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HTML tags include the element name, like "h1", AND the "<" and ">" symbols. Examples:

<h1>This is an H1 tag</h1>

<br />
HTML Elements
HTML elements include the element name, like "h1", WITHOUT the "<" and ">" symbols. Examples:

CSS Selectors
CSS selectors are used in CSS and reference an HTML element, id, class or pseudo-class that are being manipulated in using internal or external styles. Examples:

h1 {
font-size: 50px;

#title {
font-style: italic;

.red {
color: red;
CSS Pseudo-class Selectors
CSS pseudo-class selectors are a way of accessing HTML items that aren't part of the document tree.

They are also CSS selectors with a colon proceeding them. Pseudo-class selectors can be link-related [:link], input-related [:focus], position or number-based (:last-child), relational (:empty) and text-related [::first-letter].

Examples of link-related pseudo-class selectors are below:

a:link, a:visited {
color: green;

a:hover, a:active {
text-decoration: none;
HTML Box Model
The box model concept states that every element on a web page is a rectangular box and may include margins, padding and borders.
The Size of an HTML Element
The size of an HTML element is determined by the padding and borders and NOT the margins.
CSS Width Property
Block-level elements have a default width property of 100%.
CSS Reset
Code that is used to reset all CSS values to a uniform size so I can have an easier time styling elements. See:

Long-hand Border Styles
Property examples:

border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #f00;
CSS Relative vs Absolute Length Values
- Relative values are correlative to the element which the value is being applied to. These values may include "em" and percentages.

-Absolute values are fixed units of measurement regardless of the element. There values may include pixels, points, inches, centimeters and more.
CSS "float" Property
The "float" property allows you to take elements and float them right or left, positioning them directly next to or opposite each other.

To float element element to the right or left I MUST SPECIFY A WIDTH.

Important notes about using floats:
- When floating an element it will float to the edge of its parent container.

- When floating an element other elements will line up around it within the natural flow of the page.
CSS "clear" Property
To float an element, or handful of elements, and then return the document to its normal flow use the "clear" property.

The "clear" property acts on the element it is applied to and returns the document back to its normal flow, clearing every floated element up to that point.

In the example below the using the "clear: both" property for the [footer] element will force it fall below the [section] and [aside] elements above it.

<header>The Header</header>

<section style="float: left;">The Section</section>
<aside style="float: right;">The Aside</aside>

<footer style="clear: both;">The Footer</footer>
Box Offset Properties
So long as an element's "position" is not set to "static" the box offset properties may be used. These offset properties including "top", "right", "bottom" or "left".

Depending on the property, they position an element in the direction specified, "top", "right", "bottom" or "left".
Grids and Frameworks
- Grids: Grids, both vertical and baseline, provide a great way to add cadence (AKA rhythmic flow) to your website and keep everything aligned.

- Frameworks: Frameworks provide a way to rapidly build a website based on a set of predetermined standings. Depending on the project, frameworks can provide a complete solution.

- Bootstrap: Bootstrap (formerly Twitter Bootstrap) may be considered a grid or framework. See:
CSS Normal Flow
Boxes in normal flow belong to a formatting context, which may be block or inline, but not both simultaneously. Block boxes participate in a block formatting context. Inline boxes participate in an inline formatting context.
List of CSS "position" Property Values
CSS "position" property values:
- static

- relative

- absolute

- fixed

- inherit
position: static;
- Default "position" value.

- Can't use the offset properties of "top", "right", "bottom" or "left" that "position: static;" is in.

- The CSS normal flow isn't interrupted.
position: relative;
- This value allows me to position elements in relation to a parent element.

- I also CAN use the offset properties of "top", "right", "bottom" or "left" in the same CSS rule that "position: relative;" is in.

- The CSS normal flow isn't interrupted from any elements that follow.
position: absolute;
- This value allows me to position elements in ANYWHERE inside a parent element.

- I also CAN use the offset properties of "top", "right", "bottom" or "left" in the same CSS rule that "position: relative;" is in.

- The CSS normal flow IS INTERRUPTED.
position: fixed;
- An element with "position: fixed;" shares all the rules of an absolutely positioned element, except that the viewport (browser/device window) positions the "fixed" element, as opposed to any parent element.

- A "fixed" element does not scroll with the document and stays in the same place on the browser/device window.
position: inherit;
- The "position: inherit;" property and value makes an element inherit the "position" property and value of its parent element.

- Typically elements with a position "property" do not naturally inherit their parent's values. The "static" value is assigned if no position is given.
[form] Element
The [form] element identifies where on the page control elements will appear. Additional, it will wrap all of the elements including within the form, similar to a [div] element.

Hidden form request:
<form action="/login" method="post">

Visible form request:
<form action="/login" method="get">
[form] Attributes
The most common attributes applied to the [form] element are [action] and [method].

[action] Attribute

The [action] attribute contains the URL to which information included within the form will be sent for processing by the server.

[method] Attribute

The [method] attribute is the HTTP method browsers should use to submit the form data. Both of these [form] attributes pertain to submitting and processing data.
[form] Text Fields & Text Areas
Text fields and textareas are used for collecting text- or string-based data. This data may include passages of text content, passwords, telephone numbers and other info.
More on Text Fields
The [input] element is used to obtain text from users and used the [type] attribute to define what type of info is to be captured within the control.

The most popular [type] attribute value is "text", which denotes a single line of text input. There is also a [type] attribute value of "password".

The [name] attribute is used as the name of the control and is submitted along with the input data to the server.

<input type="text" name="username" />
HTML5 [type] Attribute Values
- color

- email:
<input type="email" name="useremail" />

- range

- time

- date

- month

- search

- url

- datetime

- number

- tel

- week
[textarea] vs [input] Elements
The [textarea] element differs from the [input] element in that it:

- Can accept larger passages of text spanning multiple lines.

- Has start and end tags that can wrap plain text.

- Only accepts strings for the type of value.
More on the [textarea] Element
- The [name] attribute is still used.

- It's sizing attributes are [cols] for the width in terms of average character width and [rows] for height in terms of the number of lines of visible text.

- The size of the [textarea] element is usually specified by the [width] and [height] properties in CSS.
Radio Buttons
Example below where Friday starts off as the default item checked:

<input type="radio" name="day" value="Friday" checked />
<input type="radio" name="day" value="Saturday" />
<input type="radio" name="day" value="Sunday" />
Check Boxes
Check box example where the default for Friday is checked:

<input type="checkbox" name="day" value="Friday" checked /> Friday
<input type="checkbox" name="day" value="Saturday" /> Saturday
<input type="checkbox" name="day" value="Sunday" /> Sunday
Single Selection Drop-Down List
Single selection drop-down list example where the default for Friday is selected:

<select name="day">
<option value="Friday" selected>Friday</option>
<option value="Saturday">Saturday</option>
<option value="Sunday">Sunday</option>
Multiple Selections Drop-Down List
Multiple selections drop-down list example where the default for Friday is selected:

<select name="day" multiple>
<option value="Friday" selected>Friday</option>
<option value="Saturday">Saturday</option>
<option value="Sunday">Sunday</option>
Submit Input

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
Submit Button
Example below. May have some issues in older

<button name="submit">
<strong>Send Us</strong> a Message
Hidden Input
Can pass data to the server without displaying it to users. Example:

<input type="hidden" name="tracking-code" value="abc-123" />
File Input
Can upload a file to send via a form.

<input type="file" name="file" />
[label] Element
Labels provide captions or headings for form controls and provide for web accessibility. Example below:

<label for="username">Username</label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="username" />

Another example below w/ [label] tags wrapping controls so that the "for" attribute is NOT needed:

<input type="text" name="username" id="username">
[fieldset] Element
[fieldset] elements group controls into organized sections, just like [section] elements. They are block-level elements which contain a border outline by default.

<input type="text" name="username" />
<input type="text" name="password" />
[legend] Element
A [legend] element provides a caption, or heading, for the [fieldset] element. It should come right after the [fieldset] tag.

<input type="text" name="username" />
<input type="text" name="password" />
"disabled" Form Attribute
Turns off an element or control so that it is not available for interaction or input. Elements that are disabled won't send any value to the server for from processing.

<input type="text" name="username" disabled />
"placeholder" HTML5 Attribute
HTML5 attribute that provides a hint of tip without the control of an [input] or [textarea] element that disappears once the control is clicked on or gains focus.

Email Address
<input type="email" name="email-address" placeholder="name@domain.com" />
"required" HTML5 Attribute
HTML5 attribute that forces an element or form control to control a value before being submitted to the server.

Email Address
<input type="email" name="email-address" required />
Transparent Backgrounds
When using a RGBa or HSLa value I can add a fallback background color for browsers that don't support those values by including a hexadecimal background color first.

div {
background-color: #b2b2b2;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
Background Shorthand

.box {
<background-color> <background-image> <background-repeat> <background-attachment> <background-position>;


.box {
#f00 url(images/bg.png) no-repeat fixed center top;
Linear Gradient Background
Example with a fallback for browsers that don't support CSS3:

div {
background: #466368;
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#648880, #293f50);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(#648880, #293f50);
background: linear-gradient(#648880, #293f50);
Changing the Direction of a Gradient Background
By default gradients move from the top to the bottom of an element. The Example below moves from the top to the bottom right.

div {
background: #466368;
background: linear-gradient(to right bottom, #648880, #293f50);
Radial Gradient Background
Radial gradients work from the inside to the outside of an element.

div {
background: #466368;
background: radial-gradient(#648880, #293f50);
Gradient Background Color Stops
The gradient below goes from left to right and includes three stops.

div {
background: #648880;
background: linear-gradient(to right, #f6f1d3, #648880, #293f50);

The stops can use percentages too. The last middle stop below ends at 85% of the element from the left to right.

div {
background: #648880;
background: linear-gradient(to right, #f6f1d3, #648880 85%, #293f50);
Multiple Background Images
Use the "background" property and then commas to separate each value.

div {
background: url("foreground.png") 0 0 no-repeat,
url("middle-ground.png") 0 0 no-repeat,
url("background.png") 0 0 no-repeat;