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83 Cards in this Set

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Which model works well for families and responding to acute illness?
ABCX Mccubbins and Mccubbins
What is the ABCX model?
b=family resources
c=the family's definition or perception of the event
What is the goal of crisis interventions for the family?
to strengthen the adaptive and problem solving capabilities of the family
What are crisis interventions focused on influencing?
the course or development of a crisis through providing support and guidance
What are 4 crisis interventions?
1.clarifying aspects of hospitalization
2. problem solving
3.referral to other health care professionals
4.providing information
What are the 4 aspects of nursing support with families (nswf) model
spiritual, emotional instrumental, and informational
What are nursing interventions of the emotional dimension?
listening, show concern, respect, touch(as appropriate), demonstrate trustworthiness through reassurance, explaining your role and procedures
interventions for instrumental support dimension?
promote comfort(access to phone, blankets, food, sleep, bathe, etc), comfortable chairs at bedside, allow family to be close to family member, providing an inviting atmosphere for questions, refer to S.W. if family has financial issues
interventions for informational support?
promote understanding(providing answers to questions), promote control(allow fam to participate in care, meetings), enhance self-confidence for referring to support group AND praising them for care provided and fostering non-threatening environment
interventions for spiritual support?
promoting hope by providing realistic appraisal of pt.'s condition, display hopeful/honest demeanor, promote pray by clergy referrals AND allowing time/place for prayer; promote understanding of WHY by listening and discussing(to some degree) possibility of death
acknowledging what can assist the family in crisis toward adaptive coping?
the role of the family and importance in addressing and meeting the family member's needs
acknowledging the role of family and importance in addressing/meeting family member's needs can in turn help the family to do what?
better support the acutely ill family member
Molter's descriptive study of families in the ICU found the top 5 needs which are what?
1. to feel there's hope
2. to feel hospital personnel cared about the pt.
3. to have a waiting room near pt.
4. to be called @ home about changes in condition
5. to know pt.'s progress
What are Leske's Five categories of family needs?
1. information
2. assurance
3. proximity
4. comfort
5. support
What are 5 interventions for family needs in critical care?
1. flexible/open visiting hours
2. written materials about care
3. family support care
4. education/orientation session
5. calling fam @ home to report pt. changes
What has always been a top priority for families in critical care?
What should information given to families ALWAYS include (4)
1. Dx
2. Tx (planned)
3. prognosis
4. likely outcomes
What can meeting the needs for information in a timely manner prevent?
adverse family occurrences like increased stress or altered coping
How is D. Aguilera's crisis intervention model primarily based?
primarily individually based
What are the balancing factors of Aguilera's crisis intervention model?
perception of the event, sources of support, and coping behaviors
What are 3 other strategies for families in critical care?
1. help pt. recognize presence of stress
2. i.d. coping behaviors
3. minimize environmental related stress
How can humor be used?
brings ppl together, acknowledges the pain, is an energetic activity, said to reduce catecholamines and hormonal measures of SNS activation, presumed to enhance immune function(reduction in stress and associated hormones).
What are 3 ASSUMPTIONS about acute illness in the family?
1. illness is always a stressor
2.moms/wives are primary caretaker and sole influence
3. adolescents respond to illness like adults
What is family policy?
a coherent set of principles and practices that have direct consequences on family life
Families are a part of what system?
supra system or environment

all policies inherent in that greater system that affect helth, social, and economic indictors affects families

entitlements include housing and nutrition
What are some significant health and social policies in the US?
social security, food stamp, medicaid, family and medical leave, child health insurance plan, deadbeat parents act
What does NCFR's family policy activities provide?
research and educational info to policy makers/those working w/ them.
What does NCFR do?
works with other organizations and coalitions to formulate fam-friendly policies
What is NCFR and advocate for?
sound family policies and programs at local, fed, and international levels

provide well-formulated family policies to empower family members to perform their functions & to meet their individual & fam needs.
YAY :) :)
What is a key family health policy issue?
ever-rising cost of healthcare.

managed care was one attempt to control costs but doesn't always work
What is Marie Luis Friedemann's theory on system change?
the family system goes through a process of change that often imposes limitations on the functioning of one or more family members
How many family members does chronic illness impact?

what aspects of life does it affect?
-more than one

-all aspects
The onset of a chronic condition can be: (3)
1. sudden as in acute illness
2. as the result of an accident
3. gradual with long term health conditions
What does the "shock" of the diagnosis signify?
a change in what they may have thought the future held for them

an acknowledgement of the impact
What will the stress or stressor be for the family dealing with chronic illness?
loss of physical functioning or emotional well being
Patient's adjustment to these losses can be viewed as a _____
coping process
According to Cohen, a patient will survive longer if they actively what?
actively deal with their disease and express their anger
Who is the ability to actively deal with disease dependent on?
the family/support
How does a person who experiences an illness grow?
grow by owning, living, and taking full responsibility for health
What will the outcome of acceptance of illness be?
congruence, low anxiety, and quality of life
What are the emotional aspects of acceptance?
a search for meaning which many feel comes best from connectedness and a sense of belonging
Without acceptance how may a chronically ill person view the disease?
as an enemy to be fought with bitterness, hatred, and anger
What happens if the health care provider is paternalistic?
the patient is left without a chance to directly deal with the open challenge

pt.s and fams can often be at odds about how to deal w/ the prob
What should the healthcare provider do?
enhance/promote coping by asking family to share feelings
With reality negotiation, Ersek noted that families accommodate to what?
the effects of chronic illness on their children
When a family doesn't comply with prescribed tx, this means the fam is doing what?
contretely testing the reality of the incurable Dx by experiencing the replapse
What may cause a family to accommodate to reality?
exposure to reality i.e. a child's asthma flares up
When giving long-term care, who is most likely to become the caregiver? why?
-the person in the fam who normally is the caregiver, nurturer

-it's hard to differentiate caregiver roles/values/behaviors; easier for them to take on the tasks of making appointments, providing care, cheering up loved one
What are society's caregiving values?(3)
take advice; try to get better/adjust; family should jump in and help
What is the societal expectation?
informal caregiving
Families who fulfill the societal expectations of informal family caregiving are offered what?
assistance by external care systems
Caregiving operates well when what is happening with family and medical/societal expectations?
all's values are in agreement
Healthy caregiving requires what?
a healthy family
Is the health of a caregiving system constant/uniform?
NO - changes over time
Most families at times reach...
(health of caregiving system)
...a limit with their capacity for compassion
(health of caregiving system)
hours of harmony are followed by...
(health of caregiving system)
...times of self pity and anger about the losses
(health of caregiving system)
With caregiving in a family crisis, who is usually very committed?
Nurses must be aware of what issue when dealing with a family in chronic illness with no spouse?
the issue of the complexity of who is to be the caregiver; varies by culture and nature of caregiving tasks
Caregiving is more stressful/burdensome with the caregiver is who?
the spouse rather than the adult child
Caregiver spouses are more likely to what? (5)
1. have lower level of well-being
2. likely to be lonely
3. experience depression
4. have financial worries
5. have low live satisfaction
Who as a caregiver tends to get more distressed only when heavy caregiving demands interfere with social and personal lives?
daughter caregivers
What 2 factors is caregiver role strain dependent on?
1. amount of time the care requires
2. employment status or work hours of care giver
What are the 3 states of a caregiving career?
1.encounter stage 2. middle enduring stage 3. final exit stage
What adaptions are required during the encounter stage of caregiving career?
adjusting to the impact of Dx, learn new skills and make lifestyle changes
What changes does the caregiver go through during the middle enduring stage?
heavy work, disruption of routine work; sense of hopelessness, frustration, and loss
What changes does the caregiver experience during the final exit stage?
relinquishing caregiver role either d/t death or institutionalization
What positive experiences are reported with caregiving?
expression of affection and appreciation from care receivers
Experiencing the caregiving roles does what for most families?
brings them closer
What needs to be done for the family experiencing caregiving/chronic illness?
meet their needs so that they can meet the needs of the individual; link them with outside resources, encourage them to take care of their own health; assess the roles in the families, recognize variables that affect these roles; help with interventions to manage role problems (role train/transition)
Who is often over looked in a family with a chronically ill child
Families dealing with chronic illness need to be what? (3)
1. helped to maintain control
2. be involved in care
3. builing alliances with health care team
The nurse of the chronically ill pt. should be: (3)
1.insightful 2. nonjudgemental 3. geared to specific family needs
What may a lack in family involvement be based on?
a history of emotional distance longstanding interpersonal difficulties, old wounds that have never healed
Who is the core of rehabilitation when dealing with a chronic illness
Nurses serves as what 5 roles for a family dealing with chronic illness?
1. soncultants
3. resources
4. anticipatory guidance
5. case management
What are the family (2) needs who are dealing with chronic illness?
2.support network
What information will the family need?
long term complications of Tx; community resources
What support networks will the family need?
within the fam
community groups/support groups
respite care
finances/insurance agencies
How can nurses support families' adjustment to chronic illness?
by conducting family workshops that discuss issues, sibs, burdens, developmental state progression

Working with the fam to create new routines to accommodate disease/continue with fam life