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96 Cards in this Set

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Official Poverty Line
minimum amount required for living at subsistence level
Low Income Cutoff
income level where family spends 55% on basic necessities of life

- definition

- First Nation

- province with highest rate

- experience of not being able to obtain basic life needs

- 1/4 first nation children are in poverty

- BC

Highest Child Poverty in Canada
1. Nunavut

2. NWT

Food Bank Use in CAnada
Highest in BC, and Prairies
5 myths about food banks
1. food banks create dependence among the people they help

2. Many people who use food banks don't really need them

3. Those who use food banks do not work

4. people who use food banks lack an education

5. food banks don't provide any other services

6 Myths about Social Assisstance Programs
1. People receiving welfare are lazy and have no work ethic

2. welfare benefits are granted to many people not eligible to receive them and welfare fraud is rampant

3. most welfare parents are teenagers

4. most welfare mothers have many children

5. unmarried women have children to get benefits and single mothers continue to have children

6. Almost all people on welfare are adults

Model of Divorce
1. Deviancy Model

2. Opportunity for personal growth

Predictor of Divorce

- Microsociological

- Do not get along, economic problems

Predictor of Divorce

- Mesosociological

- Age


- at marriage

--> lower age of marriage - fewer divorces

- religion

- childbearing

Age Gap
norm in Canada - 2 to 3 year gap
Predictor of Divorce

- Mesosociological

- Cohabitation

Higher rate if longer period of time together before marriage
Predictor of Divorce


- REmarriage

2nd marriage 10% higher rate of divorce

Subsequent Marriage

- even higher

Parental Divorce

- Pessimistic vs. Optimistic

doubt success of marriage likely

aware of options available

Predictor of Divorce

- Presence of Children

--> shotgun weddings?

--> braking hypothesis

--> Childless Couples

Shotgun Wedding

- marriage because of accidental pregnancy

Braking Hypothesis

- ??

Childless Couples

- emphasis on marital satisfaction

- delay or have children due to problems

Couples With Boys
less likely to divorce
Duration of Marriage on Divorce
Inverted U shape

- lowest in 1st year

- highest in 3rd and 4th

- decline after 4 year

Geographic Region

- Urban vs. Rural

- Social Integration Hypothesis

Highest in West lower toward East


Urban vs. Rural

- Higher in Urban

Social integration Hypothesis

- marriage to integrate with society

Predictor of Divorce

- Socioeconomic Status

Lower socioeconomic status more likely to divorce.
Same significant social characteristics

- age, education, race, religion

Macrosociological Predictors of Divorce (4)
1. Changes in Institution of Family

2. Economic Cycles

3. Gender Role expectations

4. Cultural Values

VIDEO: Kids and Divorce for better or worse
Blame themselves, afraid, confused
2 myths of Remarriage families
1. Brady Bunch

2. Wicked Stepmother

VIDEO: Growing Up Online
ANA - anorexic forums

Bullying is extended, cyberbullying

VIDEO: Fired over Facebook

D You Know what your kids are Texting?

- teacher called kids "germbags" on wall (fired)

- texting makes you feel pleasure like a drug (heroine), addiction

VIDEO: Transforming Gender
- Can occur at any time in the life cycle

- Discrimination, transphobia, no access to jobs or housing, more vulnerable to assault

Wife Assault Normalized
2500 B.C

- a man could beat wife with brick engraved with her name for talking back

Middle Ages

- wives could be burnt at stake

- rule of thumb (beat wife with stick no thicker than thumb

Women in 1800s

- expected to adhere ti husband standards

victimized in public and private



-pop culture

Risk Factors for Wife Assault (4)

- Aboriginal women

- younger women

Aboriginal women

- murder 8x higher

- abuse 3.5x higher

Younger Women

- Violent crime 42% higher

-Murder 3x higher

-Sexual Assault 66% under 24 years

Women with Disabilities

Newcomers to Canada

VIDEO: My Secret Self
youngest to be trans, 5 years old, Jas

love Mermaids, because they have no genitillia

VIDEO: The Pregnant Man
Was a model as a girl, became a man. Got pregnant
VIDEO: Spencer West
- He has no lower half, climbed mount kilamanjaro

VIDEO: Patrick Hughes
Born blind and crippled from birth.

- could play piano from age 2

- Made the Louisville Marching Band

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
50% of pregnancies unintended

- 1 million cost/ person/ year

Ben's Medical (FASD)
Neurological Damage (all 5 senses)

Motor Control and Balance

Sensory Dysfunction

- cant feel pain

Joint Disorder

- curved spine

Oral deficits

VIDEO: Jasmine O'Connor living with FASD
slept 24 hours a day, no focus, cant memorize, not okay to drink while pregnant
Honor Killings
killing of young women in India, Pakistan and Middle East. 5000 killings a year
Cycle of Abuse (3)
Honeymoon Phase

- abuser demonstrates loving behaviour, makes promises to change, victim believes him.

Tension-Building Phase

- abuser becomes edgy and has minor explosions, victim is "walking on eggshells

Explosive Phase

- the tension becomes unbearable and the abuser explodes . most sever abuse occurs. victim may try to hide injury or find help

Declining Rates of Violence against women
Increased Social Equality

- financial freedom for women

Groups working to end domestic violence

- public awareness, community services, legislation

Superbowl ad ordering pizza

Australian ad - giving him a bat

- if you do nothing may as well help

Domestic Violence Against Males

-Taken Less Seriously Why?

Men and women equally at risk of violent victimization

-85% of domestic homicide is women

- less data exists, women's abuse is more visible and severe, men don't acknowledge abuse

2 prevailing views of history
1. The future advaces in the same direction

2. Society with fewer clear values, more social problems, less stabiliy, and less certainty

VIDEO: Mars Venus or Planet Earth (Michael Kimmel)
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

- so fundamentally different from different planet

Kimmel Explains that men and women are actually the same than different.

Women made gender visible, Women's work family balance have changed, womens sexuality has changed,

sexual assault is mens choice not women

Future of the Canadian Family

- rates

-divorce rates increased

-marriage rates increase

-cohabitation increase

-adults living alone increased

- childbearing decreased

Future of family
multi earner families are the norm

- women continue the work family balance

-more equal unpaid work

-children will experience more transitions as parents change their marital status

Future Change and Continuity
Family violence continues to be under-reported

socioeconomic inequality between families worsening

number of aging families will increase

Absolute Poverty

essential basket of goods and services deemed necessary for survival

- food, shelter, clothing,healthcare

World bank, Fraser Institute

Relative Poverty
Exclusion from mainstream resources, opportunities, and sources of well-being

relative to social standards of normal and wealthy. subjective.

Canadian Council on Social Development

Low-Income Cut-Off
Considers community, family

poverty lines are set at a level where a family spends significantly more of its income on food, clothing, and housing than the average family.

Statistics Canada

Market Basket Measure
includes allowances for food, household expenses, clothing, personal needs, furniture, phone, and entertainment.
how long experience of poverty lasts
Depth of Poverty
the amount a family or individual income income is below the poverty line
Economic Security
stable standard of living that provides individuals and families with dignity in all aspects. Security goes beyond
Blame the Victim
focuses on personal sources sources and places blame squarely on the shoulders of the individual

Herbert Spencer - poverty because individual "unfit"

Culture of Poverty
certain cultures restrict people from reaching their potential. devalue education and middle class values
Working Poor
In poverty but have a job

FEminization of Poverty
single mothers at highest risk of living in poverty.
occurs when individuals are systematically excluded from meaningful participation in communities.
results in social, institutional, and legal practices that reinforce heterosexuality as the normal, natural, taken-for-granted sexuality
Intergenerational Ambivalence
refers to contradictory emotions or the coexistence of both positive and negative feelings within general relationships
3 consequences of gay marriage
1. children will grow up to be maladjusted because of social stigma

2. offspring will be sexually molested by their parents or associates

3. that children will grow up to become homosexual

Gender Identity Disorder

-transexual transgender

Bi-Nuclear Family
is created when both the mother and father act as parents to their children following divorce, although they maintain separate residences
Crude Divorce Rate
calculated as the number of divorces in a given year divided by the mid-year population
Joint Custody
defined as the legal right and responsibility of both parents to make decisions and care for their children following a divorce
Sleeper Effect
manifests itself as a problem or set of problems that emerge long after a stressful or traumatic event is experienced, such as divorce
Caregiver Burden
refers to problems and stress due to caregiving, such as depression and psychological distress
complete physical, mental, and social well being
Social Determinants of Health
socio-economic, political, cultural, and environmental forces and factors that influence our health status
social epidemiology
empirical study of the sociocultural , forces that shape patterns of disease and death in human populations
Social Model of Disability
emphasizes the external obstacles that limit "ableness" rather than individual characteristics
Health Related Quality of Life

coping with Death of a Family Member

focus on social structure, rather than biomedical

Cradle of Violence
refers to how the family environment is a potential birthplace of family violence, since it is the key agent of socialization

Social Learning Theory

Double ABCX model of stress
extends the ABCX model of stress, with its focus on pile-up events and the family's access to resources during crisis events
ability to cope depends on family circumstance when stressor experienced
Ecological Perspective of family violence

4 levels

1. Macro (societal)

2. Meso (community)

3. Exo (relationship)

4. Micro (individual)

Primary Prevention
geared toward preventing family violence and abuse in the first place and can be distinguished from intervention strategies
Secondary Prevention
entails working with at-risk groups for violence and abuse
Tertiary Prevention
refers to treatment or interventions to keep abuse from recurring
intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against self or another, or group that results in someone getting hurt
Interpersonal Violence
family violence
Community Violence
between individuals who are not related or may not know eachother
harm to oneself
Financial abuse and neglect
misuse of money or property, stealing, forging signatures
failing to meet the needs of family members. denial of food, water, health
sexual abuse from blood relatives
Why do People Abuse (3)
1. violence as individual pathology

2. violence as learned behaviour

3. violence as a by-product of environmental stressors

Family Ideology
Incorporate a set of family-related values and beliefs that reflect the interests and beliefs of a social group or society and forms political action
Family Policy
can be defined as a coherent set of principles about the state's role in family-life, which is implemented through legislation or a plan of action
supports restructuring of welfare societies to better meet demands of a global market economy
Welfare State
range of government -sponsored programs and legislations designed to improve the social and economic well-being of families and individuals, particularly in times of need.
Family Policy divided into 3 categories
1. laws relating to family issues (divorce)

2. policies to help family income

3. provision of direct services (child care, home care)

2 models of the family
1. Patriarchal Model of the Family

--> father is responsible for economic well-being, wife responsible for care of family

2. Individual Responsibility Model

---> each is viewed as responsible for his or her own support, and each responsible for personal care of family

Double Squeeze
work/family challenges
Triple Jeopardy
elderly, ethnic minority, women
The New DEal
Time dividend to families. Give families more time.
1. extend parental leave
2. $10/day child care services
3. Flex-time for employees and employers

ABCX model

A - stressor event

B- crisis meeting resources

C - definition the family makes of the event

X - the crisis