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29 Cards in this Set

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frame of mind, powerful, affected by traits, transitory- responds differently with affect, tangible, here and now,
early theories of personality
phreneology- look for bumps and legions on someone's head and then use that to make predictoin.

physiognomy- decide which animal someone's face resembles
theory of humors
blood letting- removal of bile, imbalance of each element was represented in it's bite
elements- water, fire, land, air
unconscious- unaware, preconscious- not able to be verbalized, conscious- can be verablized
-get a person relaxed and they lessen their defenses
ego ideal
moral guide of how you see yourself
potential conflict btw enculrutration and ego ideal
ego defense mechanisms
protect the ego from reality- can be bad b/c it doesnt actually solve the problem
reverty to reaction used earlier in development
placing the negative thoughts somewhere in the mind where they will not be fonud, but the memory doesn't actually disspear
habit strength
formed through paired associations, activated by cues, amount of reinforced practice one has experienced, difficult to change. DRILL WORK.
aroused condition that activates behavior
homeostatic drives
hunger, thirst, movement, sex, pain avoidance
learned drives
fear, love, affiliation, prestige
cognitive stage
talk yourself through the skill to learn it,trial and error, slow process.
associative stage
learns to associate a particular set of movements with a certain result.
some sports have room for variability.
dominant response start to form
autonomous stage
response becomes automatic. higher drive means more elicitation of the dominant response. this stage is not always reached by all athletes.
rotter's social learning theory
situtation, generalzed expectancies and reinforcement/punishment values.
believes that human behaviors are learned in social situations and that we have the power to choose how to react.
3 regulatory systems in social learning theory
stimulus anticipation and control

respones feedback influences- positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment

cognitive processesw
low tension, anger, anxiety, depression, psych. fatigure, confusion, high vigor
self discipline
self relient, tough minded, work habit, work rate, perform under pressure
psychological core
developed mainly from early interaction with the social environment

most fundamental level of personality, most difficult to change
typical responses
represent the manner in which you usually react to and respond to the external world

BUT cannot assume from some behaviors that this shows the psychological core- need to examine behavior across different times and situations
role-related behavior
easiest to be changed.
generally not assumed to be valid indictors of psychological core

our behaviors change with our environment
Freudian Theory
patients relaxation, "free association", ID-ego-superego, ego ideal and conscience, ego defense mechanisms,
ego ideal
images of how you would like to be- morally correct
conscience (Freud)
internal actor that punishes individuals with guilt following moral transgressions
Allport's view on traits (6)
traits direct and sustain behavior and motivate us to act a certain way, generalizable, describe frequency-intensity-generalizability of behaviors, independent of other traits, may be measured emprically, behaviors that are inconsistent with a trait don't deny its existence
a person's placement in either introverted/extroverted, neuroticism, or psychoticism is largely based on hereditary factors
people do not behave as consistently or predictably as trait theorists predict