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44 Cards in this Set

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What is the first principle of Cognitive Therapy?
Your thoughts create your mood
Finish the sentence “You feel the way you do now….”
Because of the thoughts you are thinking at this moment
What is the second principle of Cognitive Therapy?
When you are depressed, your thoughts are dominated by a persuasive negativity
What is the third principle of Cognitive Therapy?
The negative thoughts at the root of your depression nearly always contain gross distortions
What is the major cause of “your” suffering?
Your twisted thoughts and mental distortions are the major cause of your suffering
What is the most important result of Burns clinical research?
You can learn to deal with your moods more effectively if you master methods that will help you pinpoint and eliminate the mental distortions which cause you to feel upset.
According to Burns, what ALWAYS accompanies a depressive episode?
Intense negative thinking always accompanies a depressive episode
When you are depressed, you possess the remarkable ability to do what?
You possess the remarkable ability to believe and get people around you to believe in things which have no basis in reality

What is the first Cognitive distortion?

All or nothing thinking - seeing things in black or white as opposed to shades of gray; thinking in terms of false dilemmas. Splitting involves using terms like "always", "every" or "never" when this is neither true, nor equivalent to the truth.

What does all or nothing thinking form the basis for?
Give an example of all or nothing thinking?
When an admired person makes a minor mistake, the admiration is turned into contempt.
What is the second Cognitive distortion?

When you overgeneralize, you perform the mental equivalent of what?

The svengali card trick. You multiply one negative event into a neverending series of negative events.

Making hasty generalizations from insufficient experiences and evidence. Making a very broad conclusion based on a single incident or a single piece of evidence. If something bad happens only once, it is expected to happen over and over again.

Give an example of over-generalization

A person is lonely and often spends most of her time at home. Her friends sometimes ask her to come out for dinner and meet new people. She feels it is useless to try to meet people. No one really could like her.

What is the third Cognitive Distortion?

Mental filtering

What do you dwell on exclusively in Mental filtering?

You pick out a negative detail in any situation and dwell on it exclusively, thus perceiving that the whole situation is negative.

Focusing entirely on negative elements of a situation, to the exclusion of the positive. Also, the brain's tendency to filter out information which does not conform to already held beliefs.

Give an example of the third Cognitive distortion
A student thought she has missed a number of questions on an exam. She then focused exclusively on those questions she had missed became convinced that she would flunk out of college.
What is the fourth Cognitive distortion?
Disqualifying the positive
The fourth cognitive distortion gives you the ability to transform what into what?
This refers to the ability to transform neutral or even positive events into negative one’s
What else does Burns call disqualifying the positive?
He calls this ability reverse alchemy
Give an every day example of Disqualifying the positive
He gives the example of how when we receive a compliment we mentally tell ourselves that the person giving the compliment was just being nice or that they did not really mean it
What is the fifth Cognitive Distortion?
Jumping to conclusion
What are the two types of Jumping to Conclusions?
Mind reading and fortune telling
When you’re mind reading, what are you not bothering to do?
You are making assumptions about the meaning of another person’s behaviour without bothering to check it out
Give an example of Mind Reading.
The example of someone giving a lecture and watching someone in the front row fall asleep. The person assumes that he is bored when in fact he was just out very late the night before having a good time. This self defeating behaviour pattern may act as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
What is the sixth Cognitive Distortion?
Maginification and Minimization
What else does Burns like to call the sixth distortion?
Burns calls it the “binocular trick”
Give an example of the sixth cognitive distortion as it relates to weaknesses and strengths.
You will tend to exaggerate your weaknesses and minimize your strengths.
What is the Seventh Cognitive Distortion?
Emotional Reasoning
You take your emotions as what?
As evidence for the truth.
What is the side effect of this emotional reasoning?
One usual side effect of emotional reasoning
What is the Eighth Cognitive Distortion?
Should statements.
What does Albert Ellis call should statements?
Give an example of should statements in relation to yourself and others.
When the all too human performance of you and other people falls short of your expectation you will be bitter and upset.
What is the Ninth Cognitive Distortion?
Labeling and mislabelling.
What does labelling and mislabelling mean?

Personal labelling means creating a completely negative self image based on your errors.

A more severe type of overgeneralization; attributing a person's actions to their character instead of some accidental attribute. Rather than assuming the behavior to be accidental or extrinsic, the person assigns a label to someone or something that implies the character of that person or thing. Mislabeling involves describing an event with language that has a strong connotation of a person's evaluation of the event.

It is an extreme form of which other distortion?
It is an extreme form of overgeneralizaton
Give an example of labelling and mislabelling?
For example, when you make a bad put you call yourself a “complete loser”
What is the Tenth Cognitive Distortion
Personalization is the MOTHER of what?
This distortion is the MOTHER of guilt
What do you arbitrarily conclude?
You arbitrarily conclude that what happened was your fault and reflects your inadequacy.
What is all or nothing thinking called in psychology?
What is splitting (all or nothing thinking)?

Splitting diffuses the anxiety that arises from one's inability to grasp the nuances and complexities of a given situation or state of affairs by simplifying and schematizing the situation and thereby making it easier to think about. It relieves the person of having to confront the uncertainty engendered by the fact that people have both bad and good qualities. It also reinforces one's sense of self as good and virtuous by effectively demonizing all those who do not share in one's opinions and values.

Psychotherapist Michael C. Graham describes should statements as...

"expecting the world to be different than it is"