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52 Cards in this Set

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what hr would be considered to low for 2nd/3rd tri but could be normal for 1st tri?
what abnormaility if seen can also indicate a possible heart defect?
diaphragmic hernia
Abd nuchal translucency
espoghal/ or duodenal atersia
chromosome abdnormalites
what is rarly associated with heart abnormalities but has a high hr?
fetal tachycardia
fetal tachycardia can lead to what
____________of all infant defects is due to congential heart disease
what are the most common cardiac defects seen in tri 21?
atrial and septal defects
what is cardiomyopathy?
thickening of the intraventricular septum and ventricular walls and results in fetal death
what types of diabetes in the mother are responsible for fetal hypertropic cardiomyopathy?
type 1 and 2
what is a patients risk of a child having a cardiac defect if one child has already one?
what 2 types of twins are commonly seen to have cardiac defects
discordinc twins
and twin to twin transfusion
what are dischordint twins?
placenta insufficency monochornic twins smaller twin becomes hypoxic
what is twin to twin transfusion
one donor and one receipent twin. donor becomes amenic and IUGR while reciepent becomes polycythemic and they have cardiomegaly and mitral and tricusp regeration and hydrops
what cardiac abnormalites can IUGR fetus suffer from?
hypoxia causing impaired contractiable ventricular filling properties
what is the heart to chest ratio?
_____________% of congential heart defects are not seen prenatally
a 4 chamber view screens out what percentage of defects
the heart occupies how much chest cavity
visualization of the outflow tracts and great arteries will result in ____________abnormalites of being detected
a repeat u/s should be redone to check for cardic defects?
the heart lies on a _________axis
45 degrees
forman ovale is made up of what
primal septum (crux)
distal septum (base)
what is the flap value and when is it seen
adjacent to forman ovale that helps close the forman ovale that is seen flapping in late 3rd tri
the apex points to which side of the chest
which ventricle is closest to chest wall
what is the moderator band?
thickened muscle in apex of right ventricle
review adult blood flow pg 5
slide 9
how do u view the left outflow tract

and the right?
move from 4 chamber view to left shoulder of fetus
right shoulder of fetus
what 3 arteries branch off of the aorta starting from medial to lateral
innominate (brachiocephalic)
left vertebral artery
left subclavin artery
what is the 3 vessel view composed of
superior vena cava
pulmonary artery
where is the mitral value located and what does it look like
left atrium ventricle........look at pg 7
draw aortic valve with and w/o califcations
pg 7
where is the tricupsid valve located and what does it look like
right atrium/ventricle....pg 8
draw pulmonary value
pg 8
what valve is located between rt and left atrium and closes at birth
forman ovale
septal defects between to ventricules or 2 atriums can easily be seen bc of what
echogenic spots on either side of septal defect
an atrial defect above the forman ovale can look like one chamber and is most commonly seen in what
tri 21
what is the most common congential cardiac defect
septal defect between the left and right ventricle
what is it called when the atrial ventricular junction is connected to only one ventricle
hypoplastic left heart
what is a hypoplastic left heart
no flow between left atrium to ventricle
small left ventricle with mitral or aortic atresia
usally die wi 6th wk of life (now have heart sx to correct)
what is hypoplastic right heart
triscup value is placed downward to ventricular cavity
large right atrium and small ventricle
when you have tricupsid atrsia what enlarges
right atrium
with aortic stenosis u will have a large_________ventricle and the walls do not move wall and they are thickened flow reversal from the __________atrium to the ________atrium across the_____________
left to right
forman ovale
pulmonary atersia has a ___________right ventricle
narrowing of aortic arch with a small left ventricle and large right ventricle is referred to what
coarctation of aorta
what is coarctation of the aorta associated with
ventricluar and septal defects
valve abnormalites
diaphgramic hernias
turners syndrom
what makes up the tertatorlgy of flow
septal defect
stenosis of pulm artery
thickening of right ventricle wall
abnormal position of aorta
what cardiac defects is color doppler best at diagnosing
coarctation of aorta
teratogoly of flow
what is color doppler demonstate in the fetal heart
identifies high velocities profiles across stenoic or regrate valves
identifies cardiac distubunces
shows flow between ivs
flow patterns in the heart and vessels to check for shunting between the ventricles or ductus arteriosis
what is an echogenic foci and where is it most commonly seen
calcified papillary muscle, left ventricular wall
when an echogenic foci is paired with another abnormality what can it indicate
what does the 5 chamber view consist of
normal 4 chambers + aorta
what cardiac tumor is seen in fetus