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35 Cards in this Set

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The belief that the world is neither entirely bad nor entirely good and can be made better by human effort; holds that progress is a real concept leading to improvement of the world


A typical example, model, pattern; a template by which understanding/interpretation is ordered


A tendency to stress the negative or unfavorable or to take the gloomiest possible view


Philosophical doctrine suggesting that life is without objective meaning, purpose or intrinsic value; there is no universal truth or underlying reality


The disbelief in all claims to ultimate knowledge


The breaking of images, particularly those of religious or cultural importance


A literary movement launched by British and American poets in early 20th century; advocated use of free verse, freedom in subject matter, common speech patterns, clear concrete images


An artistic movement that sprang from Italian poet filippo marinetti's 1909 futurist manifesto.

The movement celebrated violence, technology, and speed.


A written statement stating publicly the often revolutionary views and intentions of the author.


A style of art that stresses abstract structure at the expense of other pictorial elements.


An avant garde movement in the literary and visual arts deriving it's name from Ezra pound's choice of the "vortex", which he described as "the point of maximum energy" as an appropriate image for the modern transformation of art.


True, authoritative, honest


A branch of metaphysics (philosophy) that deals with the nature of "being"


A modern philosophical movement stressing the importance of personal experience and responsibility and the demands they make on the individual, who is seen as a free agent in a deterministic and seemingly meaningless universe


The term that says human existence is meaningless because human acts have no external (objective) justification.


Belief that union with/absorption into the Deity, or absolute, or the spiritual apprehension of knowledge inaccessible to the intellect, may be attained through contemplation and self-surrender


Any of various philosophies or religious systems that propose to establish direct contract with Devine principle through contemplation, revelation, gaining thereby insight superior to empirical knowledge

Objective Correlative

A situation, image, chain of events that symbolize/create the "formula" for a particular emotion in the reader


Existing at or from beginning of time; primeval-syn. ancient, instinctive, primal, visceral


Part of or belonging to a person of religious significance; worthy of veneration


Person's thoughts and conscious reactions to events, perceived as a continuous flow

Diachronic time

Something happening over time, used in several fields of research

Synchronic time

Limits its concern to a particular moment of time


Person who has access to the spirit world/forces, or is an intermediary between the natural and supernatural worlds; practices divinations, healing.

Thomas Hardy

Are you digging on my grave

Edward Thomas

The Soldier


They, Glory of Women

William Butler Yeats

The Second Coming, The Wild Swans at Coole, The Lake Isle of Innisfree

T. S. Eliot

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Dylan Thomas

The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower, Fern Hill

Seamus Heaney


Wilfred Owen

Dulce Et Decorum Est

Virginia Woolf

The Mark on the Wall

Samuel Beckett

Waiting for Godot

Philip Larkin

Church Going, High Windows, This be the Verse