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14 Cards in this Set

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What is Nationalism?

- Political movement focused on independence or abandonment of policies that are viewed as a threat by some to national sovereignty or nation al culture.- Countries helping

What do Greenpeace stand by? What are their campaigns??

- Climate change WILL affect everyone.- We are addicted to 19th/20th century energy.Campaigns- Stop climate change.- Save the arctic.- Defend oceans.- Protect forests.- Eliminate toxins.- Work for peace

What is Cultural Commodification?

- Ideas and objects and traits of culture becoming part of capitalist systems.

Issues with LICs:

- Hyperurbanisation: uncontrollable urbanisation- Suburbanisation: wealthy choosing to live on the city edge to escape poverty, crime, congestion.

Issues with HICs:

- Counter Urbanisation: movement from urban areas to rural areas.- Reurbanisation: regeneration of urban areas that have declined over previous years.

What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?

Measure of financial value of goods and services produced in a territory. Often divided by population size to produce per capita figure for purpose of making comparisons.

What are Commodities?

Valuable raw materials e.g. fuels, food and materials have always been traded between nations.

Steam Power Transport Innovation:

- Britain leader in 1800s using steam tech.- Steam ships/trains moved goods/armies along trade routes to Asia and Africa

Jet Aircraft Trans Innovation:

- Boeing 747 1960s made international travel commonplace.- Cheap flights sector expansion: easyJet brough flight to the masses in rich areas.

Container Shipping Trans Innovation:

- 200 million container movements happen a year.- Described as 'backbone' of global economy since 1950s.

What are Intermodal containers?

Large capacity storage units that can be transported long distances via shipping and rail without freight being taken out container.

What is Foreign Direct Investment?

A financial injection made by a TNC into the economy of a place, to make new facilities or to acquire/merge with firms already based there.

What is Placelessness?

The idea that a landscape could be anywhere, as it lacks uniqueness.- Leads to clone town effect.

What is sense of place?

Subjective emotional attachment to a place.