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70 Cards in this Set

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the hand clenched with the fingers doubled into the palm and the thumb doubled inward across the fingers
1plural hose a (1): a cloth leg covering that sometimes covers the foot (2): stocking , sock
2: a flexible tube for conveying fluids (as from a faucet or hydrant)
1: an experimenter or investigator especially in the arts and sciences : savant
2: one skilled in or having a taste for the fine arts
3: one who excels in the technique of an art ; especially : a highly skilled musical performer (as on the violin)
4: a person who has great skill at some endeavor <a computer virtuoso> <a virtuoso at public relations>
1: a demand for repetition or reappearance made by an audience
2 a: a reappearance or additional performance demanded by an audience b: a second achievement especially that surpasses the first
1 a: to take, receive, or obtain especially from a specified source b: to obtain (a chemical substance) actually or theoretically from a parent substance
1 a: intense pain of mind or body : anguish , torture b: the struggle that precedes death
1 a: anguish of body or mind : agony b: something that causes agony or pain
2: the infliction of intense pain (as from burning, crushing, or wounding) to punish, coerce, or afford sadistic pleasure
3: distortion or overrefinement of a meaning or an argument : straining
1 a: to run into or through as a pointed weapon does : stab b: to enter or thrust into sharply or painfully
2: to make a hole through : perforate
3: to force or make a way into or through
4: to penetrate with the eye or mind : discern
5: to penetrate so as to move or touch the emotions of
1 : to make safe (as from risks or against overthrow) : insure
2 : to give confidence to <and hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts — 1 John 3:19(Authorized Version)>
3 : to make sure or certain : convince <glancing back to assure himself no one was following>
4 : to inform positively <I assure you that we can do it>
5 : to make certain the coming or attainment of : guarantee <worked hard to assure accuracy>
transitive verb
: to utter in musical or prolonged tones : recite in singing tones or in a monotone
intransitive verb
: to utter something in singing tones or in monotone
transitive verb
: to examine closely and minutely
intransitive verb
: to make a scrutiny( a searching study, inquiry, or inspection : examination)
an encrusting deposit of dried secretions or exudate ; especially : scab
1 a: a stunted tree or shrub b: vegetation consisting chiefly of scrubs c: a tract covered with scrub
2: a domestic animal of mixed or unknown parentage and usually inferior conformation : mongrel
3: a person of insignificant size or standing
4: a player not belonging to the first string
to tremble convulsively : shiver , quiver
to free by or as if by removing a chain : set loose <unchain workers from their desks>
to put in a state of extreme physical or nervous fatigue
to droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness
intransitive verb
1 : to disgorge the stomach contents
2 : to spew forth : belch , gush
transitive verb
1 : to disgorge (the contents of the stomach) through the mouth
2 : to eject violently or abundantly : spew
3 : to cause to vomit
1 a: a thin piece split or broken off lengthwise : sliver b: a small needlelike particle
2: a group or faction broken away from a parent body
1 : to stuff too full
2 : to cover (as a chair or sofa) completely and deeply with upholstery
transitive verb
1: to wait for : await
2 a: to endure without yielding : withstand b: to bear patiently : tolerate <cannot abide such bigots>
3: to accept without objection <will abide your decision>
intransitive verb
1: to remain stable or fixed in a state
2: to continue in a place : sojourn
1 a: to utter a high-pitched plaintive or distressed cry b: to make a sound similar to such a cry <the wind whined in the chimney>
1 a: to take up or in : receive b: to take into partnership, employment, or use
2 a: to take to or upon oneself : undertake <assume responsibility> b: put on , don c: to place oneself in <assume a position>
3: seize , usurp <assume control>
4: to pretend to have or be : feign <assumed an air of confidence in spite of her dismay>
5: to take as granted or true : suppose <I assume he'll be there>
6: to take over (the debts of another) as one's own
the quality or state of being impatient
1: to fit out (as a ship) with rigging
2: clothe , dress —usually used with out
3: to furnish with special gear : equip
4 a: to put in condition or position for use : adjust , arrange <a car rigged for manual control> b: construct <rig up a temporary shelter>
one who reveals something covert or who informs against another <pledges to protect whistle–blowers who fear reprisals — Wall Street Journal>
of, relating to, or engaged in pharmacy or the manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals <a pharmaceutical company>
to twist about like a worm : fidget
1: picture ; especially : a pictorial representation of a person usually showing the face
to make shiny or lustrous especially by rubbing
to check or block normal breathing of by compressing or obstructing the trachea or by poisoning or adulterating available air
a small inlet or bay narrower and extending farther inland than a cove
1: a half-suppressed or muttered complaint : grumbling
2 a: a low indistinct but often continuous sound b: a soft or gentle utterance
3: an atypical sound of the heart typically indicating a functional or structural abnormality
1: the back part of something: as a: the unit (as of an army) or area farthest from the enemy b: the part of something located opposite its front <the rear of a house> c: buttocks
2: the space or position at the back <moved to the rear>
a: to cause to turn and especially to turn over <flipped the car> <flipping the pages of a book> b: to move with a small quick motion <flip a switch>
1 a: to impress deeply as if with a graver <the incident was engraved in his memory> b: to form by incision (as on wood or metal)
to stand for
1 a: to take out or up with or as if with a scoop : dip b: to pick up quickly or surreptitiously with or as if with a sweep of the hand —often used with up<scoop up the treat>
6: differing markedly from the usual or ordinary or accepted : peculiar
1 : tending to arouse suspicion : questionable <suspicious characters>
2 : disposed to suspect : distrustful <suspicious of strangers>
3 : expressing or indicative of suspicion <a suspicious glance>
to cause (as a horn) to sound
to push down so as to produce a desired result <punch buttons on a jukebox>
to clothe with finery
the action or art of processing (as by carving, modeling, or welding) plastic or hard materials into works of art
intransitive verb
1 a: to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs <a sprinter crouched ready to go> b: to lie close to the ground with the legs bent <a pair of cats, crouching on the brink of a fight — Aldous Huxley>
2: to bend or bow servilely : cringe
3: to stand at a low height <cottages crouched along the river>
transitive verb
: to bow especially in humility or fear : bend
a large powerful tawny-brown cat (Felis concolor) formerly widespread in the Americas but now reduced in number or extinct in many areas —called also catamount mountain lion panther puma
a thrusting or throwing weapon with long shaft and sharp head or blade
transitive verb
1: to push or drive with force : shove
2: to cause to enter or pierce something by or as if by pushing <thrust a dagger into his heart>
3: extend , spread
4: stab , pierce
5 a: to put (as an unwilling person) forcibly into a course of action or position <was thrust into the job> b: to introduce often improperly into a position : interpolate
6: to press, force, or impose the acceptance of upon someone <thrust new responsibilities upon her>
intransitive verb
1 a: to force an entrance or passage b: to push forward : press onward c: to push upward : project
2: to make a thrust, stab, or lunge with or as if with a pointed weapon <thrust at them with a knife>
1 : to ward off a weapon or blow
2 : to evade or turn aside something
1 a: to move along with the body prone and close to the ground b: to move slowly on hands and knees
a combined telephone transmitter and receiver mounted on a handheld device
1: existing or situated within the limits or surface of something: as a (1): situated near the inside of the body (2): situated on the side toward the median plane of the body b: of, relating to, or occurring on the inside of an organized structure (as a club, company, or state) <internal affairs>
a persistent vibratory sound
1 : one that browses
2 : a computer program used for accessing sites or information on a network (as the World Wide Web)
1 : to stand or raise oneself on tiptoe
2 : to walk or proceed quietly or cautiously on or as if on tiptoe <tiptoe around the issue>
1 : to tend as a shepherd
2 : to guide or guard in the manner of a shepherd <shepherded the bill through Congress>
to ask or call for with authority
3 a: lacking dexterity or skill (as in the use of hands) <awkward with a needle and thread> b: showing the result of a lack of expertness <awkward pictures>
4 a: lacking ease or grace (as of movement or expression) <awkward writing> b: lacking the right proportions, size, or harmony of parts : ungainly <an awkward design>
5 a: lacking social grace and assurance <an awkward newcomer> b: causing embarrassment <an awkward moment>
6: not easy to handle or deal with : requiring great skill, ingenuity, or care <an awkward load> <an awkward diplomatic situation>
intransitive verb
1: to change direction or course <the economy veered sharply downward>
2of the wind : to shift in a clockwise direction — compare back
3: to wear ship
transitive verb
: to direct to a different course ; specifically : wear 7
1: a natural or inherent aptitude, impulse, or capacity <had an instinct for the right word>
2 a: a largely inheritable and unalterable tendency of an organism to make a complex and specific response to environmental stimuli without involving reason b: behavior that is mediated by reactions below the conscious level
to operate a motor vehicle at high speed or so as to create a great deal of engine noise
to control the course of : direct ; especially : to guide by mechanical means (as a rudder)
transitive verb
: bend
intransitive verb
: curve , wind
to make a sound suggestive of a mournful cry
to contract the brow in displeasure or concentration
1: to move suddenly or nervously : start
2: to move or proceed rapidly : dash
1 a: to retrace one's course b: to go back to an earlier point in a sequence
2: to reverse a position
transitive verb
1: to reduce to powder or pulp by beating
2 a: to strike heavily or repeatedly b: to produce with or as if with repeated vigorous strokes —usually used with out<pound out a story on the typewriter> c: to inculcate by insistent repetition : drive <day after day the facts were pounded home to them — Ivy B. Priest> d: to move, throw, or carry forcefully and aggressively <pound the ball down the field>
3: to move along heavily or persistently <pounded the pavement looking for work>
4: to drink or consume rapidly : slug <pound down some beers>
intransitive verb
1: to strike heavy repeated blows
2: pulsate , throb <my heart was pounding>
3 a: to move with or make a heavy repetitive sound b: to work hard and continuously —usually used with away
intense, disordered, and often destructive rage
1 a: a hiding place especially for concealing and preserving provisions or implements b: a secure place of storage