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43 Cards in this Set

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Samea and Hawaii
Pacific Ocean Islands
The Maine
U.S. ship that was blown up in Havana, Cuba and was blamed on Spain
The causes of the war with Spain
Results of the War with Spain
US won and Spain pulled out and lost Cuba
Emilio Aguinaldo
Filipino leader, politician and independence leader
Goals of progressivism
better able for the government to be able to serve to the peoples needs
Prinicples of progressivism
Institute against child labor, public education and the right for women to vote
Election of 1892
Thomas Woodrow Wilson wins
Central powers
Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria who fought against the Allies in WW 1
The Zimmermann Telegram
coded telgram from German Empire to instruct German Ambasador in Mexico to speak with Mexican government to form an Alliance against America
The Allies
France, Italy, Russian and Britain Empires, and America
The Entente Powers
The Espionage Act of 1917
United States federal law after WW 1 that made a crime for anyone to hold information or interfere with the Armed Services with a $10,000 fine and 20 yrs. in prison
Sedition Act of 1918
Law passed by Woodrow Wilson concerning the use of free speech, any type of vulgarity against the government during the war EX: flag burning was sentenced to prison; minimum 10 yrs.
The Fourteen Points
Speech given by Woodrow Wilson concerning the design of Europe after the war
It also encouraged the Central Powers to surrender
Red Scare from 1919-1920
heightened suspicion of communists in the U.S. government
Reactions of the Red Scare in 1920
duck drills at schools, and fallout shelters were made
John T. Scopes
was charged in Tennessee for violating the act of teaching evolution in the classroom
18th Amendment
prohibition of alcohol
19th Amendment
guarantees the womens right to vote
The "Great Migration"
movement of millions of African Americans out of the southern states to bigger industrial cities, including Philadelphia, and Chicago
Presidential election of 1920
issue over the desruction of WW 1 and how peace treaties were going to be made
Warren Harding beat James Cox after Wilson became very unpopular
Calvin Coolidge
30th President of the United States
was in his presidential reign of high economic boost
Presidential election of 1928
Hebert hoover won the election
1938 Munich Agreement
agreement between major powers of Europe after a conference in Munich
outbreak of WW2
rise of Nazism
Imperialism-states wanted to expand but others wanted to keep their own land-like Hitler
The Neutrality Act
insure that the US would not get involved within foreign relations concerning Asia and Europes turmoil
lend lease act
program that let the US supply Britain and Soviet union with war supplies
American Japanese relations in 1940
Japanese Americans were thriving on US soil life was good for them
War relocation camps
the scare of every Japanese person living in the U.S. to be put in camps
Allied Campaign in Sicily
invasion of Allied forces onto the island called Operation Husky
Operation Overlord
codename for Normany invasion of Allied forces on June 6 D-Day
American Strategy in the Pacific
take the central Pacific on the east side of Japan and push west
meeting in southern Russia to organize the United Nations
atomic bomb
used against Japan instead of risking more lives of soldiers to invade Japan
150,000 deaths appro.
cost of WW2
Phillipines were granted their independence 62 million deaths
president from 1901-1909
theodore roosevelt Republican
William Taft republican
Woodrow Wilson Democrat
Warren Harding Republican
Calvin Coolidge Republican
Herbert hoover Republican
Franklin roosevelt Democrat
Harry Truman Democrat