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52 Cards in this Set

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Sexually transmitted diseases


A contagious disease usually acquired by _______________ or _______________.

They are the most communicable disease in the world, despite improved methods of _______________ & ______________ by education and knowledge.
sexual intercourse or genital contact

diagnosis & prevention
Sexually transmitted diseases

The most common ones are (10):
HIV infection
Genital herpes
Genital warts
Lice (crabs),

Genital areas provide an easy place for organism to find new hosts because of the ____________ & _____________environment.

Virus or visible insects can spread by _______________, ______________ or ______________ but does not always require penetration and can sometimes be transmitted by _____________ or ______________ in some diseases.

Those diseases may be transmitted
by _____________, ______________ or ______________.
moist & warm

sexual intercourse, anal or oral sex
genital contact or kissing

blood transfusion, needle sharing for drugs users or food & water contamination

STDs have increased steadily through the past decades, with a rise in Western countries as well as underdeveloped ones.

_____________ & _____________ are the most prevalent (or reported) in North America. 3 millions people get _____________ yearly in North America, ½ million get _____________.

_____________ is not reported and may be estimated to 1 out of 5 sexually active people in North America have it.

_____________ has staggering numbers even in educated countries.

Teenagers in North America are educated by school but still after being interviewed, most of them believe they cannot get STDs if there isn't penetration, so oral sex is safe! Teenage pregnancy & STDs are on the rise in our country.

40 millions people worldwide have contracted ____________.
Gonorrhea & syphilis

Genital herpes


Pregnancy & STDs

STDs can have many of the same consequences for pregnant women as women who are not pregnant.

They can cause _____________, _____________, _____________,
_____________ and other complications.

Many STDs in women are silent; that is, without signs and symptoms.

A pregnant woman with a STD may also have ____________, _____________ & _____________.
cervical and other cancers, chronic hepatitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility

early onset of labour, premature rupture of the membranes surrounding the baby in the uterus & uterine infection after delivery
Pregnancy & STDs

They can be passed from a pregnant woman to the baby ____________, _____________ or____________ the baby's birth:

Some STDs, like _____________, cross the placenta and infect the baby while it is in the uterus (womb).

Other, like ____________, _____________, _____________ & ____________, can be transmitted from the mother to
the baby during delivery as the baby passes through the birth canal.

____________ can cross the placenta during pregnancy, infect the baby during the birth process, and unlike most other STDs, can infect the baby through breastfeeding.
before, during or after


gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis B & genital herpes

Pregnancy & STDs

The harmful effects of STDs in babies may include (12):

Some of these problems can be prevented if the mother receives routine prenatal care, which includes screening tests for STDs starting early in pregnancy and repeated close to delivery, if necessary. Other problems can be treated if the infection is found at birth.
Stillbirth (a baby that is born dead)
Low birth weight (less than 5 pounds)
Conjunctivitis (eye infection)
Neonatal sepsis (infection in baby's blood stream)
Neurologic damage (such as brain damage or lack of coordination in body movements)
Acute hepatitis
Chronic liver disease
Treatment of STDs during pregnancy

____________, _____________, _____________, _____________ & ____________ can be treated and cured with
antibiotics during pregnancy.
Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomonas & bacterial vaginosis (BV)
Treatment of STDs during pregnancy

There is no cure for viral STDs, such as _____________ & _____________, but antiviral medication may reduce symptoms in pregnant woman. For women who have active _____________ lesions at the time of delivery, a cesarean delivery (C-section) may be performed to protect the newborn against infection. It can be also an option for some _____________-infected women.
genital herpes & HIV
genital herpes
Treatment of STDs during pregnancy

Women who test negative for _____________, may receive the vaccine during pregnancy.
hepatitis B
Infertility & STDs

_____________ & ____________ are the most important preventable causes of infertility.

Unrated, up to 40% of women with one of those diseases will develop ____________which can lead to infertility and potentially fatal tubal (ectopic) pregnancy.
Chlamydia & gonorrhea
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Sexually transmitted diseases:

Latex condoms, when used consistenly and correctly, are highly effective in preventing transmission of ___________.

The effect of condoms in preventing _____________ infection is unknow but condom use has
been associated with a lower rate of _____________, an ____________-associated disease.
papillimavirus (HPV)
cervical cancer

Discharge diseases:

Latex condoms can reduce the risk of transmission of ____________, ____________ & _____________.
gonorrhea, chlamydia & trichomoniasis

____________ & _____________:

They can occur in both male or female genital areas that are covered or protected (or not) by latex condom.
Genital ulcer diseases & HPV infections

_____________, _____________ & _____________:

Latex condoms can reduce the risk of those diseases only when the infected area or site of potential exposure is protected.
Genital herpes, syphilis & chancroid


Caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a _____________ that can grow and multiply easily in the warm and moist areas of the reproductive tract, including the ___________, ___________ & ____________ in women, & the ___________, ___________, ___________, ____________ & ___________ in women and men.

It is a very common infectious disease. CDC estimates that more than 700 000 persons in the US get new gonorrheal infections each year.
cervix, uterus & fallopian tubes
urethra, mouth, throat, eyes & anus

Symptoms - Men (3):

Although many men with gonorrhea may have no symptoms at all, some men have some signs and symptoms that appear 2 to 5 days after infection; symptoms can take as long as 30 days to appear.
Burning sensation when urinating
White, yellow or green discharge from the penis
Painful or swollen testicles

Symptoms - Women (3):

The symptoms are often mild, but most women who are infected have no symptoms. Even when they has symptoms, they can be so non-specific as to be mistaken for a bladder or vaginal infection.
Painful or burning sensation when urinating
Increased vaginal discharge
Vaginal bleeding between periods

Symptoms - Men & Women:

Rectal infection (can also cause no symptoms) (5):

Throat infection (can also cause no symptoms) (1):
Anal itching
Painful bowel movements

Sore throat

Complication if untreated - Women:

Common cause of ____________. About 1 million women each year in the US develop it.

Women with it do not necessarily have symptoms. When symptoms are present they can be very severe and can include ___________ & ___________. It can lead
to ____________ and long-lasting, chronic ___________.
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

abdominal pain & fever
internal abcesses (pus-filled ''pockets'' that are hard to cure)
pelvic pain

Complication if untreated - Men:

Can cause ___________, a painful condition of the testicles that can lead to ____________ if left

Western Tx:

Several ____________ can successfully cure adolescents and adults.

However, drug-resistant strains are increasing in many areas (US included). Many infected people also have ___________, so ___________ for both diseases are usually given together. Persons with gonorrhea should
be tested for other STDs.



Caused by ____________ Treponema pallidum.

It has often be called ____________ because so many of the signs and symptoms are indistinguishable from those of other diseases.

In the US, 32 000 cases in 2002 and most in persons of 20 to 39 yrs. The incidence was highest in ____________ of 20 to 24 yrs & in ___________ of 35 to 39 yrs.

Rates in ____________ continued to decrease, and the rate of ___________ was 3.5 times that in ____________.

This in conjunction with reports of ____________ outbreak in men who have sex with men are increasing.

''the great imitator''





Through direct contact with a syphilis sore during ____________, ____________ or ____________.

It ___________ be spread through contact with toilet seats, doorknobs, swimming pools, hot tubs, bathtubs, shared clothing or eating ustensils.

Sores occur mainly on the ____________, ____________, _____________ or _____________. They can also occur
on the _____________and in the _____________.
vaginal, anal or oral sex


external genitals, vagina, anus or in the rectum


Many infected people do not have any symptoms for years, yet remain at risk for late complications if they are not treated. Most transmission is from persons who are unaware of their infection.

Primery stage:

Usually marked by the appearance of a single ____________, but there may be multiple.

The first symptom can range from 10 to 90 days (average 21 days) after infection.

The ___________ is usually firm, round, small and painless. It appears at the spot where syphilis

The ___________ lasts 3 to 6 weeks, and may heal without treatment.
sore (called a chancre)




Secondary stage:

____________ & ____________.

Typically starts with the development of a rash on one or more areas of the body. No itching. The characteristic rash may appear rough, red or reddish brown spots both on the ____________ & the ____________. Rashes with a different appearance may occur on other parts of the body, sometimes resembling rashes caused by other diseases.

Other symptoms are (8): .

The signs and symptoms will resolve with or without treatment.
Skin rash & mucous membrane lesions

palms of the hands & bottom of the feet

swollen lymph glands
sore throat
patchy hair loss
weight loss
muscle aches


Latent (hidden) stage:

Begins when secondary symptoms disappear, the person will continue to have syphilis even though there are no signs and symptoms.

Other symptoms are (7):
internal organs damage (brain, nerves, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones & joints)
difficulty to coordinate muscle movements
gradual blindness

Pregnancy & syphilis:

Can infect the baby ____________ her pregnancy.

Depending on how long the woman has been infected, she may have a high risk of having a _____________ or _____________.

An infected baby may not have signs and symptoms, but if not treated immediately, may develop serious problems within a few weeks such as _____________, _____________ or ____________

stillbirth or of giving birth to a baby who dies shortly after birth

developmentally delayed, seizures or death.

Western diagnosis & Tx:

____________ determines whether someone has syphilis.

Easy to cure in its early stages. A single intramuscular injection of _____________, an antibiotic, will cure a person who has had syphilis for less than a year (additional doses needed if more than a year).

Genital herpes


Caused by the _____________.

In the US, at least 45 million people of 12 yrs and older, or 1 out of 5 adolescents and adults, have it.

Between the late 1970s and the early 1990s, the number of Americans with this infection increased of 30%.

It is more common in ____________ (4/5) than ____________.
herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 (most are type 2)

Genital herpes


Can be found in and released from the ____________ that it causes, but it can also be released between
outbreaks from skin that does not appear to be broken or to have a sore.

Generally, a person can only get it during _____________.

It can cause infections of the mouth and lips, so-called ____________.

sexual contact

''fever blister''
Genital herpes


Most people have no or only minimal signs or symptoms.

When signs do occur, they typically appear as one or more blisters on or around the ____________ or ___________.

The blisters break, leaving tender _____________ that may take 2 to 4 weeks to heal the first time.

Typically, another outbreak can appear weeks or months after the first, but it almost always is less severe and shorter than the first outbreak.

Although the infection can stay in the body indefinitely, the number of outbreaks tend to
decrease over a period of years.

__________ makes it worse.

Other signs and symptoms during the primary episode may include a ___________, and
___________ symptoms, including ___________ & ___________.

Most individuals may never have sores, may have very mild signs that they do not even notice or that they mistake for insect bites or another skin condition.

Most people can expect to have several (typically 4 or 5) outbreaks a year.
genitals or rectum

ulcers (sores)


second crop of sores
fever & swollen glands
Genital herpes

Pregnancy & genital herpes:

It can cause potentially ____________ in babies.

It is important that women avoid contracting herpes during pregnancy because a first episode causes a greater risk of ___________ to the baby.

If a woman has active genital herpes at delivery, a cesarean delivery is usually performed.

Infection of a baby from a woman with herpes is rare.
fatal infections

Genital herpes

Diagnosis & Western Tx:

____________ or _____________.

No known western tx for this infection but recommended to _____________ & _____________.
Blood test or sample of sores during outbreaks

strengthens the immune system & reduce stress


Common sexually transmitted disease caused by the ____________ which can damage a woman's reproductive organs.

Even though symptoms of chlamydia are usually mild or absent, serious complications that cause irreversible damage, including ____________, can occur ''silently'' before a woman ever recognizes a problem.

It can also cause ____________ of an infected man.

An estimated 2.8 million Americans are infected each year.

Women are frequently re-infected if their sex partners are not treated.
bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis


discharge from the penis


It can be transmitted during ____________, _____________ or_____________.

Because the ____________ of teenage girls and young women is not fully matured, they are at particularly high risk for infection if sexually active.
vaginal, anal or oral sex



About 3/4 of infected ____________ and about 1/2 of infected ____________ have no symptoms.

If symptoms do occur, they usually do within 1 to 3 weeks after exposure.

Symptoms - Women (2):

When it spreads to the fallopian tubes (6):

Infected cervix can spread to the _____________.

Untreated infection can spread into the uterus or fallopian tubes and cause _____________.
abnormal vaginal discharge
burning sensation when urinating

lower abdominal pain
low back pain
pain during intercourse
bleeding between menstrual periods


inflammatory disease

Symptoms - Men (3):
discharge from their penis
burning sensation when urinating
burning and itching around the opening of the penis.

Symptoms - Men & women:

If rectum is infected (3):

____________ can be infected.

Rarely, can cause ____________ that can be accompanied by ____________ & ____________.
rectal pain


skin lesions & inflammation of the eye & urethra

Pregnancy & chlamydia:

Can be passed from infected mother to her baby during ____________.

There is some evidence that untreated infections can lead to ____________.

Babies can get the infection in their ____________ & ____________. Chlamydia is a leading cause of early infant ____________ & _____________ in newborn.
vaginal childbirth

premature delivery

eyes and respiratory tracts
pneumonia & conjunctivitis (pink eye)

Diagnosis & Western Tx:

Can be diagnosed with _____________ or ____________.

Tx: 1 week of ____________
urine sample or specimen collected from a site such as the penis or cervix

Hepatite B


Hepatitis B is a serious ____________ disease caused by a ____________ which is called ____________.

1 out of 20 people in the US have been infected with HBV some time during their lives.
hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Hepatite B


Spread by _____________ with an infected person.
You are at risk of HBV infection by sexual contact if you:
-are a sex partner of someone who is infected with HBV
-are sexually-active & are not in long-term, mutually monogamous relationship
-have other STDs
-are a man having sex with a man

Spread by exposure to infected ____________ or ____________.

Spread from infected mother to her infant during ____________.

Spread through (8):
having sex

blood from skin puncture or contact with mucous membranes


food or water
sharing eating utensils
casual contact
Hepatite B


Sometimes the person has no symptoms at all.

____________ people are more likely to have symptoms.

Symptoms might include (8):

Some develop chronic infection, that increases the risk for ____________, ____________ & ____________.

15 to 25 % of people with chronic HBV infection might die prematurely from ____________ or____________.

yellow skin or yellowing of your eyes (jaundice), tiredness
loss of appetite
abdominal discomfort
dark urine
grey coloured bowel movements
joint pain

cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), liver cancer & liver failure

liver cirrhosis or liver cancer
Hepatite B

Pregnancy & syphilis:

Can be spread to the infant during ____________.

Infants born from infected mothers need to get hepatitis B vaccine soon after birth to prevent
Hepatite B

Western diagnosis & Tx:

A _____________test is the only way to diagnose hepatitis B.

There are no medications available for recently acquired HBV infection.

There are ____________ drugs available for the treatment of chronic HBV infection.

Human Papilloma Virus Infection (HPV)


Caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) which is the name of the group of viruses that includes more than ____________ different strains.

More than 30 of these viruses are sexually transmitted.

Can infect the genitalia area of men & women including the _____________, ____________ or ____________ & the lining of the ____________, ____________ or ____________.

Most people will not have any symptoms & will clear the infection on their own.

Some of these viruses are called ''high-risk'' types & may cause ____________ & may also lead to cancer of the ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________ or ____________.

Others are called ''low-risk'' types & may cause mild ____________ or ____________.

Genital warts are single or multiple growths or bumps that appear in the genital area & sometimes are ____________ shaped.

At least 50% of sexually active men & women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives.

By age 50, at leat 80% of women will have acquired genital HPV infection.

skin of the penis, vulva or anus
vagina, cervix or rectum

abnormal Pap tests
cervix, vulva, vagina, anus or penis

Pap test abnormalities or genital warts

Human Papilloma Virus Infection (HPV)


The types of HPV that infect the genital area are spread primarily through ____________.

Most HPV infections have no signs or symptoms, therefore, most infected persons are unaware they are infected, yet they can transmit the virus to a sex partner.
genital contact
Human Papilloma Virus Infection (HPV)


Most people who have a genital HPV infection do not know they are infected.

The virus lives in the ___________ or ____________& usually causes no symptoms.

Very rarely, HPV infection results in ____________ or ____________ cancers.

Genital warts usually appear as _____________, _____________, _____________ or ____________ swelling, usually in the genital area.

They can be _____________ or _____________, _____________ or _____________, ______________ or _____________ & sometimes ______________ shaped.

They can appear (8):

After sexual contact with an infected person, warts may appear within weeks or months, or not at all.
skin or mucous membranes

anal or genital

soft, moist, pink or flesh-coloured

raised or flat
single or multiple
small or large

on the vulva
in or around the vagina
in or around the anus
on the cervix
on the penis
on the scrotum
on the groin
in the thigh
Human Papilloma Virus Infection (HPV)

Pregnancy & HPV:

Rarely, a pregnant woman can pass HPV to her baby during vaginal delivery.

A baby that is exposed to HPV very rarely develops warts in the _____________ or _____________.
throat or voice box
Human Papilloma Virus Infection (HPV)

Western diagnosis & Tx:

Genital warts are diagnosed by _____________.

Visible genital warts can be removed by medications the patient applies or by treatments performed by a health care provider.

Most women are diagnosed with HPV on the basis of _____________.

No HPV tests available for men.

There is no cure for HPV infection, although in most women infection goes away on its own.

The treatments provided are directed to the changes in the _____________ or ____________ caused by HPV infection, such as warts & pre-cancerous changes in the cervix.
visual inspection

abnormal Pap tests

skin or mucous membrane