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57 Cards in this Set

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to receive male gamete and provide an environment that receives fertilization and also is conducive to the production of the embryo

Function of the female reproductive system


Responsible for maturation of the gamete

Endocrine Function in the Female

Highly regulated by the pituitary by synthesis and secretion of the hormones


Thickness of the endometrium during the mense phase about 2/3 will slough off during that time


The proliferative phase takes place in the


more production of progesterone increasing the glandular part of the endometrium

Secretory phase

Enhances the growth of the glands and thickness of the epithelial and prepares the uterus for implantation

Secretory phase

Fertilization takes place in the


Abnormal times of hormonal imbalances can cause abnormality secretions called


Profuse menstrual bleeding

Cervix uterus and ovary

Three areas that have the highest propensity for having some type of tumor

Tubule Pregnancy

Implantation of the zygote in the fallopian tube

Immune reaction with RH factor and Toxemia

2 type of pregnancy disorders


Having no uterus

Duplicates uterus

Bifid uterus occurring during embryogenesis.


Individuals who have both male and female features

Male Suetohermaphroditism

A genetic male with a female phenotype. May have testes that are found in the abdomen but have a vagina and develop breast tissue

Female hermaphrodite

female with a male type of appearance. Having male genital- micropenis


Inflammation of the external opening of the vagina


Inflammation of the vagina


Inflammation of the cervix


Inflammation of the uterine lining.


Inflammation of the uterine tube

PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease)

Inflammation of the entire reproductive tract. May also cover urinary tract. Leaving scarring unable for movement of the oocyte to get down into the uterine tube causing in fertilization

Ascending or Hematogenesis

Inflammation can derive from what 2 things


Bacteria that live in the cells; they don't survive well outside of the cells. A common STD found in the US. Does cause urethritis, cervicitis, and vaginal discharge.


An STD that causes urethritis, cervicitis, and vaginal discharge.


Stages include Primary, Secondary, and Teritary. Symptoms include vulvar chancres or ulcers.

Genetial Herpes

HSV-2 form blisters on the surface of the skin

Human Papilloma Virus

Produce labial, vaginal, or cervical warts. This virus is associated with high risk development of a squamous cell carcinoma. Risk factors include multiple sex partners; unprotected. Vacinnation is available.

Candida Albicans

common cause of inflammation of the vulva and vagina. Fungal infection. Associated with vaginal discharge and odiferous discharge.

Trichonomas vaginalis

common protzoal inflammation limited to the vagina or vulva producing an odirferious vaginal discharge.

Endometrial Hyperplasia

Excess estrogen stimulating the endometrium causing constant hyperplasia causing lack of ovulation and lack of menstruation. Self limiting.

Tumors of the vulva

Tumors here aren't common. It more frequently occurs in women over 65. It presents like a wart growth or mucosal type of lesion. Since it's on the surface of the skin it is a squamous cell carcinoma.

Tumors of the vagina

Tumors here are uncommon. They may have the same presentation as growth in the lumen of the vagina. But because the lumen is lined with squamous cell epithelium it is usually a squamous cell carcinoma


Very susceptible to malignant tumors. Early detection is important done by a pap smear. The cells change from flat to rounded and break through the basement membrane and freely enter into the blood

Etiology of cervical cancer

Staged 1-4. Atypical growth and pulpy looking on the surface. Etiology being the HPV virus.


Inside the cervix


Outside the cervix


Composed of two different tissues: Endometrium and myometrium. Both give rise to tumors> Endo is more susceptible to malignant tumors.

Benign (Leiomyoma)

Nearly all smooth muscle tumors in the uterus are

Endometrial Carcinoma

Fairly common. It is considered to be related to the fluctuation and sex hormones. Estrogen is thought to be related to the development of the carcinoma. People who are subjected to longer periods of estrogen are more susceptible to this.


Carcinoma that is associated with glands

Endometrial Carcinoma

Not seen often in 25 yrs or less. Common symptom is vaginal bleeding especially in post menopausal women. Biopsy is done with dilation and curettage (cervix is dilated and scrapping off the wall of the uterus). Treatment is removal of the uterus.


sloughing of the endometrium that continues on into the fallopian tube on into the peritoneum. Implant on any suitable place to grow. Looks like a blood blister.


Benign tumor. Fairly common uterine disorder in the sense of type of lesions on the uterus. Compressing surrounding organs resulting in other issues that aren't even related to the disease.

Ovarian Cysts

The progression of the maturation of the primitive follicle to one that is ready to rupture but doesn't

Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Multiple ovarian follicles that don't rupture.

Surface epithelial tumor

Germ cell tumor

Sex core tumor

Non specific tumor

Ovarian neoplasms can be categorized by what 4 major groups

Ovarian surface epithelial tumors

Etiology relating to the epithelia cells that are damaged every month. Can be solid or cyti. The aqueous is the most common. Can be benign or malignant

Germ cell tumors

Arise from the oocytes that eventually form teratomas. They give rise to an embryo and have the basic germ cell tissues. When a oocyte converts and becomes a germ cell

Atopic pregnacy

When the oocyte is shed floating out to the peritoneal cavity and sperm connects having fertilization in the fallopian tube or any other common place.

Partial placenta previa

Placenta has taken up residence very low in the uterus and may even be partially over the opening of the uterus

Major placenta previa

The placenta has implanted completely on the internal opening on the cervix. Results in excess bleeding and miscarriage

Placenta accreta

The placenta villi develop downwards into the uterus and penetrate into the muscular wall of the uterus. Must be removed manually.

Hydatidiform mole

Relatively unusual. Represents a degeneration of the vili of the placenta. Male gamete is duplicated instead of a female and male. Placenta doesn't develop normally and finger like projections cysts are formed


Does appear late in pregnancy. Hyperextension, edema, and excess protein in the urine.