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35 Cards in this Set

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3 types of feminism

radicals marxists and liberals

what do they argue the family does

oppress women and reproduce patriarchy

define conflict theory

focuses on competition between groups

what is a macro theory

looks at whole of society

what is the top down approach

looks at society from the most powerful to the least

what do RADICALS believe

1. men are the ENEMY

2. they are the source of OPPRESSION AND EXPLOITATION

why does family benefit the male

women do unpaid labour and provided sexual services

what do the RADICALS believe must happen to the system

must be overturned

how would RADICALS do this

separatism and political lesbianism

what did millet say

“the personal is political”

what did delphy and leonard say

“57 varieties of unpaid labour”

what did purdy say needed to happen

“baby strike”

how do functionalist agree with the RADICALS

believe that family stables sex drive prevents a sexual “free-for-all”

how do fourth wave feminism disagree with the radicals

ignores male opression


exploitation of women is a continuation of capitalism

what do MFs argue women produce

the next generation of compliant workers through unpaid labour

what does ansley argue

wives are “takers of ****”

who does this agree with

marxists as the family being a “safety valve”

who does this disagree with

functionalists believe family is a “warm bath”

what does benston argue

family makes workers less likely to strike

what does feely argue

family teaches obedience and hierarchy

what do functionalists think about socialisation

family socialises children into the norms and values to help intergration

what do post modernists disagree with MFs about

most women work - society more diverse

what do LIBERALS argue

end of sex discrimination through the law

what attitude do they take

march of progress

what does somerville argue

need realistic policies for equality

what do LFs fail to challenge

underlying causes of oppression

THIRD WAVE FEMINISM- what do difference feminists argue

mainstream feminism only accounts for white womens experiences. face dual oppression- sexism and racism

what was dual feminism

mix of MF and RF by walby

what do post structuralist feminists believe

different types of feminism

FOURTH WAVE- what do the heforshe campaign believe

gender equality- anti men hating need men and women to stand together

what does the everyday sexism project do

laura bates made website to post experiences of sexism

OVERALL EVAL what does feminism look at

dark side and domestic violence

what reduces significance of contribution


what do postmodernist argue

more choice in family relations