive


Black, Transition, Depleted

0-20 cm; Black (N 2/0) loam; weak, fine, granular structure.

20-50 cm; Pale brown (10YR 6/3) loam with few, fine, distinct strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) mottles; weak, fine, subangular blocky structure.

Non hydric

6/3, chroma too high

0- 25 cm; Dark brown (10YR 3/2) fine sand; weak, fine, granular structure.

25-35 cm; Light gray (10YR 7/2) fine sand with common, medium, distinct light gray 10YR 7/2 and yellowish red (5YR 5/6) mottles; structureless, massive.

35-70 cm; Gray (5YR 5/1) fine sand with few, medium, distinct yellowish red (5YR 5/6) mottles; structureless, massive


Surface not Black

Depletions start below diagnostic zone (sand)

0- 40 cm; Very Dark Brown (10 YR 2/2); loam; weak, fine, granular structure

40-70 cm; Light gray (10YR 7/2) loam with common, medium, distinct light gray 10YR 7/2 and yellowish red (5YR 5/6) mottles; moderate, medium, subangular blocky structure


Surface not black

Depletions outside of diagnostic zone

0-100 cm; Black (N 2/0) silt loam, moderate, fine and medium, granular structure.

100-125 cm; Very Dark Brown (10YR 3/1) loam, moderate, medium, granular structure

125-150 cm; Light gray (10YR 7/2) loam with few, medium, distinct light gray 10YR 7/2 and yellowish red (5YR 5/6) mottles; weak, medium, subangular blocky structure.


Black, transition, depleted

Piezometer vs Well

Wells let water enter throughout the length, piezometers only allow water to enter at the bottom allowing more detailed data

Recharge hydrology



Surface water




Discharge hydrology




Surface water



Tensiometer: +30 @ 50cm

Saturation at 20cm deep

Tensiometer: -33kPa @ 50cm

Field capacity at 50 cm deep

Tensiometer: -1500 kPa @ 50cm

Permanent wilting point at 50 cm deep


Dominated by a single soil series


Dominated by multiple series in a repeating pattern

Recharge vs Discharge morphogy

Recharge = Leeching

Discharge = Accumulating

Reasons floodplains may not develop Redoximorphic features

Moving water is rich in oxygen

Soils are young due to constant deposition of sediment

Typic Medisaprist

Hydric - sapric histosol

Mollic Endoaqalf


Aq = aquic

Endo = from below

Lithic Dystrochrepts


Not a histosol/histel

Not aquic

Alfic Udipsamments


Not a histosol/histel

Not aquic

Typic fluvaquents


Aq = aquic

Fluv = fluvial (moving water)

Lithic Cryofolist


Histosols EXCEPT Folists


Organic soil developed due to low temperatures rather than anaerobic conditions

Derranged drainage

Low connectivity

Primarily depressional wetlands

Dendritic drainage

High connectivity

Primarily riparian wetlands

Redox potential definition

Tendency of a substance to accept (+) electrons and become reduced

Used to quantify degree of reduction

Influence of pH on redox potential

Redox potential decreases as pH increases

Redox potential of O2

320 - 380 mV

Redox potential of NO3

220 - 280 mV

Redox potential of Fe3

150 - 180 mV

Redox potential of SO4

-120 - -180 mV

Redox potential of CO2

-200 - -280 mV

Problems with redox potential

Multiple couples occur simultaneously giving an average reading

Rate of electron donation varies with decay of organic matter

Concentration of electron acceptors in constant flux

Electrode readings

Negative means soil is reduced, positive soil is oxidized

Lower potential = more available electrons because less are being used

Carbon pools (gigatonnes)

Plants 450

Atmosphere 750

Soil 2 000

Ocean 39 000

Rocks 65 000 000

Soil carbon pool vs atmosphere vs peatlands

Soils = 3x atmosphere

Peat = atmosphere

Carbon release from soil




Sulfur cycle

Sulfate reduction

Sulfide lost to atmosphere

Returns as acid rain

Nitrogen mobility

NH4 binds to exchange complex, not mobile

NO3 is water soluble, highly mobile

Peatlands with climate chage or drainage

Become a carbon source due to increased decomposition

Hanging Fen

Caused by seepage from groundwater

Wetland Hydrology

Timing (growing season)

Frequency (50% of years)

Duration (morphology)

Limnic materials

Materials deposited in ancient lake beds


Coprogenous earth

Diatomaceous earth


Vegetation builds from outside in until lake becomes a fen/bog


Expansion of peatlands on low gradient land

Associated with rising water table


Zone of water between bog and upland

Higher DOC, bioactivity, nutrients, pH



aerobic during periods

hydrologically active




Hydrologically inactive

Peatland subsidence

Compression of peat after drainage

Neap tide

Lowest high tide

Spring tide

Highest high tide

Flood tide



Ebb tide



Storm surge

Higher tide during incoming storms