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38 Cards in this Set

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What is the morphology of a giardia trophozoite?

Teardrop shaped, bi-lobed ventral adhesive disc, flagella, and 2 nuclei.
What is the morphology of a giardia cyst?
Oval shaped, hyaline wall, 4 nuclei (when mature).
Which morphology is characteristic of the infective stage of giardia lamblia?
cyst (Oval shaped, hyaline wall, 4 nuclei).
What are the clinical manifestations of giardiasis?
Intestinal pain, diarrhea, steatorrhea, flatulence, malabsorption, anorexia, and B12 deficiency
What happens in the intestine if it is colonized by giardia lamblia?
Giardia lamblia adheres tightly to the intestinal mucosa, causes inflammation, and alters epithelial function (absorption).
Where do you get giardia?
From water contaminated with human or animal feces. In the USA, beavers contaminate streams and lakes.
What is the treatment of choice for giardia lamblia infection?
Compare the morphological features of the trophozoite and the cyst in Entamoeba histolytica.
Troph: Amoeboid with 1 nucleus. Cyst: Round to oval shaped with 4 nuclei.
Where in the body does the giardia trophozoite colonize?
The duodenum
Where in the body does the Amoeba trophozoite colonize?
The large intestine
What are the clinical manifestations of Ameobiasis?
Diverse manifestations from dysentery to extra-intestinal abscesses. Can cause ulcerations leading to peritonitis.
Does Ameobiasis cause fever?
What virulence factors are involved in hepatic abscess from an amoeba?
Tissue invasion virulence factors: Lectin, cysteine, proteinases, phospholipases, amoebapore
How do you diagnose amoebiasis?
Must demonstrate hematophagous trophozoites or cysts in feces. ELISA for antigen of E. histolytica.
Explain the morphology of Cryptosporidium spp.
Oocyst: (4 sporozoites but no sporocyst)
Where do the cryptosporidium spp colonize?
Brush border of small intestine.
What is the typical course of infection of cryptosporidium in an immunocompetent person?
Infection is short lived ~2 weeks
How is cryptosporidium transmitted?
Animal to person and Person to person. Day care settings, homosexual men. Also through waterborne and zoonotic infections.
Why can you get cryptosporidium from a public swimming pool?
oocyst is resistant to chlorine, and therefore viable in the pool.
What viral disease is cryptosporidium often associated with?
What is the treatment of choice for cryptosporidium?
What is the morphology is cyclospora cayetanensis
autoflorescent oocyst that is considerably larger than the oocyst of cryptosporidium.
What is the clinical presentation of cyclospora cayetanensis?
Fever, chills, abd cramps, nausea, vomiting, explosive nonbloody diarrhea, flatulence, anorexia, rapid weight loss, profound fatigue.
Does cyclospora cayetanensis often relapse?
What is the host for cyclospora cayetanensis? Transmission?
Humans are the host. Fecal-oral route of transmission.
Can food contaminated with really fresh stools give you cyclosporiasis?
Nope. Oocysts require days to weeks outside the host to sporulate and become infectious.
What 2 protozoans have oocysts that are resistant to chlorine?
Cryptosporidium and cyclospora
Describe the staining of cyclospora cayetanensis.
Acid-fast positive
Drug of choice for cyclospora cayetanensis?
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (7-day course)
What do you need to know about cytoisosporiasis?
Causes diarrhea and stuff. More common in HIV and immunocompromised. Treat with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
What is the morphology of blastocystis hominis?
Polymorphic protozoan. Sometimes characterized with a large central vacuole and multiple nuclei distributed around the rim of the cytoplasm. CANNOT DIFFERENTIATE FROM OTHER BLASTOCYSTIS SPP BASED ON MICROSCOPY ALONE.
What is the morphology of Balantidum coli?
Ciliated large protozoan characterized by a troph and a smaller cyst. Prominent macronucleus and smaller micronucleus. Peristome leads to cytosome (mouth).
Where does Balantidum coli like to colonize?
Trophs reside in the colon and caecum.
Is balantidum coli infection usually asymptomatic in humans and pigs?
What virulence factors are found in balantidum coli?
Proteolytic enzymes -----> perforation of the colon in acute infections.
Geographic prevalence of Balantidum coli?
Rare in USA. More prevalent in the Phillippines.
What is the therapy for Balantidum coli infection?
tetracycline or metronidazole
How do you control of prevent infection of Balantidum coli?
Don't drink water polluted with swine feces... =/