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32 Cards in this Set

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RAUCH: What are his arguments in defense of legalizing gay marriage?
1) It's only FAIR; 2) Will MAKE GAYS HEALTHIER, wealthier, and happier as it does for hetero couples; 3) Recognition and RESPECT for gays; 4) Benefit CHILDREN of gay couples; 5) Improve gay culture by making them SETTLE DOWN; 6) Will provide more caregivers for the elderly and reduce HEALTH COSTS since married people are healthier; 7) Marriage is good, the MORE, the BETTER.
RAUCH: What reason does he give in support of allowing children to gay couples?
Forbidding it is inhumane and impractical because many are from previous hetero relationship.
JORDAN: Says that equality as an argument for same sex marriage fails in what two ways?
1) Hetero marriages return a PUBLIC GOOD - children for the public investment. Same-sex marriages cannot; 2) If you legalize it for gays, you must also extend it to POLYGAMISTS
JORDAN: Says that gay marriage violates the "basic principle" of liberal democracies. How?
A liberal democratic govt should remain NEUTRAL toward conceptions of a GOOD LIFE.
JORDAN: Describe his three general models of marriage.
1) SACRAMENTAL model: based on religious beliefs; 2) COMMUNIONAL model: based on biology, the natural union of males and females, and reproduction; 3) TRANSACTIONAL model: based on contract between choices and desires
JORDAN: How do his three models of marriage serve as an argument against gay marriage?
The religious nature of the Sacramental should not influence policy. The remaining models are secular. Gays use the transactional model (choice and desire) in support, but Jordan says that legalizing gay marriage means the state FAVORS THE TRANSACTIONAL MODEL over the communional. By not supporting gay marriage, the STATE REMAINS NETURAL between these two secular marriage models.
According to the Marriage Movement, in what three ways should the state promote marriage?
1) Fund marriage EDUCATION, counseling and SUPPORT, advertise benefits, incentivize marriage; 2) Incentivize PRE-MARRIAGE classes or require them before licensing; 3) Make DIVORCE more difficult, abolish no-fault divorce
MCCLAIN: Although she supports marriage promotion, what are her doubts about the Marriage Movement's proposals?
1) Hetero two-parent families may not be necessary for healthy CHILDREARING. 2) Marriage should not be used as ANTI-POVERTY strategy; 3) Pro-marriage initiatives BENEFIT MEN more; 4) Marriage promotion should emphasize GENDER EQUALITY.
FINEMAN: What 3 reasons does she cite for abolishing the legal recognition of marriage and leaving it individual contractual agreement?
1) Traditional marriages are no longer the dominant FAMILY FORM; 2) Marriage is TAILORED more often outside standard govt parameters; 3) Public benefit of marriage can be achieved through SUBSIDIES (child rearing) without marriage.
ROBERTSON: What two arguments does Robertson offer in support of paid gamete donation and surrogacy?
1) Justifiable because it supports PROCREATIVE choice, children NOT OTHERWISE BORN; does NOT appear HARMFUL to children; 2) Women should be free to choose how to USE THEIR BODY; other paid labor MORE RISKY
What are 4 common objections to paid surrogacy and gamete donation?
1) Gamete donation COMMODIFIES children and childbearing; 2) Egg donation EXPLOITS young, desperate, women; 3) Surrogacy EXPLOITS even MORE desperate and less-educated women and akin to PROSTITUTION; 4) Surrogacy is BABY-SELLING.
MCCLAIN: What are the 3 arguments she makes for unrestricted abortion rights?
1) Women should be AUTONOMOUS/free to make decisions about pregnancy and children. Government should not try to influence this decision or promote birth over abortion; 2) "Personal self-govt in matters of reproduction is a precondition for fostering STRONG FAMILIES (-Abortions are good for the well-being of actually-born children)(-McClain notes a contradiction: on the one hand, young, poor, less educated single women are condemned as irresponsible for having children. On the other hand, these same women are hindered in their opportunity to get an abortion); 3) Restrictive abortion legislation TREATS WOMEN UNEQUALLY. The law generally does not require individuals to make significant sacrifices of their time and labor in order to save the lives of others in matters other than pregnancy.
MCCLAIN: What contradiction does she cite in society regarding unprepared mothers considering abortion?
Young, poor, less educated women are condemned as IRRESPONSIBLE for having children, but are HINDERED in the opportunity to have an abortion.
In Sandoval's presentation, Family Unification, which constitutional rights are violated when a child faces de facto deportation?
Family integrity and right to decide residency.
In Gifford's presentation, Divorce Reform, what three reforms does he propose in divorce policy to achieve greater equality in family law?
1) Abolish PRESUMED FATHERHOOD; 2) Custody SEPARATE from asset distribution; 3) Custody start at FIFTY/FIFTY; 4) ALIMONY termination upon co-habitation
In Rattner's presentation, Sex Educ and Networking, what are the likely objections to his proposal?
1) CURRICULUM restrictions limit what is taught in the classrooms; 2) PARENTS may object to sex ed in school; 3) It may ENCOURAGE the behavior in teenagers; 4) BUDGET cuts
In Howerton's presentation, Family Structure, what are his two arguments against policies defining the traditional family?
1) CHILD WELL-BEING. No structure is better than the other. Other variables apply; 2) LIBERTY. People must be free to express themselves without pressure from institutional norms.
In McCarty's presentation, Constitutionality of Gay Marriage Laws, what are the four characteristics of marriage as outlined in Turner v. Safley?
1) EXPRESSIONS of emotional support and public commitment; 2) Exercise of religious FAITH as well as an expression of personal dedication; 3) Formed in the expectation that they ultimately will be fully CONSUMMATED; 4) Marital status often is a pre-condition to the receipt of government BENEFITS (SS), property rights (inheritance rights), and less tangible benefits (legitimation of children born out of wedlock)
In Garcia's presentation, Child Abuse Laws, what 3 reforms does she propose to strengthen child abuse policies?
1) TAX INCENTIVES for orgs that assist support abused children; 2) LEVEL of abuse points sheets to evaluate severity of abuse for investigators to assess appropriate response; 3) RECORD KEEPING agencies to alleviate paperwork from social workers so more time can be spent in the field
In Shizer's presentation, Welfare in Capitalist Society, what 4 policies are proposed to eliminate inequalities and excessive pressures that families experience?
1) Shorter WORKWEEK (30-31 hours); 2) State-subsidized daycares, on-site DAYCARE required for many businesses; 3) Free HEALTHCARE for up to 21yo; 4) Govt INSPECTORS in workplace to eliminate GENDER discrimination
According to Marriage Movement proponents, what are five ways in which marriage is a legitimate public good?
1) Married adults are, HEALTHIER, happier, and wealthier; 2) Divorce and unwed childbearing, and lifelong single hood create SUBSTANTIAL PUBLIC COSTS; 3) Marriage enhances CHILDren's physical and mental WELL-BEING; 4) Marriage is the best hope of fostering involved, effective, egalitarian, nurturing FATHERS; 5) COHABITATION is no substitute for marriage
Author Positions
FINEMAN – argues that marriage should be abolished

MCCLAIN – supports unrestricted abortion rights

RAUCH – supports gay marriage

JORDAN – opposes gay marriage

ROBERTSON – supports gamete donation and surrogacy
In Rosales' presentation, Mandatory Class for Parents, what are the 3 components of her mandatory education program and what 3 family problems does it aim to solve?
Mandatory HIGH SCHOOL Courses, PRE-MARITAL Courses, and POST-BIRTH Education. Family problems to solve: divorce, family violence, teen pregnancy, child abuse, post pardum depression, etc.
In Patel's presentation, Corporal Punishment, what are the 3 main issues of corporal punishment?
1) No standards. VARIATION leads to abuse; 2) Internalization of violence; children learn that violence is the ANSWER; 3) INEFFECTIVE; Does not decrease children's aggressive or delinquent behaviors, which runs counter to corporal punishments goals
In Novoa's presentation, Immigration and Families, what are some of the affects being seen in children who have been separated from their parents due to deportation?
Children have been diagnosed with psychological and social problems, poor health, development delays, depression, and even Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
In Wankum's presentation, Obstacles for Just Families, what is the main obstacle for just families?
The state's FAVORITISM of the two-parent patriarchal unit.
In Bourque's presentation, Female Genital Mutilation, why is FGM considered a human rights violation?
It violates a female's right to physical and mental HEALTH.
In Nunez presentation, School Choice, what are the three reasons education reform is important?
1) Public dissatisfaction; 2) Child development; 3) Remaining true to democratic values
In Akui's presentation, Legislative Reform for Pregnant Women, what 3 key elements are reformed to promote equality?
1) Return of BODILY RIGHTS to Mothers:Women's absolute consent over their bodies; 2) Unpaid Work Reformation: Paid WORK AT HOME; 3) Teaching Methodology Reform: Ensuring GENDERED NORMS do not find a way into our school
In Castilleja's presentation, Changing Gender Roles in Immigrant Families, how should western societies regard multiculturalism?
1) Multiculturalism should be respected when it comes to traditional DRESS, RELIGION, AND LANGUAGE; 2) Female-OPPRESSIVE traditions should not be tolerated; 3) GENDER EQUALITY should be promoted in minority cultural group families.
In Gonzales' presentation, The Equipped Parent Model, what are the three signature features of his proposal?
1) TRAINING: Parents would be certified through state-offered parent training programs. Not mandatory; 2) INCENTIVE: Certified parents would have access to public parenting benefits; 3) REINFORCEMENT: Parents would need to be re-certified every 7 years to maintain access to benefits.
In Johnson's presentation, Danish Family Support, what are three characteristics of the Danish system she recommends for implementation in the US?
1) No formal education before 7, focus on SOCIAL SKILLS; 2) BILDUNG values vs curriculum; 3) CLASS-TEACHERsystems; 4) FOREST schools