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11 Cards in this Set

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Sites of insulin injection


Lateral thigh


Deltoid muscle

List important information to tell patients starting insulin

Explain need for insulin

Where and how to inject

Insulin storage

Hypoglycaemia - symptoms and how to treat

Triage definition

Standardised, researched tool that takes into account vitals and signs and symptoms to prioritise patients in such a way that prevents morbidity and mortality

Problem with ciprofloxacin


Interacts with oralcon - need to use dual protection for 2 weeks

Does not work with citrus soda due to the fluctuating body pH


You see air under the diaphragm on CXR - what is your management?

ABCs, stabilise, IV antibiotics (ceftriaxone), analgesia, transfer NPO (have lines up)

When giving any medication... (e.g. Eye drops, IMI)

Check patient

Check the medication including the expiry date

Increased waist circumference



Normal Hb

Male 14-18

Female 12-16

What not to forget when teaching inhaler technique

Stand up or hold chin up

Side effect of blue pump is palpitations


Ensure the device is on 0 and hold it underneath (so you do not block the pin from moving)

Stand up or elevate the chin

Take a deep breath in then put mouth tightly over the mouthpiece and exhale forcefully as quickly as possible and continue until the lungs are empty

Interpret on the chart - you need the height, age, gender

30th centile is below average - reasons = (a) acute bronchospasm , (b) chronic COPD patient baseline (I.e. Patient feels fine today)

Do it three times and take the best reading

Management of SVC syndrome

Sit upright

Give 60% oxygen

High dose corticosteroids

Furosemide (40mg oral or IV)

Consider prophylactic anticonvulsant