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30 Cards in this Set

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using male-oriented constructs to draw conclusions about human, including female, nature
cultural feminists
believe oppression stems from society's devaluation of women's strength, values, and roles. They believe the solution to oppression lies in feminization of the culture so that society becomes more nurturing, intuitive, subjective, cooperative, and relational.
assumes that personality patterns and behavior are fixed at an early stage of development
egalitarian relationship
power should be balanced in a relationship. In feminist therapy the voices of the oppressed are acknowledged as authoritative and valuable sources of knowledge
the idea that one's own cultural group is superior to others and that other groups should be judged based on one's own standards.
flexible-multicultural perspective
uses concepts and strategies that apply equally to individuals and groups regardless of age, race, culture, gender, ability, class, or sexual orientation
believing there are two separate paths of development for women and men
gender-fair approaches
explain differences in the behavior of women and men in terms of socialization processes rather than on the basis of our "innate" natures, thus avoiding the stereotypes in social roles and interpersonal behavior
gender-neutral theory
explains differences in the behavior of women and men in terms of socialization processes rather than viewing gender differences as fixed in nature
gender-role analysis
used to help clients understand the impact of gender-role expectations in their lives. Some feminist therapists prefer to use the term "social identity analysis" rather than gender-role analysis, to reflect the importance of assessing all relevant aspects of a client's identity
gender-role intervention
provides clients with insight into the ways social issues affect their problems
gender schema
an organized set of mental associations people use to interpret their perceptions about gender
global/international feminism
this approach takes a worldwide perspective and seeks to understand the ways in which racism, sexism, economics, and classism affect women in different countries
views a heterosexual orientation as normative and desirable and devalues samesex relationships
concepts specific to the thinking, feeling, and behaving dimensions of human experience that account for contextual and environmental factors
lesbian feminists
this group of feminists views women's oppression as related to heterosexism and sexualized images of women
liberal feminists
these feminists focus on helping individual women overcome the limits and constraints of traditional gender-role socialization patterns; they argue for a transformation from accepting traditional gender roles to creating equal opportunities for both women and men
life-span perspective
assumes that human development is a lifelong process and that personality patterns and behavioral changes can occur at any time.
personal is political
individuals' personal problems have social and political causes. therapy is aimed at helping clients change their own behavior and become active participants in transforming society
postmodern feminists
this group of feminists provides a model for critiquing other traditional and feminist approaches, addressing the issue of what constitutes reality and proposing multiple truths as opposed to a single truth
power analysis
emphasis is on the power difference between men and women in society. clients are helped to recognize different kinds of power they possess and how they and others exercise power
radical feminists
this group of feminists focuses on the oppression of women that is embedded in patriarchy and seek to change society through activism and equalizing power
a technique whereby the counselor changes the frame of reference for looking at an individual's behavior: there is a shift from an intrapersonal (or blaming the victim) stance to a consideration of social factors in the environment that contribute to a client's problem
an intervention that changes the label or evaluation applied to the client's behavioral characteristics. generally, the focus is shifted from a negative to a positive evaluation.
relational-cultural theory
a perspective suggesting that woman's sense of identity and self-concept develop in the context of relationships
the idea that a woman's sense of self depends largely on how she connects with others
social action
participating in some activity outside of the therapy office (such as some kind of volunteer work in the community) that is likely to empower clients by helping them see the link between their personal experiences and the social context in which they live.
socialist feminists
these feminists aim to transform social relationships and intitutions. they focus on multiple oppressions and believe solutions to society's problems must include considerations of class, race, sexual orientation, economics, nationality, and history
white privilege
an invisible package of unearned assets white people enjoy that are not extended to people of color
women of color feminists
this group of feminists believes it is essential that feminist theory be broadened and made more inclusive by addressing multiple oppressions, taking into considertation privilege, and power; and emphasizing activism