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38 Cards in this Set

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How does gastroenteritis differ specifically from diarrhea?
gastroenteritis refers to an inflammation of the entire GI tract, and thus involves both diarrhea AND vomiting
What are some reasons for an incresaed susceptibility to gastroenteritis?
young age
lack of breastfeeding
contaminated food or water sources
What are a few bacterial causes of gastroenteritis?
E coli
so even hemorrhagic diarrhea causes are considered
What is the number one cause of gastroenteritis in developing countries?
2 parasitic causes of gastroenteritis

think immunosuppression here
The history includes things like
frequency and volume of symptoms
general patient appearance
associated findings like cramps, emesis, malaise, and fever
When do you suspect an inflammatory diarrhea?
when they have severe crampy abdominal pain, tenesmus, fever. may also show blood and mucous in the stool
Vs. inflammatory dirrhea
which may show emesis, but usully not fever

the abdominal pain is just crampy and gives watery diarrhea
What are some labs to order for gastroenteritis?
stool sample to look for mucus, blood and leukocytes
fetal leukocytes
stool cultures
C diff toxins maybe

sigmoidoscopy to diagnose an inflammatory colitis
When would you want to test for C diff toxins?
when the pt has a hx of recent antibiotic use
What are two reasons that a stool would have minimal leukocytes with gastroenetritis?
What is the tx for gastroenteritis?
rehydration is the key
Do you use IVs for gastroenteritis?
no- unless it's very severe and rapid loss of fluid

you want them to take things in orally
Why not use juices, teas, sodas?
because of the high osmolality it can make diarrhea a lot worse
What diet do they start with GE?
the BRAT diet- bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast
Do we use loperamide etc. in kids?
What is another essential step of admission for these kids?
they should be on contact precautions
What is the treatment for campylobacter?
erythromycin early in the disease course
What is the treatment for C diff?
Flagyl or oral vanc
What is the treatment for EPEC, ETEC, and EIEC?
Bactrim but this is for certain specific indications
Where does EPEC tend to concentrate infections
in nurseries, daycare epidemics
Do you treat Salmonella?
actually yes in cases of bacteremia, immunodeficiency, or in infants under 3 years of age

use ampicillin or Bactrim
Do you treat Shigella?
yes- use bactrim or ceftriaxone
Do you treat Vibrio cholerae?
yes, you use tetracycline or doxy
treatment for aeromonas?
BActrim if diarrhea is prolonged
little kid with perianal itching worst at night
Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm)

scotch tape test
What is the tx for Enterobius?
albendazole or mebendazole or pyrantel pamoate
symptoms of the whipworm
this is Trichuris trichuria

is usually asx with mild anemia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, tenesmus, and perianal itching
tx for Trichuris trichuria?
What is the worm involved if there is both GI AND pulmonary symptoms?
probably Ascaris because this is how they swallow the worm and it spreads or whatever

Called Loeffler pneumonitis
other problems with Ascaris
liver failure
What is the worm if it gives an intense dermatitis, pneumonitis, and significant anemia?
Necator americanus or Ancylostoma duodenale
What is a permanent result of Necator americanus infection?
irreversible developmental delay
What is the likely infection if there is superimposed sepsis?
And how strongyloides gain infection?
through skin penetration, usually of the feet
Tx for Strongyloides?
ivermectin 200 ug/kg/day for 2 days
What is the source of infection for Trichinosis?

gives myalgias, facial and periorbital edema, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, myocarditis, encephalitis, nephritis, meningitis